
"Golden Age": How to see Xiao Hong

author:Entertainment movies

Xiao Hong is a female writer, so she is concerned.

"Golden Age": How to see Xiao Hong

"Golden Age" shows us a unique narrative style, many films that reflect the biography of the characters are chronicled step by step according to the deeds of the characters, but the performance of "Golden Age" is refreshing, but this performance seems to be difficult to be accepted by the majority of the audience, first of all, the length of the film is 178 minutes, whether this is necessary, and secondly, there are many characters involved, which could have been streamlined, so the stars are praised, whether it can call on many fans to raise the box office of the film, and the film amplifies Xiao Hong's influence. Is it acceptable to the market? The above three problems seem to determine the market fate of the film.

"Golden Age": How to see Xiao Hong

First of all, it can be affirmed that director Xu Anhua pays tribute to Xiao Hong, the film deliberately presents a real Xiao Hong to the audience, but the director still has to consider the filmmakers, so the joining of powerful actors in the selection of many roles in the film is a major attraction. Celebrity biography genre films are no longer limited to the gap between actors and character appearances, Hollywood super powerful actor Merrill. Streep's "Iron Lady" is both visual and divine, but the box office is also unsatisfactory, and Ashton. Kutcher's "Jobs" although the actors are very serious about approaching Jobs himself in appearance and spirit, but the box office is also very disappointing. Nicole. Kidman's "Princess of Monaco" also had a dismal box office, and these examples are enough to show that shooting a celebrity biopic is a very risky thing, and if there is no more significant performance, it seems that it is difficult to win the box office. Speaking of "Xiao Hong" directed by Huo Jianqi in 2013, although it shows the miserable and ill-fated life of a female writer, it stays more on her colorful personal emotional life, and the box office is still bleak, "Golden Age" mainly presents the subtle emotional changes between Xiao Hong and Xiao Jun, and the gap between the two people's careers seems to be the real cause of emotional disintegration. This also shows that a female writer is more talented than the man she loves, unless the man can control her ideologically or materially, otherwise this woman will no longer take this man as her own heaven and earth, not to mention that this man has betrayed her emotionally, cheated several times, and actually has a leg with her girlfriend. Xiao Hong's literary achievements were looked up to, and she indulged her disdain for this man even more, although she was still so disconnected from him in her heart, after all, he accompanied her through the most depressed years. Husband and wife are originally the same forest birds, and it is difficult to fly separately. It is not that Xiao Jun cannot spend his life with him, but that Xiao Hong gradually becomes independent materially or spiritually, and Xiao Jun can only rely on derailment to smooth his embarrassment by cheating in his own promotion.

"Golden Age": How to see Xiao Hong

The narrative approach of the film takes the form of a documentary, presenting us with a short and miserable life through the oral memories of cultural celebrities who had brief contact with Xiao Hong. Such a performance method should actually be the good intentions of the director or screenwriter, because such a performance can fully show the audience the true side of the protagonist, but this way of expression is actually a bit redundant, because if the screenwriter wants to overturn the previous biographical works about Xiao Hong, then he must seriously collect all the memoirs of characters related to Xiao Hong, such as Ding Ling, Xiao Jun, Duanmu Hongliang and other past events with Xiao Hong. So it feels like the screenwriter is working so hard to create the play, but can such a result bring a better fate to the film? Perhaps the team of "Golden Age" does not care much about the success of the box office, it seems that they are key to telling the audience what kind of character Xiao Hong is. Xiao Hong's works are far less eye-catching than Zhang Ailing, one of the four talented women of the Republic of China, so there are certain problems in the acceptance of the audience, and Xiao Hong, as a sad female writer, her influence is obviously not as shocking as the death of star Ruan Lingyu, so for such a nearly strange female writer, it seems very difficult to pry the audience's desire to pry the audience's voyeurism. Maybe that unbearable period was Xiao Hong's golden age, but the movie "Golden Age" appeared in this era, not its golden age. People are eager for material supplies in impetuousness, but they can't understand how Xiao Hong wrote her difficult life in that era.

"Golden Age": How to see Xiao Hong

The renovation of the film's narrative actually has the same drawbacks, because looking at Xiao Hong through the third eye, obviously invisibly increasing the length of the film, is very different from the performance method of the narrative, so that the segmented flashback narration is easy for the audience to lose their minds, and it is impossible to concentrate on the completeness of Xiao Hong's extraordinary life. Although such a performance of the film can indirectly allow more cultural celebrities to appear on the screen, such an appearance does not seem to help Xiao Hong's charming portrayal of Personality more, but on the contrary, it causes a feeling of procrastination and fragmentation in the film. There is also an attempt to truly present the picture of how Xiao Hong fights with the world, hunger and cold, and emotions, so it also presents some doubtful bridges, but such a appearance obviously emphasizes the difficulty of the audience's sense of substitution for this role, and the young audience who are accustomed to the gorgeous and indiscriminate "Little Times" will not be so easily infatuated with Xiao Hong, and it is clear that "Golden Age" is destined to be its niche and literary youth.

"Golden Age": How to see Xiao Hong

There is also a film that obviously goes to the realistic model, so the picture soundtrack does not deliberately add oil and vinegar, but blindly shows Xiao Hong's pain and pain, which may be the director's style, so we will not see the rather elaborate aesthetic style in Wong Kar-wai's film, compared to the director's "Sister Peach" can charm the audience, more is the difference in the identity and status between the protagonists The human warmth that surges can touch the audience's inner nerves. It is not that Xiao Hong's works do not have greater influence, but the long era, the sadness of the chaotic world, has exhausted the curiosity of the audience, they are obviously more concerned about the affairs around them, and will not be moved by the misery of a woman who pursues freedom and happiness in an era of suffering, and appear to be full of interest.

"Golden Age": How to see Xiao Hong

Robert. McKee said that the protagonist's outlook on life is the soul of the film, and biopics like "The Golden Age" are destined to show Xiao Hong's outlook on life as fixed, what she presents is stable emotion, a pleasant state of mind and undisturbed inspirational demands, she is not as powerful as Ding Ling in the spiritual world, she needs someone to take care of her, she is a weak woman after all, she is not a soldier with a rich spirit, so such a character is doomed to the tragedy of her life. The film is actually a closed ending, not an open-ended reverie. This is the fixed model of biopics, and it is also the fate of a genre film that is difficult to win at the box office.

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