
Why did Zhu De admit that he had been a warlord in his later years, he was indeed one of the most cattle people among the ten marshals

author:Every second counts against the sky v

Before the war between Xiong Kewu and Tang Jiyao began, Zhu De telegraphed Tang Jiyao saying: "Xiong Kewu presided over sichuan politics, which was quite popular with the people." It then goes on to list several measures and achievements of Xiong Kewuzhichuan. Tang Jiyao was asked to "supervise" and "avoid the Isolation of the Dian Army and the Dangers of Later Troubles." He explicitly expressed his opposition to Tang Jiyao's warlord behavior of overthrowing the bear and dominating Sichuan. After the telegram was sent, there was no news.

After that, Tang Jiyao's various perverse practices made Zhu De very disappointed, wandering, and depressed. In the following period of time, on the one hand, he had to carry out Tang Jiyao's orders against his will and involuntarily became involved in the warlord melee. But on the other hand, he used every opportunity as much as possible to oppose the warlord melee. He also sent many telegrams to Tang Jiyao. However, they were all rejected by Tang Jiyao and continued to engage in melee with the Sichuan army. The war was fought from March until the end of the year, and it was repeated several times. As a result, the Dianqian army was defeated and had to withdraw from Sichuan.

In the warlord melee, Zhu De saw the tragic scene of the countryside being desolate and the lives destroyed, and his heart was very heavy. He often thought: When he made up his mind to devote himself to the army, he wanted to find a way to save the motherland and liberate the people. However, in recent years, especially the fact that warlords have been fighting since the protector of the Law and the Jing Dynasty, it has proved that this road is only an illusion, and he is increasingly suspicious of how much value this road has for the cause of the liberation of the motherland and the people. Moreover, Zhu De also gradually realized from his years of conquest practice that the war was not over, and that a new and larger-scale warlord melee was bound to occur. Where is China's way out? When commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution in 1961, Zhu De recalled: "Due to the defeat of the Xinhai Revolution and its subsequent wars against Yuan, the War of Defending the Country, and the War of Defending the Law, Dr. Sun Yat-sen and all those who were still loyal to the cause of the Chinese revolution, including myself, fell into a state of doubt and bitterness. Groping in the dark and not finding a real way out. ”

He participated in several meetings held in Sichuan and Yunnan, and decided to return to Yunnan and overthrow the Tang Jiyao regime.

On February 6, 1921, Zhu De and other generals who led the troops back to Zhaotong in northern Yunnan jointly sent a telegram to Tang Jiyao: "For the sake of the overall situation, for the southwest, for the sake of My Dian, and for the sake of the public itself, we really cannot but ask my husband to temporarily avoid the Xianlu Road." The meaning of this statement is actually to force Tang Jiyao to step down and get out of the egg.

When Tang Jiyao received the telegram, he knew that the general trend had gone, and he was suddenly distraught, as if he had burrowed into a group of insects in his mind, scratching with a hundred claws and biting with ten thousand mouths. On this spring night when "spring sleep is not aware", he tossed and turned in bed, and the next day he left Kunming with a family of old and young and gold and silver, and soon hid in Hong Kong.

After the goal of overthrowing the Tang Dynasty was achieved, Zhu De submitted his resignation to Gu Pinzhen, the commander-in-chief of the Dian Army, and prepared to leave Yunnan to find another way out. However, many friends and colleagues have repeatedly retained him, and he has to stay in Kunming for the time being, making some modest efforts for the construction of the new regime. He was appointed commander of the Yunnan Army Gendarmerie, and soon served as the commissioner of the Loan Collection Office of the Yunnan Provincial Railway Bureau and the chairman of the Committee for reviewing the accounts of the Tin Service Company.

In the entire ten years of his military career, Zhu De spent most of his time in the rain of bullets and bullets, and now he has finally lived a warm family life. He often took off his military uniform and changed into a cloth shirt and rode his newlywed wife, Chen Yuzhen, to the scenic spots of Tanhua Temple, Jade Spring, Heilongtan and other spring forest areas; or to the Yuxian Girls' High School in Yumen Temple, to learn English from English teacher Xu Xiulan and prepare for studying abroad.

After Xiao Jufang's death, many enthusiastic people advised Zhu De to remarry. Considering that the child without a wife did need to be cared for, Jude agreed.

As a result, Zhu De's subordinate Chen Pinghui introduced him to his twenty-one-year-old cousin, who was also the niece of Zhu De's close friend Sun Bingwen, named Chen Yuzhen. This is a girl with a new education, who is also a heavenly foot, who participated in the Xinhai Revolution.

Chen Yuzhen had a shocking precondition that she had to meet with the suitor in person before marriage, and Zhu De accepted this gentle "challenge". Immediately see the hero, the moon under the view of the beauty, after meeting each other have a good feeling, and like-minded, soon the two were united in Kunming Crystal Palace Xiaomeiyuan Lane No. 3 residence. Chen Yuzhen was very fond of Baozhu, the son of Zhu De and Xiao Jufang, and later regarded Baozhu as his own.

In the years of exhaustion, Zhu De's family of three seemed to be a haven, an isolated world. Chen Yuzhen is a good housekeeper and always arranges their love nest simply, novelly and neatly. When she knew that Jude liked to raise flowers, the courtyard was full of flowers. In their spare time, Chen Yuzhen plays the piano, Zhu De plays the flute or plays the huqin, and the couple often wanders in the ocean of music.

Some local progressive youth often gathered at Zhu De's apartment, so Chen Yuzhen also arranged an exquisite study, bought two beautiful bookcases, collected some books to publicize the revolution, subscribed to magazines such as "New Youth" and "New Wave", and also purchased Chinese masterpieces such as "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

Why did Zhu De admit that he had been a warlord in his later years, he was indeed one of the most cattle people among the ten marshals

Zhu De and his wife Chen Yuzhen

During this time, Zhu De became acquainted with the abbot of Tanhua Temple, Master Yingkong, and expressed his envy for his Buddhist realm of "no one has no self, there is no phase". Later, he wrote a poem to present to Master Yingkong, which contained a review of his past military career, a manifestation of his personal ambition, and also reflected his helplessness and wandering in reality. Yingkong was very precious to this poem, and immediately asked someone to engrave it on the side of the tomb of Zhu De's ex-wife Xiao Jufang, which was erected behind the Tanhua Temple.

Just after New Year's Day in 1922, Zhu De received a new order, and he was appointed as the chief of the Yunnan Provincial Police Department and the director of the Provincial Police Department. On February 16, Zhu De also served as the director of the Yunnan Provincial Anti-Smoking Bureau.

It was a cold spring with the smell of yellow mud, and the political situation in Yunnan was turbulent again. Sun Yat-sen ordered the Dian army to send troops to fight the Beiyang warlords, and Gu Pinzhen gathered the Dian army in Yiliang, and a vacuum appeared along the border of Yunnan. Tang Jiyao, who was "dead but not stiff", thought that it was a good opportunity, so he secretly sneaked back to Yunnan, gathered the old troops, and bribed Wu Xuexian, Mobu and other bandits to attack Kunming from Mongolia.

Gu Pinzhen led his troops to rush into battle, but due to a mistake in judgment, they were strategically passive, and were killed by the bandits Huang Chengbo's sneak attack in the Battle of Xiaohekou Zhuyuan. Yang Ximin, Fan Shisheng, and Jiang Guangliang of gubu led their main forces to retreat to Guangxi. At this time, the quiet city of Kunming was in a mess, and people were panicked and fled.

On March 27, as soon as Tang Jiyao, who only knew how to raise fat horses to fight and sharpen his knife to kill people, returned to Kunming, he ordered a search everywhere to arrest the former Dian generals who were loyal to Sun Yat-sen and supported the Northern Expedition. In revenge for being expelled from Dian, he issued an arrest warrant for Zhu De and Jin Handing. Suddenly, the sound of war was raging.

Jin Handing, the acting commander-in-chief of the Dian Army, who had shaken the south of Sichuan and was known as "Jin Zhu could not be provoked" by the people, had never seen such a fiasco, so he said to Zhu De at a loss: "How is this good?" ”

"Nothing remarkable, victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers." Zhu De comforted, "We might as well leave Yunnan and retreat to Burma first, and then consider the long term." ”

The sun set in a panic, leaving an intermittent veil on the ground. Zhu De, Jin Handing, Liu Yunfeng, Tang Huaiyuan, and others led a company of men and horses to protrude from the west gate and went straight to Chuxiong. They had just arrived at an unease, when they did not expect that Ropekin's guard of more than forty men and more than twenty pack horses had also arrived. Heroes meet friends of trouble at the end of the road and when they are in the dust, they are particularly happy.

The night was already deep, the moon was obscured by a cloud of cotton wool, and the remnant star closed its tired eyes. In the distance, there was a burst of gunfire, which added a strong military atmosphere to the meeting scene. Suddenly, someone came to the news that Hua Fengge, the commander of the Dian Army stationed in Chuxiong, had fallen to Tang Jiyao, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to them.

"It's impossible to go to Myanmar, it seems that you can only go north." Zhu De said to Jin Handing and Luo Peijin, "Modd's way, this is forced to Liangshan!" ”

"Morde, let's keep going south." Luo Peijin confidently persuaded everyone, "Hua Fengge is my old subordinate, I know him best, and he is still very friendly." Look at my face, he will let everyone go and make way for everyone to pass. ”

"Hua Fengge is a snob who sees money and has his friendship and conscience long disappeared in the jingle of silver circles." Zhu De always saw people and things clearly, "He will betray his last old friend to Tang Jiyao in exchange for the high-ranking official Houlu." We must not believe that this kind of turtle son, who has milk, should immediately turn around and go north, go down the river after going to Sichuan, and then go down the river, through Shanghai to Guangzhou, to join Dr. Sun Yat-sen. ”

"Going north? It's easy to talk about! All the way to the dangerous mountains and rivers, bandits are infested, and there are many evils and fewer ji! Luo Peijin resolutely objected, "Besides, even if we can go to Sichuan, we will also go to death, and the new warlords who are now in power in Sichuan are Liu Xiang and Yang Sen, who do not share the same heavens as the Dian army, and they will not let us go." ”

"People have their own ambitions, and they don't dare to force them." Zhu De saw that each had its own reasoning, and it was difficult to unify his opinions, so he had to say with great regret, "It seems that we have to go our separate ways." I hope that we will meet again in the land of Yunnan in the future! ”

Facts proved Zhu De's correct judgment of the situation, as soon as Luo Peijin arrived in Chuxiong, he was disarmed by Hua Fengge, and Luo Peijin fled to Huaping with difficulty, but was poisoned by bandits instructed by Tang Jiyao in Shuangjinpo.

Moreover, Zhu De and his party turned on their horses and rode away in the moonlight. In order to get rid of the pursuing soldiers, they avoided densely populated towns and took sparsely populated remote trails through the lofty mountains of northern Yunnan. At this moment, a battalion of cavalry sent by Hua Fengge was in full pursuit, and offered a heavy reward for the capture of Zhu De and Jin Handing. Therefore, the fugitives quickly stepped up their whips, day and night, only hoping to get rid of the enemy as soon as possible and enter the safe zone; the pursuers did not stop, the starry night tracked, and they only wanted to catch Zhu De and others to receive the reward and fortune.

After a rolling thunder, heavy rain fell like a dense barrage of bullets. Zhu De and his party, who rushed to Yanfeng in the rain, were attacked by Pu Xiaohong bandits in the middle of the night, and the bandits caught them off guard by virtue of the large number of people and the familiar terrain. Under the command of Zhu De, after a tenacious battle, although the enemy was repelled, more than half of the men and horses were lost, and only a dozen officers and dozens of soldiers were left in a company.

For the sake of safety, Zhu De sent a small detachment before each departure, led by Liu Yunfeng to scout the side of the road to prevent accidents. The day before arriving at the Jinsha River, Liu Yunfeng was ambushed in front of him and kidnapped by bandits on Peach Blossom Mountain. When Judd heard the gunshots and pegasus arrived, the bandits had already fled.

On April 21, Zhu De and his party climbed the cliffs through Linhai and followed the Tea Horse Ancient Road they had walked in the past to Taojiadu in Huili County on the upper reaches of the Jinsha River. I saw that the mountains on both sides of the river stood steep like knives and axes, the reckless trees covered the sky, and the Jinsha River roared like a group of enraged lions, running wildly in the mountain stream.

The long wind blew strongly, the sound of the waves filled the ears, and the two sides of the strait were desolate. Jude stood by the river with his big dark horse in his hand, and there was not a single figure or a ferry. He looked up at the blue sky, thoughts of all kinds, and sighed: "Is it true that the sky has no eyes and the world is merciless, and we have no way to cross the river?" I'm confident that it's not time to see Yama yet! ”

The reality is that a life-saving boat is needed, even a small boat. Jude put his hands on his mouth as a trumpet, and shouted in the face of the golden sands river where the white waves were rolling and the waves were roaring: "Is there a boat?" Cross the river! ”

In the echo from the valley, Zhu De's eyes looked like grates over the beachheads, rivers, and corners of the rivers, and still did not see the shadow of the ship. When he swept to the other side, he suddenly revealed a surprise color: boat, there is a boat over there! But he couldn't believe it, and when he rubbed his eyes with his hands and looked at it carefully, it was indeed a boat.

"There's a boat, come and see, a man has come down from the mountain and is getting on board!" The appearance of this miracle made Zhu De extremely excited.

"There's hope, he's coming to us!" Zhu De and his party swung away like soldiers practicing immediately, standing on the riverside and waving to the opposite shore and cheering, "Boat boss, cross the river..."

The boat rode the wind and waves, crossed the river, and soon came to shore. Gong Gong was an elderly man, with two oarsmen thin and powerful hands, and his face was full of experience and sophistication. Zhu De greeted them and greeted the old man, hoping to cross the river with them, and there would be a heavy thanks.

When he heard that it was the Dian army that was defending the country and begging Yuan, it was Zhu De, who stood in front of him and spoke to him, who fought the cotton slope in blood, and felt even more cordial. He said very excitedly: "When I observed the other side for a long time, I felt that you were not like bandits or bad people, and it seemed that there was an urgent matter to cross the river." No, I only ventured over, but I didn't expect to meet a noble person! ”

"Old man's name?" Are you a local? Jude asked kindly.

"My surname is Zeng, my name is Zeng Hairuo, I am a native of Yongxing, Lijiang, and I have been ferrying on the river to make a living. A few days ago, I heard that Tang Jiyao killed back to Kunming, and everywhere he offered rewards for hunting and killing the generals of the defending army, and the price codes were frightening, the high hundreds of thousands, the low ones were also tens of thousands. Zeng Hairuo said angrily, "Tang Jiyao, an old thief, has a dark heart." In order to dominate Yunnan, he has already lost six relatives, and sooner or later he will be punished for spending money to buy people's heads. No matter how poor we are, we will not do such a thing that is unconscionable. If I meet someone he's going to kill, I'll cross the river and let them escape! ”

Unexpectedly, on the jinsha river, Zeng Hairuo really met Zhu De and Jin Handing, who were captured by Tang Jiyao's reward. He believed that this was exactly the arrangement of The Heavenly Father, and it was also a test of his conscience. He patted his chest and said, "Please rest assured, if my surname is Zeng, you are there." Don't say it's the Jinsha River, it's the sword mountain and the sea of fire, I also want to send you guys over! ”

At this time, the dark clouds rolled and it seemed that the sky was about to change. I couldn't stay by the river for a long time, so I decided to cross the river first, and the people who stayed behind waited for the next one to cross the river.

Zhu De, Jin Handing, Tang Huaiyuan, and others, with a few personal guards, pulled their warhorses, boarded a small boat, and sailed straight to the other side. It was really auspicious, and the wind direction on the river suddenly changed, blowing a soothing southeast wind. Zeng Hairuo smiled and said, "Dear bosses, it is your good fortune to borrow the east wind, all the way to the wind, safely cross the river!" ”

I saw Zeng Hairuo take advantage of the wind and paddle towards the heart of the river. The boat was lifted to the peak of the wave, and in an instant it fell to the trough, one high and one low on the tip of the trough, and the rolling waves were thrown at the boat with their faces covered, and Jude and them were all watered, as if they had just been fished out of the water.

After crossing the river, Zhu De took a cloth bag and said to Zeng Hairuo: "The old man risked death to ferry us out of danger, and should have paid a heavy reward, only because we rushed away and did not bring valuables." I believe that there will be a period after that, and your salvation and life-saving grace will be repaid every day. Leave this hundred steel oceans, you buy some wine to warm up your body, drive away the wind and cold! ”

"Didn't you just punch me in the face?" If it is for money, my surname Zeng will not put a few bosses across the river! Zeng Hairuo insisted on not receiving it, "Besides, you are out of the house, there are too many places to use money on this river and lake, so leave it for yourself!" I only ask Brigadier Zhu to write a few words as a souvenir. ”

"You want to get it!" Zhu De agreed with a full mouth, found a piece of red paper, and like writing the Spring Festival League in the New Year, he wrote the four large characters of "Chivalrous and Commendable" on the back of the paper, and then wrote "Zhu De's Inscription Gift" at the end of the payment.

Zeng Hairuo, as if he had received the most precious treasure, said happily, "This is more expensive than anything, and I will definitely keep it well..."

Bidding farewell to Zeng Hairuo, Zhu De and his party spent the night at Wu Xiangzhen's house in Dashuijing, and the next day at dawn, Wu Xiangzhen's younger brother led the way to Yanbian. Not long after getting on the road, a group of people and horses suddenly flew in, all dressed as Yi people, dragging guns and sabers, flaunting their might, and before they could figure out what was going on, they were surrounded by groups, and the muzzle of the gun was directly pointed at Zhu De and the others, as long as the trigger was pulled, someone was allowed to go to see the King of Yan.

The small leader of the Yi people stared at a pair of big eyes and shouted in Sichuan dialect with a thick accent: "Put down the guys for Lao Tzu, raise your hands!" Whoever resists, knocks out his brain shell first. ”

"Drop the guys..." The rest of the minions followed suit.

"If you don't know your name, you'll have to collect your gun, which is a bit unreasonable." Zhu Deqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, "The brothers are all people who have broken into the rivers and lakes, I will first put my words in the clear place, how to deal with it, then I will listen to your honor." ”

Without waiting for the other party to reply, Zhu De felt that this tattered sign of the Dian Army still had to be fought, and perhaps it could resist for a while, so he pointed back with his thumb: "This is General Jin Handing, the commander-in-chief of the Dian Army, that is General Tang Huaiyuan, and our man is Zhu De..."

The little leader originally felt that the person who spoke to him was majestic and solemn, not humble, and not an idle person, but was speaking in an authentic Sichuan tone, and was wondering, as soon as he heard that it was Zhu De, who made the Beiyang Army feel frightened, he immediately panicked, immediately rolled off his saddle and dismounted, and hurriedly said: "The little one has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, I don't know if the generals are here, and where the disrespect is, they still look at Haihan!" We are a patrol of the Border Guard, what do the bosses command? ”

When Zhu De heard that it was the Sichuan Border Guard, the stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he had a premonition that a fight would be avoided. So he said, "We have an emergency military service passing through this place, and we hope to pass through it by a convenient road from your side." I will never stop here and disturb. ”

"This fact is hard to decide." The little leader hesitated for a moment and said, "I hope to send a representative to consult with my eldest brother Lei Yunfei, and you can rest here for two days and wait for a reply." ”

After consulting with Jin Handing and others, Zhu De sent an aide-de-camp to negotiate with Lei Yunfei.

Lei Yunfei, Xingru, Sichuan Yanbian people. He turned out to be a poor peasant boy who had attended private school for several years since childhood. In his early years, he participated in the "Brother Robe" and engaged in anti-Qing activities. When the Xinhai Revolution broke out, he raised a peasant army in the southern Sichuan region and became king on the banks of the Jinsha River at the junction of the three provinces of Sichuan, Kang, and Yunnan. Later, the new warlords in Sichuan incorporated him into the Sichuan Border Guard Army, and the size was also counted as a "commander".

Two days later, when Zhu De and his party were anxiously waiting for news, suddenly a team of horses roared in from the north, and when they could see the faces of the people coming, Zhu De recognized at a glance that there were aide-de-camps and others sent inside, and it seemed that the negotiations were quite smooth. When the horse team came to the front, they saw a short and capable man turn over and dismount and give Zhu De a military salute: "Lei Yunfei has come to greet the generals!" ”

Then he pulled away and gestured with the test method of kneeling on the river and lake to worship the dock, and then interrogated Zhu De with the black words of "Brother Robe", "the bottom of the sea".

During the Xinhai Revolution, the Brotherhood accepted the leadership of the revolutionaries, and after Zhu De joined the Brotherhood, he often did soldier work as a "brother in robes", and this set of etiquette, rules, gestures and black words commonly used in the Brotherhood was not used for many years, but he was still familiar with the chest. He answered Lei Yunfei's disk with ease. On the side, Jin Handing, Tang Huaiyuan, and Lei Yunfei's big and small leaders were all stunned and amazed.

Finally, Lei Yunfei knelt on his knees and said to Zhu De with tears in his eyes: "I have never known each other for a long time, we were originally a family." See you today, count me Lei Yunfei three lifetimes lucky! ”

As the saying goes: The water washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the family did not recognize the family. The brethren met in the midst of tribulations, and since they were a family, they were exempt from the courtesy! Zhu De stepped forward to help Lei Yunfei.

Lei Yunfei took Zhu De and his party to the cottage of Shuanglong Village in Ula Mountain, and held a celebration according to the rules of "Brother Robe" and local customs. They slaughtered pigs and sheep, feasted on a feast, and three hundred people came out to accompany them, and their scale and atmosphere were no less grand than that of their wives for the New Year.

Zhu De drank the chicken blood wine of the alliance with Lei Yunfei with the heroism of the wine theory of the world, and vowed to "take care of each other's tribulations, share the rich and noble, and never forget it." Zhu De took down a German-made Browning pistol engraved with his name and gave it to Lei Yunfei along with eight long guns as a greeting gift; Lei Yunfei took out three hundred steel yangs and some gifts in return to Zhu De.

Lei Yunfei walked through the banquet, frequently raising a toast to the well-known and mighty guests. Finally, he begged Judd to stay and advise him in order to develop together. Zhu De confessed that he had been attacked and hunted down by Tang Jiyao, and that the Dian army preparing for the Northern Expedition had been torn apart and disintegrated. One was to go south to restore Sun Yat-sen's life, and the other was that he himself felt that the National Revolution was hopeless, and he was determined to go abroad to study, seek a good way to save the country, and find another way.

After resting in the cottage for ten days and waiting for the dress of the merchants to be ready, Zhu De left sixty guards and more than sixty long guns and short cannons and his beloved mount, the big black horse, and instructed: "These horses are left to you, and every soldier and pawn, every shot and every bullet must be used on the right path!" ”

Zhu De, dressed as a merchant, rode Lei Yunfei's "Eight Hundred Red" ponies, Tang Huaiyuan rode a large mule, and Jin Handing sat in a sedan and arrived at Huili under the escort of six sharpshooters selected by Lei Yunfei. Then, Zhu De turned north, crossed the dadu river with white waves, and then crossed the snow-capped Daxiang Ridge, all the way to the difficulties and dangers, and returned to Chen Yuzhen's mother's home, Nanxi, in mid-May.

Zhu De later recalled this historical event and said: Through Tang Jiyao's poisonous hand, the feudal relationship was cut off for me.

Zhu De's granddaughter Zhu Xinhua recalled that during the Cultural Revolution, those people not only said that Zhu De was a black commander, but also a big warlord, Zhu Xinhua went home and said to Zhu De, you are the commander-in-chief of the People's Liberation Army, how can you be a big warlord, they must be nonsense, Zhu Xinhua will be angry because of Zhu De, who knows Zhu De, not angry, but calmly said to Zhu Xinhua, they are right, I did become a warlord, this is my history, but I broke away from my warlord era, I once again embarked on this new road. I chose to engage in revolution with the Communist Party, and this path is the most correct path I have chosen in my life, and I have no regrets at all. Tv series Iron-blooded protector of the young Zhu De crew came to Luzhou to shoot the first scene, saw Zhu De's big mansion in Luzhou, the director, the actors were shocked, Zhu De was only 31 years old, that is, the major general brigade commander, the big mansion where he lived, before and after several courtyards, the house building with water, is a water system, anyway very good, at that time Zhu De's monthly salary was two thousand oceans, equivalent to the current 400,000 yuan. At that time, Zhu De was in his early 30s,

Why did Zhu De admit that he had been a warlord in his later years, he was indeed one of the most cattle people among the ten marshals

Jude when he was a brigade commander of major generals

In the spring of 1921, Zhu De was already awarded the rank of lieutenant general, which was also the year of the founding of the Communist Party of China. When he was a lieutenant general, he was paid a higher salary. But at the age of 36, the second year of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Zhu De abandoned everything and then joined the Communist Party after several twists and turns, becoming the 1128th member of the Communist Party.