
Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

author:Florist Xiao Qi

Longevity flowers bloom very beautifully, the variety is very many, the number of people raised is very much, but many novices raise longevity flowers once dead, it is difficult to raise it well, only every autumn to buy new, can see them blossom. In fact, longevity flowers are very good to raise, when we raise it, we must ensure that it is needed, and we can raise it on demand so that there will be no problems. Today I will tell you about the "4 mistakes" that we make most often in raising longevity flowers, which are caused by the rush to achieve success, as long as you are not in a hurry, you can not have a problem, because rushing to achieve success will only backfire, so that the more she raises, the worse it is.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

1. Use large flower pots

There are a lot of flower friends who are relatively lazy, he is in a hurry, I just need to plant it into a large pot, and I don't need to change the pot for him later. This kind of thinking is not only possible on longevity flowers, but also on other plants. Because the entire large pot of soil is planted directly in a large pot, the root system is tightly wrapped in it, which will only lead to the situation of stuffy roots and rotten roots in the watering soil. And most people are cultivated indoors, indoor ventilation is poor, the light is relatively weak, so it will be easier to have problems. Therefore, plant longevity flowers with small pots, good breathability of the soil, and use short pots.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

Longevity flowers are plants with shallow roots, and there is no main root, most of them are capillary roots, and only small pots can raise it well. If it grows big enough, you can change the pot regularly once a year so that nothing goes wrong. After the small pot is watered, it can dry quickly, and it can ensure that the root system is not rotten and dry, and it can cover the entire pot, absorb sufficient nutrients to let it grow leaves to flower, and the leaves have always remained oily green.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

2, do not flower frequently with phosphate fertilizer

We raise longevity flowers in the family just bought back with flowers, after raising a year after the flowering period it will not flower, this time many flower friends will blindly use phosphate fertilizer for it, the common potassium dihydrogen phosphate frequent use of it. Phosphate fertilizer to the plant after the use of will not obviously appear to burn leaves and burn roots, will only let our longevity flowers appear small leaves, look very hypertrophic, some of the leaves are uneven, the color is a very dark green color, this situation is caused by more phosphorus.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

Because the flowering of longevity flowers does not mean that the phosphorus element is insufficient, it is necessary to meet various conditions to be able to flower. For example, it is a plant with short daylight, we must ensure that the light time is between four and six hours, so that if we go to the operation for a month and then replenish the phosphate fertilizer, it will be able to flower. The simple use of phosphate fertilizer will cause its leaf deformity, and the whole plant will not grow, and in the end it will completely die of zombie seedlings. If you want to use flower-promoting fertilizer, the most basic one or two times a month can be, and more will cause problems.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

3, afraid of rotten roots do not dare to water

We all know that longevity flowers in the home is easy to rot root situation, rotten roots after the whole plant does not grow, and even the entire plant will completely rot, this time many flower friends to hear others say that can not water more, watering more will rot roots, do not dare to water it, in the end you will find that its leaves have been thin and wrinkled, there will be a dry bottom leaf, is due to lack of water caused.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

Longevity flower It is a kind of succulent, the leaves are relatively thick, more drought-tolerant, but if you want it to grow normally, water can not be lacking, want it to grow rapidly, let it flower up and flower longer, can not lack water. Lack of water will inevitably dry roots, capillary roots of plants will affect growth after drying, so with small pots of low pots of good breathability of the soil cultivation, pot soil is about to dry thoroughly and water thoroughly in time, it will not rot roots. As long as it is not the surface of the soil is still very wet you continue to water, as long as it is not after you water ten days and half a month do not dry, it will not rot roots. You ensure ventilation according to Xiao Qi's words, and it is almost dry and watered in time, which is the most correct watering method.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

4, after the spring also urge flowers

We raise longevity flowers in order to make them flower, and it is the most beautiful after flowering. After the first stubble of flowers blooms in the spring, some flower friends will continue to urge him to bloom and let him open the second stubble and the third stubble. You should remember that the longevity flower is also a plant that is afraid of high temperatures, and if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, it will grow slowly and even go directly to sleep.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

Now the temperature has gradually increased, if you let it flower again, from its buds to open, at least one to two months, this time after the flowering will inevitably come to the summer, just after the flowering root system did not grow much, has been consuming nutrients, to the summer it will be more difficult to spend the summer, to the end there will be root problems, or do not recover, the whole plant yellow leaves die. So now after entering the spring, after the longevity flower has finished, don't let it flower, first raise the roots, ensure proper watering, regularly replenish the fertilizer with high nitrogen, let it grow good roots, and grow enough leaves.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

When the leaves are long and thick, and the root system is developed after the summer, even if we do not water in the summer, its leaves will not be thin, and the whole plant will not be beaten, and it will be able to spend the summer safely. In the autumn, if you go to the appropriate point of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, it will be able to quickly grow new branches, and the top of the new branches will then be able to flower. It must be remembered that summer dormant or semi-dormant plants, in the spring, first raise roots, first raise plants, let his plants have a robust root system developed, and only in the summer season can they spend it peacefully, anxious to see flowers, blindly urging flowers, will lead to summer difficulty.

Longevity flowers are raised to die once, because they often make "4 mistakes", and rushing to achieve success will only backfire

Longevity flowers are raised once and die once, all because these 4 mistakes are often made. We raise in the family, according to Xiao Qi said do not rush to achieve, to be reasonable in accordance with its habits to raise, pots with small, with short, with good breathability of the soil, fertilizer regular quantitative use, to choose the right, not too frequent, watering to keep up, do not blindly excessive drought, do not water too much, wait until the spring after the flowering, prune it, use a little high nitrogen fertilizer to promote his new shoots and long roots, then the summer can be safely spent. In autumn, as long as the plant is strong, you can grow new shoots by watering it, and you can flower quickly with potassium dihydrogen phosphate.