
(Zhou Yun) Xiyi Sister Horoscope of the Zodiac from March 14 to March 20, 2022

(Zhou Yun) Xiyi Sister Horoscope of the Zodiac from March 14 to March 20, 2022

Zodiac Mouse (March 14 - March 20)

This week can get the support of nobles, in work or life can also give a certain amount of support and help, you can encounter problems when you ask others for help, even if others can not help can also be on the side of the point, occasionally by others to pay attention to the situation, or others to seek their own opinions, although the villain has but weaker, the impact on themselves is not large.

Career: This week's interpersonal line has become clear, and some people will be overhead and cut their power. There are many subtle changes in interpersonal or social circles that may make you more certain about who needs to be close, maintained, and who needs to keep their distance. For freelancers, this week's Co-op games are promoted and there is a payment settlement. There are contracts to be implemented, paperwork is still more, there are tasks issued, it will squeeze out your personal time, and some people will take a break.

In terms of financial fortune: this week, it is better to be careful and stable in terms of money, business people need to work hard and diligently, and investment needs to be cautious, repeated operations, wait-and-see, and avoid partnerships. Some people may be involved in housing, relocation, renting, temporary separation from home and family separation for a period of time. Things about feelings, cooperation, workplace, and real estate will expose some problems, so take this time as an opportunity to find problems and solve problems, and find more reasons for yourself. Some people may be involved in travel, travel, study, examinations, further education, school choice, trade, publication, overseas investment and other matters to communicate and negotiate, the process should be smooth, or have the opportunity to deal with the affairs that have been handled before.

Emotional aspect: Some people are more depressed, there will be inner needs that have not been met, if necessary, they should tell their partners so that they can meet your needs. There are some people who are in long-distance relationships and will have the opportunity to reunite. Companions should pay attention to accommodating each other this week, and do not take care of themselves to decide some things, otherwise the other party will think that you do not value TA. Single people this week do not talk about the strong, implement to the action on the instigation, sometimes need to be brave to push themselves, brave once.

Health: headache, inflammation, fever, teeth, toes, allergies, fatigue, gastritis, uterus, low back pain, kidneys.

Zodiac Bull (March 14 - March 20)

If a good opportunity is given to you, don't refuse it right away, observe more, or try to be as tactful as possible in communication, otherwise it is easy to give others too serious or pessimistic impressions. Better interpersonal relationships can get the support and help of noble people, listen to the opinions of others, and be able to make a favorable guide to their work.

Career: This week worked smoothly, but it was busy and hasty. Although it can be improved in the new opportunities, it is necessary to grasp it in time, try to restrain its own slack and lazy emotions, and in its own inherent expertise and career, it is necessary to be cautious about some small things that prevent micro-gradualness, and avoid slow progress due to neglect of details. Interpersonal relationships are good and bad, when you need help, you can get the support of others, more are colleagues or friends at the same level, it is difficult to get the promotion of the leadership boss, and occasionally there will be a situation of ignoring the help of others.

In terms of fortune: this week there is a harvest of labor, and it should not be neglected to spend carelessly. Although the wealth of business friends is very strong, they also need to actively explore and expand the market. More social interaction will be a small leakage of money, and only by paying will there be a reward. But there are unplanned, unplanned expenses, such as spending on children, renovations, buying furniture, or growing grass on a certain interest in one's own mind. Some people start a certain money plan, new financial trends, such as salary adjustments brought about by new jobs and new positions, investment, loans, insurance, debt, mortgages, business cooperation, etc. can see some progress and results, and there are some risks, unstable liquidity, etc.

Emotional aspect: Companions need to adjust their focus and understand each other this week in order to create a harmonious family atmosphere. There is no need to ask too much for each other, give each other a certain amount of free space, when there is a contradiction, as long as the two sides make more communication efforts can be easily resolved. In particular, the chance of emotional intruders in long-distance relationships increases, triggering breakups. Single people this week is not suitable to confess to the person they like earlier, it is appropriate to do more outings, dating should be in more popular places. Some people are in full bloom, and when they go out, they should hold their firm ideas and put their minds into the right thing, so as not to be seduced by the improper opposite sex and fall into the peach trap.

Health: throat, rhinitis, tonsils, thyroid, reproductive system, fever, migraine, burns, toothache, heart.

Zodiac Tiger (March 14 - March 20)

This week's interpersonal relationships can be better supported by nobles, with the assistance of others, suddenly appear in the turnaround, cooperation can play their own advantages, many obstacles can be gradually resolved, can interact with others more smoothly suitable for more social activities.

Career: This week's work changes should be flexible, feel the changes in personnel, responsibilities, environmental changes, etc., some people's attitudes are wavering, and may also become more conservative in attitudes and decisions than before. It may also bring interpersonal relationship friction and conflict of opinions, do not let yourself be caught in the power struggle of some people, and stay away from people who are harmful to you. Some people will have some result trends, such as the announcement of a certain message, the appointment of a certain candidate, and the determination of a decision. It may also bring you potential and attractive new job opportunities.

Financial luck: There are many financial changes this week, loans, investments, capital splits, borrowing money to repay money, feeling the importance and tension of money, wanting to make more money or save more money. It is necessary to ensure cash flow and avoid being limited when used. And the previous things related to documents, travel, vehicle failures, examinations, training, publishing, distribution, trade cooperation, seeing new opportunities, changes, twists or progressing smoothly, so that you can deal with a certain money matter, rekindle confidence, restore optimism or make money more enthusiasm.

Emotional aspects: the feelings of companions this week are not tacit understanding, verbal disputes are inevitable but will not cause estrangement, do not be too impatient with housework, and reconciling contradictions is the only way to run into each other's living habits. Even small frictions can be quickly eliminated, and sometimes these small episodes can make you feel that love is colorful and more persistent about the road ahead. Singles may be the ones they can talk to each other this week. Some people are suitable to confess to the person they like, but it depends on the specific situation, and if the interaction is still shallow, it is appropriate to be patient.

Health: bronchial, neuralgia, cough, rhinitis, throat, strain, cramps, bone network, gastrointestinal tract.

Zodiac Rabbit (March 14 - March 20)

This week, we need to adjust our mentality at any time to deal with it, not to be too aggressive, and to do things steadily. There will be contradictions or disagreements in communication or collaboration, but being able to get the guidance of others can also get the direction to solve problems, and even if there are differences with others, you can also find favorable opportunities or new starting points.

Career: This week's work on writing, compiling, cooperating, reporting, trading, signing, trading, marketing, may not follow the original process, progress, need to find a suitable solution. Some people start new business projects, take on new jobs, have new career opportunities, and are given more authority and responsibilities by their supervisors. It may also be that some people face the division and reorganization of department personnel, company decoration and address relocation in the workplace. You may run, meet, discuss, or meet some people who are not in tune with you, do not cooperate, are difficult to get along with, and lose their temper, and their speech needs to be cautious and do not blacken themselves.

Financial: There is a determination to change this week, but there is insufficient action, and the implementation of the plan is difficult. The results will not fluctuate too much, basically maintain the status quo, and it is most reliable to want to make a breakthrough. During this time, it is suitable to decorate and arrange the home environment, moving, relocating, decorating, and emotional topics, someone has a change in attitude and opinion, there are unexpected situations to deal with, and there is no evaluation before, planned to go to the place, to remedy.

Emotional aspects: the companion has a disagreement with the family this week, there are more family problems, difficult to integrate the contradictions, or can be handled, and did not refuse to communicate, need to moderately adjust the emotions and tolerate more. Some people may be faced with continuing or separating the topic, and this contradiction is already a painful old disease, and if it is not handled well, it will re-emerge. Some people have little chance of ending loneliness, and when they have time, they should go outside more, participate in more group activities, expand their social circles, meet different types of friends, and find it easier to find the object of their choice.

Health: cough, on fire, gastrointestinal, uterus, allergies, eczema, heart, dislocation, low back pain, joints.

Zodiac Dragon (March 14 - March 20)

Don't blame yourself too much, this is a time to test patience. You will also re-examine and re-evaluate your relationship with your team and circle of friends.

Career: This week's work is up and down, it is easy to procrastinate, for the plan and program need to take a proper cooperative approach, you can refer to the opinions of others to promote their own success, remember too subjective or decisive, it is inevitable that there will be places that cannot be considered. Interpersonal relationships are mixed, and they think about it in advance so that they can handle it with ease, can obtain new cognition or opportunities with the help of nobles, and occasionally bring certain surprises or unexpected benefits to themselves, and need to give back appropriately.

Financial luck: This week's financial fortunes have improved, and the financial aspects will be recognized through efforts and performance, which is conducive to career promotion and position transfer. Some people want to relax, rest, be more alone and think about time, easy to see the pros and cons, will speed up the family real estate affairs you manage, about the property money decision, involving investment, insurance, loans, debt, equity, transfer and so on. In life, you become more popular, more people are willing to come to you, cooperate with you, and pay attention to the impression they make on those around you. Some people will go to the gym, get dressed, lose fat, buy clothes, hairstyles.

Emotional aspect: The companion will temporarily focus most of his time on work or life this week, and at the same time need to ease the emotions and contradictions of the family, otherwise it will affect the feelings between the two people, need to dilute the problem, seek common ground while reserving differences, and appropriately consider each other's perspective. Single people this week a small number of people's ability to improve, in the eyes of some of the opposite sex in the eyes of the sudden increase in value, your side will slowly appear some deliberately pleasing to your object, do not be moved casually, but to keep a more eye to observe whether they are sincere to you.

Health: heart rate, shoulder and neck, heat stroke, calf, ankle, knife wounds, skin, colds, throat, allergies.

Zodiac Snake (March 14 - March 20)

Be cautious of others laughing and hiding knives, don't just covet other people's good words, be cautious of ulterior motives, and may also help you understand a truth and understand your own or someone's psychological motives.

Career: Although there are ups and downs in the work, it is easy to block the work, you need to keep a good mood at any time and not be swayed by various conditions, let nature be within the scope of your own control, and it is not recommended to implement new plans or programs. This week, interpersonal relations are mediocre, cooperation is more laborious, disagreements are inevitable to ask others for help, and it is only possible to get the help of others, it is difficult to get dedicated help. Occasionally come to join the fun do not mistakenly think that it is a noble person, will encounter do not understand or do not support, encounter rejection or picky is not to meet the villain, may just be the right thing and not the right person.

In terms of fortune: This week's fortunes are damaged, and we must be careful everywhere in interpersonal relations, and we must guard against accidental disasters caused by mutual harm. Some will reconsider matters related to study, examinations, further studies, travel, publication, relocation, overseas living and overseas investment, and some will be related to matters of legal proceedings. It will also temporarily escape from the complex interpersonal or hectic state of the workplace. Some people may once again solve a problem related to their children. Women during pregnancy should be careful, it is easy to cause accidental injuries.

Emotional aspect: This week may be in the relationship communication, tolerance, patience is reduced, and create conflict, do not break the taboo on a whim. Some people like to take the risk of trying a sexual relationship, or have an extramarital spiritual relationship, or in an ambiguous relationship. When you feel inclined to someone and want to pursue someone, ask yourself whether the other party is just an ideal role in your mind, and the other party is not exactly as you think in real life, or the other party is a weak object that wants you to protect and take care of, so pay attention to the rotten peach blossoms.

Health: diarrhea, waist, sports injuries, cramps, feet, allergies, anxiety.

Zodiac Horse (March 14 - March 20)

This week's work needs to be grasped well, it is not appropriate to be radical or stubborn, although the planned things cannot be implemented quickly, and the effort to be careful can still make progress.

Career: There is more turmoil in the work this week, and many people may have jumped ship, and this instability, change, adjustment, restructuring, and downsizing has a greater chance of occurring. If you have a tangled problem before, you will find some answers, or some reluctant thoughts before, and the passive state in communication will be adjusted and changed. Involving negotiation and signing, public relations, marketing, publicity, and trading work can be safely advanced. Some will be recognized for some positive changes in salary, responsibilities, or new career opportunities.

Financial luck: This week there is the energy to boost confidence, courage, and state, to open a new plan for yourself, which may be related to speeches, debriefing, travel, talks, consultations, signings, transactions and other matters, but there will be inconsistencies between words and deeds, and the heart wants to retreat conservatively, but the action wants to be resolute and decisive. Either way, it brings you different thinking and different perspectives. Whether it is diet, sleep, fitness, running, or doing a new hairstyle, styling, etc., it is beneficial to improve self-confidence, but it is best to avoid medical, cosmetic and other surgeries in the near future.

Emotional aspect: companions can be properly romantic this week, occasionally say some nice love words or useful, need to properly release their own advantages, so that the other party can rely on. There have been a lot of compound, Cold War issues lately, and whether you and the other party have not considered it at this time, it is possible to maintain the current state. Although single people this week in confidence and courage, ask themselves what they think, quickly put away their lazy hearts, cheer up, the probability of meeting the true destiny is very high.

Health: burns, inflammation, fever, waist, legs and feet, enteritis, diarrhea, head, rheumatism.

Zodiac Sheep (March 14 - March 20)

A more positive mentality requires appropriate efforts and efforts, can resolve more problems and obstacles, to make up for the old problems need to be appropriately more thoughtful, while solving their own problems can also help others solve more problems.

Career: This week will have some feeling of not stopping, this kind of non-stop refers to the activities, business trips, travel, writing, communication, debriefing, transaction-related things, see more people, communicate, run more places. Some people may let what happened before reappear some continuous changes. Some people will be more smooth when it comes to business cooperation, negotiation, and signing. Experienced changes in interpersonal friendships, circles, and teams, joined a community, interest group, workplace, department shutdown and transfer, and personnel transfer.

Financial luck: This week's fortunes have improved, and you should be careful about borrowing. Some people can have family gatherings, decorations, loans, mortgages, purchases of furniture, appliances, decorations, decorations, etc., or communicate with family, family, real estate and money-related matters, but may also bring differences of opinion. Some people get refunds, reimbursements, budgets, overdrafts to clear debts. Regarding business cooperation and signing, you can safely move forward. It may also bring some people the opportunity to travel, vacation, party, and play.

Emotional aspect: This week can make people consider whether each other is suitable, and there are discordant and harmonious places in age, family, living habits, and circles. Some people may also have family members who have negative opinions about your emotional relationship. Single people have good peach blossom luck, and those who have a favorite should take the initiative and will get a good response. You can choose the right time to confess to the person you want, or make a sudden confession. Some people have long-distance relationships. People who dare not be interested should also refuse in time to avoid falling into unnecessary emotional entanglements in the future.

Health: pharyngitis, eyes, colds, coughs, vocal cords, stones, sprains, kidneys, reproductive system.

Zodiac Monkey (March 14 - March 20)

Steadfastness and stability, there are more opportunities, some unexpected rewards will make you flattered, you need to keep yourself in good shape at all times, because some noble person is likely to be silently observing you.

Career: Although this week is busy but fulfilling, this busyness is manifested in more time spent dealing with people, or writing plans, planning, debriefing, reporting, communicating, and meeting. However, there may also be some temporary, unexpected situations, to change the original plan, process, the progress has been interrupted, suspended. It may also bring repeated revisions, discussions, old accounts, loopholes, travel plan adjustments, and delays.

In terms of financial fortune: If you are a little risky and want to increase investment, it is not appropriate to invest, invest in shares and other risks and self can not grasp at all. Calm down, now is not a good time, and it is quite different from the expected assumptions. Business people will have a chaotic account situation, and it is easy to make mistakes in sales, or a situation of profit and thinness, and it is not suitable for investment to intervene, and the situation of ups and downs from time to time is difficult to control. Some people in family life may have to pay back a certain living expenses, renew insurance, and deal with old investments, debts, taxes, allowances, grants, budgets, scholarships, etc. again.

Emotional aspect: Companions are easily tempted this week, but don't indulge, it will be difficult to end up in trouble. It is easy to bring some suspicion and doubt, or inexplicable some sense of insecurity and instability, perhaps from something that has happened in the past, a scar in the heart that has not been solved, you can frankly tell the concerns, do not bury them in the heart. Singles have the opportunity to develop deeply with excellent objects this week, which needs to be well grasped. Pay attention to the communication, communication, interpersonal relationship, whether it is verbal or written expression, confession, be careful of the expression of wrong feelings, wrong intentions, wrong words, misunderstanding of the other party's meaning.

Health: joints, waist, neuralgia, strains, hands, feet, shoulders and neck, allergies.

Zodiac Chicken (March 14 - March 20)

Make a decision when faced with an important choice, weighing the pros and cons. In the communication of people around you, it is also possible to show some radical or angry emotions, calm down, discuss things, and don't let emotions interfere with you.

Career: This week will be hard and busy, your needs, solutions may have objections, questions, not recognized, but also let you take the initiative to solve problems, find help, find solutions, or make this matter go more smoothly. At this time, it can also alleviate the fatigue and anxiety in the workplace, or be more harmonious with the people around you. If you're hiring employees, there are satisfied candidates, or there's a suitable position waiting for you. Maybe you have some negative emotions, feel a new identity, responsibility to let yourself have, this is not necessarily bad, but after experiencing the enthusiasm, excitement after the process of adaptation, will begin to tidy up your life.

In terms of financial fortune: some people will have travel, travel, examinations, further education, school selection, publishing, publishing, as well as legal affairs, overseas trade and so on. Some people will deal with real estate rental and sale, renovation and other things, communication with family, intermediaries or related personnel, pay fees or sign contracts, now may be the continuation of the procedures, we must pay more attention, more information test, do not blind. Some people may make big decisions related to their families and real estate, get together with their families and leave, or buy and sell real estate replacement and decoration, it is not recommended to make hasty decisions, it is easy to regret, if you hesitate, it is recommended to make a clear consideration before thinking clearly.

Emotional aspects: companions may wish to care about what is the most anxious problem in the other party's heart at this time this week, give some warm words to the other party, in order to make the other party resonate from your joy, in the emotional relationship, find a more comfortable, free, relaxed state. Single people have a good time to court this week, all aspects have been prepared quite properly, do not be afraid of rejection, do not confess that you will never know the result, pluck up the courage to have the opportunity to hold hands, you can date each other more, choose a place with a better scenery is more advantageous.

Health: mouth, skin, liver and gallbladder, sciatic nerve, cold, gastrointestinal, stones, abdomen.

Zodiac Dog (March 14 - March 20)

Mood ups and downs, need to ease their own emotions, encounter unsatisfactory people or things, do not rush to solve, patience kung fu or want. In order to avoid the unfavorable situation of non-expansion, it has not fallen into the benefits.

Career: This week's workload may increase, the pressure will also be large, opening new business projects may bring difficulties, there are different results from expectations, but also suitable for repair, improvement, leakage and filling. You may also have the opportunity to work with old friends and colleagues, but also pay attention to the communication with the supervisor, the superior, the opinion may be contradictory and need to be run-in many times, when it is misunderstood, not recognized, it is easy to appear impatient, do not let the emotions cause unnecessary interference. Some people will also be busy with job hopping and job transfers.

In terms of financial luck: this week's investment often changes investment strategies, or can not follow the custom rules to manage the financial is easy to make assets shrink, be careful to prevent greed and investment mistakes are easy to lose big. A small number of people have broken contacts, lost contact, or have to deal with debts between friends, which may also affect the relationship. There will be some gatherings, reunions, dinners, entertainment and relaxation occasions in life to relieve your nervous nerves.

Emotional aspect: Companions are prone to disputes between family relatives this week, and it is appropriate to relax their minds and not to criticize too much about the bad behavior of relatives. When inclusivity becomes worse, be careful that verbal conflicts caused by small things hurt feelings, and too much social interaction will also make the other party emotional and dissatisfied. Single people will have peach blossoms this week, but show love, confession, are careful to use the wrong humor, express wrong feelings, mistakes, say the wrong words, it is advisable to increase each other's communication under the other party's active dating. Don't be too eager to confess, find more opportunities to contact each other to deepen understanding, the chance of success will be much greater.

Health: sprains, shoulders and neck, back, heart, blood pressure, surgery, rhinitis, throat, ears.

Zodiac Pig (March 14 - March 20)

It is not advisable to make decisions for others without authorization, so as to avoid embarrassment in not being able to solve for others, which may cause some friction.

Career: Work with half the effort to achieve success, and can have certain opportunities. Need to grasp the timely as well, new plans and programs are prone to more details, conscientious or can be clear, consider things need to be shot or make decisions as soon as possible, so as not to miss the opportunity. In terms of interpersonal relationships, it is inevitable that you can get the help of noble people or get the icing on the cake from others, and it is inevitable that others will be right or wrong or jealous.

In terms of financial fortune: some people have more social expenses for happy events, and their careers have risen steadily, and they are improving day by day. Friends who are in business have good fortune, and when their fortunes are good, they must work harder. Communicate again about investments, loans, debts, insurance, taxes, mortgages, or claims for reimbursements, allowances, sponsorships, scholarships, and more. Some may receive gifts from friends and colleagues.

Emotional aspect: the companion is busy socializing this week to ignore the feelings of the other half, there are quarrels and disputes, if the other half is too sensitive, it may also be because someone is jealous and wary, which will make the lover's heart a little unbalanced. It is necessary to improve the understanding of each other, and proper planning is necessary in the future to deepen feelings. Some people may also have a crush, an underground affair, do not want to open, should not be open emotional relationship. Singles need the right timing this week to confess to the person they like, but it should not be too direct, and it is better to be euphemistic. Opportunities may also appear in colleagues, friends, classmates, circles, or through their introduction to get to know each other's favorite objects, but also to some people to bring peach blossoms from a different place.

Health: allergies, anxiety, feet, stomach, head, sleep, heart, respiratory tract.

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