
If you receive such an "epidemic prevention" call, please hang up immediately!

author:Peaceful Thistle State


When I suddenly received a call from the self-proclaimed health and epidemic prevention department,

Defendant's knowledge:

"There is a problem with your nucleic acid test report,

You may be a close contact,

And there's a problem with your itinerary code..."

At this time, in order to prove your innocence,

Tell the other person,

"I haven't been out lately.

How could there be a problem?"

And then the other person will tell you,

There is a problem with the system,

Need to re-check your information,

A link was sent asking for personal information.

At this time, you have to be vigilant!

Remember the police reminder,

Unknown links do not click, strange calls do not trust,

Personal information is not disclosed, transfer and remittance are more verified,

If you accidentally listen to the other person's words,

Fill in the relevant personal information online,

The other party will tell you that the verification code has been sent,

and regenerated the itinerary code,

When you tell the other person the verification code,

The money in your bank card will be taken away by scammers!


According to CCTV News,

There are some people on the Internet who claim that

Nucleic acid test results can be "quickly released"

"Expedited results in half an hour at the earliest",

However, there is an additional charge.

These are all fakes too! Don't believe it!

Nucleic acid results must be determined by

Qualified persons certified by the health department

Issued by a hospital or third-party testing agency

There is no such thing as calling

Private channels

If you receive such an "epidemic prevention" call, please hang up immediately!

▲Source: CCTV News.

In the chat group, there are messages such as "fast nucleic acid test results", "urgent fastest half an hour", and "nucleic acid testing can be done at home". Remember one thing: you can do it for an additional fee, it is all a scammer's routine.

Do not be gullible in the misinformation of the Internet and so-called "private channels". This may not only affect their normal travel, but also fall into the scam of illegal enrichment by criminals.

wary! wary! wary!

These are scams


Scam Identity: Impersonating a "COVID-19 StreamEr"

Method: Call you, intimidate the purpose of the disease: trick you into buying medicine

The other party called himself "a director of the prevention and control center", telling you that there were abnormalities in the health code and test report, and you may be infected with new crown pneumonia, but it is still in the incubation period, and the situation is not too serious. The other party will reveal on the phone that there is now a special drug, only 5800 yuan for three courses, and it will restore health if you insist on taking it every day.

Fake! At present, there is no special medicine for new crown pneumonia, as long as you hear the other party say similar things, please hang up the phone immediately and report it! Recently, in order to accurately check the close contacts, sub-close contacts, key groups and the general population, and effectively control the epidemic situation, there are indeed new crown pneumonia epidemic investigators who are carrying out circulation work on contacts of confirmed cases. After the investigators indicate their identity, they will not inquire about the property, claim to have special drugs, etc., and only need to verify the following contents: 1. Basic personal information: including name, ID card number, contact information (commonly used mobile phone number), home address, family members, etc.; Health status: including whether there are recent symptoms of discomfort, nucleic acid testing; Recent itinerary: including the specific itinerary within 14 days, means of transportation, who has been in contact (with whom to live, study, work, play or other close contact, whether effective protective measures have been taken); Other useful information for disease prevention and control.

Scam two

Identity: Impersonating "relevant authorities, institutions"

Method: Text for various reasons

Purpose: Trick you into clicking on the virus link

If you receive such an "epidemic prevention" call, please hang up immediately!

These texts are all fake! Don't click on unfamiliar links, don't fill in personal information, see such information, please delete it immediately.

This is a scam that packages fraudulent SMS as epidemic prevention tips, in the past there was an appointment for vaccination content, and now there are 3 hours to do nucleic acid, accidental protection to arrive and other excuses, no matter how to package, it is basically to send a text message containing a "phishing website" link to induce clicking on the link. Scam three

Status: Posing as a "Vaccination Census Investigator"

Method: Apply for WeChat friends and pull in various group chats

Purpose: Trick you into brushing orders

If you receive such an "epidemic prevention" call, please hang up immediately!

This is of course fake! What does vaccination have to do with doing tasks? It's just one way for scammers to approach you. As long as the other party pulls you into the group, please quit immediately!

If you receive such an "epidemic prevention" call, please hang up immediately!

Reminder again: 1. If the nucleic acid test result is positive, the cd-operative department will immediately transfer it to the designated hospital for medical treatment, and carry out circulation traceability, check the close contacts and sub-close contacts, and it is impossible to call them to take special drugs at home. 2. The epidemic prevention and control command and the CDC will not sell the so-called special drugs for the treatment of new crown pneumonia to the masses. 3. Nucleic acid results can be queried through official channels such as health codes.

Please always keep in mind that good things do not often happen, there is no pie in the sky, although the scammer's tricks are various, but one thing is the same, that is, it will definitely induce everyone to fill in bank cards, passwords, mobile phone verification codes and other special periods of time The citizens must be vigilant and beware of being deceived!