
"Breakthrough zhifu, meritorious service to me" Wang Juntao: adhere to the first line of safe production

author:Yantai Radio and Television Station

   Wang Juntao, 43, is a demobilized soldier who is currently the chief of the Industrial and Commercial Safety Supervision Section of the Zhifu District Safety Production Supervision Brigade. In the 13 years of practice, he summed up the phrase "carefully and on thin ice" in eight words. But even so, he did not flinch and still stuck to the front line of safe production in the whole region.

  Scene: "Ammonia-related refrigeration side, Gao Lei, ammonia-related refrigeration side of the latest data, here again statistics on whether it is good or not, the situation of ammonia-related refrigeration transformation, including the situation of our manuscript submission, and then dock with the street to connect the data ..."

  Early in the morning, after Wang Juntao assigned tasks to Corey's staff, he rushed to the construction site of the elevator installation safety testing equipment in Xinyiyuan Community.

"Breakthrough zhifu, meritorious service to me" Wang Juntao: adhere to the first line of safe production

  Site: "We Yantai City elevator safety equipment operating device installation project, the first phase of the project is now under construction, today we emergency bureau as the lead competent department, we today to the construction site to take a brief look, docking the progress of the project." ”

  Scene: "What we are asking for now, you are like a balance sensor, can only be photoelectric, is it because we are now installing this device is electromagnetic, right?" Right. The two form a disturbance, don't they? Right. Can you open the door now, let's see? OK. ”

  After 11 floors of careful inspection, the work here has finally come to an end. Then Wang Juntao drove to Yantai Xiwang Meat Food Co., Ltd. to inspect and confirm the completion of the company's ammonia fluorine conversion project.

"Breakthrough zhifu, meritorious service to me" Wang Juntao: adhere to the first line of safe production

  Wang Juntao, head of the Industry and Commerce Section of the Zhifu District Emergency Management Bureau: "Last year, we set up a safety production command center in the whole district, as the leading department of the ammonia-related refrigeration special class in Zhifu District, we are also under great pressure, mainly we are the first, for the upgrading and transformation of ammonia-related refrigeration enterprises in the whole district, we have a special supervision, there are some small-scale, or the hidden dangers of ammonia equipment in the past are relatively large, we take this opportunity to promote and guide enterprises to promote ammonia to fluorine, at that time, the pressure and resistance are indeed relatively large. ”

  As an important distribution center for aquatic products and fruits such as apples in the country, Zhifu District has certain requirements for the number and scale of processing enterprises and refrigerated refrigeration warehouses supporting them. It is understood that since the official operation of the special class in February last year, combined with the current situation of ammonia-related refrigeration enterprises in the whole region, a total of 6 rounds of full coverage inspections of ammonia-related refrigeration enterprises have been carried out, and the total number of hidden dangers investigated and handled and the proportion of penalties rank among the best in the city.

"Breakthrough zhifu, meritorious service to me" Wang Juntao: adhere to the first line of safe production

  Wang Juntao, head of the Industry and Commerce Section of the Zhifu District Emergency Management Bureau, said: "There should be 57 days of continuous work, overtime at night until eleven or twelve o'clock, which is the norm, so the body can't stay up a bit during that time." ”

  Hospitalized due to illness, but Wang Juntao could not let go of the work of the ammonia-related special class. Even the nurse thought he was the person with the most calls and the most things in the entire ward, and laughed that he was not in the hospital, but on a conference call. As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, Wang Juntao immediately returned to his post.

"Breakthrough zhifu, meritorious service to me" Wang Juntao: adhere to the first line of safe production

  Wang Juntao, head of the Industry and Commerce Section of the Zhifu District Emergency Management Bureau: "It should be said that in recent years, the pressure has become greater and greater, the hair has become less and less, the energy invested in the work is more and more, the care for the people in the family is less and less, including their own physical health, maybe we pay less attention to it, now you are like our bureau, now there are many people with health problems in this situation, this is not broadcast, so sometimes it is said that you are a good civil servant, you are not a good family, Indeed, this statement is one of the most profound manifestations of us. ”

  It is precisely under the unremitting efforts of Wang Juntao and colleagues in the special class that a total of 4 ammonia fluorine conversion enterprises have been completed throughout the year, and 3 have been relocated, and the overall transformation rate of ammonia-related refrigeration enterprises has been increased by 61.54%, which has further improved the intrinsic safety level of ammonia-related refrigeration enterprises in the region.

"Breakthrough zhifu, meritorious service to me" Wang Juntao: adhere to the first line of safe production

  Scene: "Now this forest fire prevention, should be to the time of fire prevention and control, now the fire pressure at all levels is very large, and the energy involved is also very large, the heartache of our grass-roots front-line fire prevention team members is very hard, you are like a 24-hour guard, it can be said that the big guys are not easy." ”

  Li Yufeng, director of the Minxing Joint Stock Economic Cooperative in Chu Street: "This year I went to them again to clean up the fallen leaves in this winter, and get him the land of some ordinary people again. ”

  Leaving Xiwang Company, Wang Juntao came to the fire prevention point in Beishangfang, Only Chu Street, to supervise the implementation of fire prevention work. The morning flew by in his busy work.

"Breakthrough zhifu, meritorious service to me" Wang Juntao: adhere to the first line of safe production

  Scene: "Every day, the basic state of our work is to start at 8:30, generally the noon meal is not too fixed, a short break at noon, an afternoon and an afternoon arrangement, every day we are in the enterprise, the office, basically our rhythm is such a rhythm." ”

  Wang Juntao, head of the Industry and Commerce Section of the Zhifu District Emergency Management Bureau: "In fact, I have summarized 13 years of work, I feel the deepest understanding, I have summarized 8 words, called careful, such as walking on thin ice, now it is through our work, we can keep the soil responsible, guard the soil responsibly, can ensure the stable momentum of safe production in Our Zhifu District, my biggest wish is this." ”