
The United Nations Security Council discusses the issue of Ukraine's biological weapons, and the United States and Russia have fiercely clashed! The United States has a total of 336 biological laboratories around the world, and the Chinese side has made a statement

author:National Business Daily

Per Editor: Du Yu

Recently, the topic of Ukraine's biological weapons has aroused global attention.

Former member of the United Nations Biological and Chemical Weapons Commission: Ukraine became the biological weapons testing ground of the United States

According to the Global Network, Igor Nikulin, a microbiologist and former member of the United Nations Biological and Chemical Weapons Commission, revealed in an interview that the US Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine began to carry out so-called "cooperation" in 2005, that is, the establishment of biological laboratories in Ukraine. Under the agreement, Ukraine promised to hand over to the United States dangerous pathogens it had collected. As of 2019, there are 16 such laboratories across Ukraine, 10 of which are located in Cities with populations of more than one million, such as Kiev, Kharkiv, Lviv, and Odessa, and Ukraine has effectively become a "biological weapons testing ground" for the United States.

The United Nations Security Council discusses the issue of Ukraine's biological weapons, and the United States and Russia have fiercely clashed! The United States has a total of 336 biological laboratories around the world, and the Chinese side has made a statement

The World Health Organization has recommended that Ukraine destroy all pathogens of a high-risk nature stored in its domestic social medical laboratories. ACCORDINGLY, WHO biosafety experts reportedly said that in the current situation in Ukraine, these laboratory facilities are likely to be damaged, which increases the risk of escape of pathogenic pathogens.

The United Nations Security Council discussed the issue of Ukraine's biological weapons, and the United States and Russia clashed fiercely

On March 11, local time, the United Nations Security Council discussed the issue of Ukraine's biological weapons.

Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Nebenja, said that Russia has found a shocking emergency in the special military operation, that is, the Ukrainian side is clearing traces of military use of biological weapons, and there is a network of biological laboratories on Ukrainian territory, and the relevant research is funded by the United States. Biological threats know no borders, and the Russian side believes that it is responsible for letting the Security Council know about the military biological activities carried out by the United States in Ukraine, and the Russian side hopes that the United States can answer.

Greenfield, the U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations, said Russia's only purpose in calling for a meeting today was to spread false information. The Us side would like to point out once again that Ukraine does not have a biological and chemical weapons program, nor does it have a similar laboratory supported by the United States. In fact, Ukraine has its own health laboratory facilities, which involve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which have nothing to do with biological weapons.

Earlier, Russia accused the United States of conducting military biological programs in Ukraine, which both the United States and Ukraine denied.

The United Nations Security Council discusses the issue of Ukraine's biological weapons, and the United States and Russia have fiercely clashed! The United States has a total of 336 biological laboratories around the world, and the Chinese side has made a statement

The US representative accused that Russia's only purpose in calling for a meeting today was to spread false information. The Russian representative shot back, "The louder people try to shirk responsibility, the more convinced we are that we have made the point."

Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations: Resolutely opposes the development, possession or use of biological and chemical weapons by any country

According to CCTV News on March 12, on March 11, local time, the United Nations Security Council considered the biosecurity problem of Ukraine.

Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, said the situation in Ukraine is still evolving dramatically, with rising complexity and sensitivity. It is imperative to step up diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and push the Ukraine issue back to a political settlement as soon as possible, while preventing a large-scale humanitarian crisis. Ceasefire and cease war are the universal aspirations of the international community, and peace negotiations are the only viable means of reality. Recently, Russia and Ukraine have held many rounds of direct dialogue and negotiations, and the foreign ministers of the two countries held a high-level meeting yesterday, which are all positive steps towards the goal of peace. The international community should continue to encourage and support the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations and create the necessary environment and conditions for this purpose. China will work with the international community to continue to make efforts to ease the situation and seek peace.

Zhang Jun pointed out that China attaches great importance to biosecurity issues, has always advocated the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of all weapons of mass destruction, including biological weapons and chemical weapons, resolutely opposes the development, possession or use of biological weapons and chemical weapons by any country under any circumstances, and urges countries that have not yet destroyed their stockpiled chemical weapons to complete their destruction as soon as possible. The aims and objectives of the Biological Weapons Convention must be strictly observed.

The United Nations Security Council discusses the issue of Ukraine's biological weapons, and the United States and Russia have fiercely clashed! The United States has a total of 336 biological laboratories around the world, and the Chinese side has made a statement

Zhang Jun stressed that biological weapons are weapons of mass destruction, and any information clues on biological military activities should arouse great concern from the international community. China notes with concern the relevant documents released by the Russian side. Compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention is an obligation of all States parties, and the concerns raised by the Russian side should be properly addressed. China urges relevant parties to earnestly implement their obligations under the Convention, provide comprehensive clarifications and accept multilateral verification. The World Health Organization has recommended that the Ukrainian government destroy pathogens in laboratories to prevent the spread of the disease. China looks forward to more specific information. In the current situation, it is very important to ensure the safety of relevant laboratories for the health of the people.

Zhang Jun said that the international community has long been seriously concerned about the biological military activities of the United States. The United States has 336 laboratories worldwide, which is data submitted by the United States to the Conference of the Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention. The US side has always advocated openness and transparency. If the US side believes that the relevant information is false, it is entirely possible to publish the relevant evidence and make clarifications so that the international community can make a judgment.

Daily Economic News Integrated CCTV News, Global Network

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