
Westbrook: The Lakers have James without me, Harden goes to the party, O'Neal: He can't fight the hard battle

Although Los Angeles is Wei Shao's hometown, Wei Shao, who returned to his hometown, did not get much applause, because of the sluggish performance, Wei Shao was considered by Lakers fans to be the culprit of the loss.

Westbrook: The Lakers have James without me, Harden goes to the party, O'Neal: He can't fight the hard battle

Booed by the fans of his own family at the Lakers' stadium, Wei Shao may be the most player in the history of the Lakers, there is no one, even if Wei Shao's wife stands up and says, please give Wei Shao respect, Wei Shao has been scolded by you can't eat. However, Lakers fans do not intend to let go of Wei Shao, and even some fans believe that the Lakers introduced Wei Shao and missed DeRozan, otherwise the Lakers are now on the broad road in the playoffs.

Westbrook: The Lakers have James without me, Harden goes to the party, O'Neal: He can't fight the hard battle

In the face of fans' insults and media doubts, Westbrook finally broke out, and on March 11, Los Angeles Times reporter Broderick Lee lee said. Turner reported that Westbrook has clearly told the Lakers top brass that this team has James without me.

Why? Wei Shao made it clear that he did not want to play with James, and if James continued to stay with the Lakers in the offseason, Wei Shao hoped that the Lakers would send him away during the trading period.

Westbrook: The Lakers have James without me, Harden goes to the party, O'Neal: He can't fight the hard battle

But seriously, Wei Shao's forced palace may not have much meaning, between James and Wei Shao, even if James is older, but in terms of James's influence, attention and ability to absorb gold, the Lakers will definitely choose James, and the more embarrassing thing for Wei Shao is that the Lakers do not want to trade to send him away, but no one accepts or needs to match the draft pick, and Wei Shao's transaction will be stranded so far.

The second brother's life is not good, the third brother Harden is the same, from the Nets to Philadelphia, Harden has won all 5 games before, and his performance has conquered the philadelphia fans, but where can Harden think that in the end, he made himself undefeated and was broken, and he also beat himself up hard - Durant.

Westbrook: The Lakers have James without me, Harden goes to the party, O'Neal: He can't fight the hard battle

On March 11, the Nets played against Philadelphia, and Philadelphia fans had to buy tickets even for $125 to come in and scold Simmons, which made the Nets want to pay for Simmons and prove Harden's choice wrong.

From the pre-game refusal to shake hands with Harden, the game entered a tense atmosphere, Irving's garbage words about Harden, and the conflict between Durant and Embiid, so that the atmosphere of this game was in place.

But compared to the performances of Durant and Irving, Harden pulled across today, 3 of 17, and Harden, who was dashing like a prince in the first five games, seemed to reveal the reason, even if Embiid cut the 20+10 performance, Philadelphia could only accept the fate of losing in the end.

Westbrook: The Lakers have James without me, Harden goes to the party, O'Neal: He can't fight the hard battle

Harden's loss is not unacceptable, after all, this is only the regular season, but then Harden's performance has embarrassed Philadelphia. The day before, Danny Green also swore that Harden did not like to go to nightclubs, he was a hobby of training, and as a result, after yesterday's fiasco, Harden appeared at nightclubs for the first time, as if the person who lost 29 points was not him.

Harden's move has attracted questions from fans, and shark O'Neal has stood up and said: Don't worry too much, don't get angry, Harden has not stood up in a key game for 10 years, so don't expect too much, this is Harden, a regular season superstar.

Westbrook: The Lakers have James without me, Harden goes to the party, O'Neal: He can't fight the hard battle

I have to say that O'Neal's words are very heartfelt, but what is more heartfelt is that O'Neal seems to be right, from the Thunder's pull to the present, Harden seems to have never proved himself in a key game, maybe this time the deal, the last person to lose will be Philadelphia.

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