
Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

author:New Eagle Entertainment

For people outside the circle, it is not strange to hear that people in the entertainment industry often earn tens of millions of dollars, after all, because of the wrong information released by some people, many people think that the entertainment industry is full of gold. However, no matter what industry it is, no matter what kind of money it transfers, it needs to be taken.

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

In particular, stealing the fruits of other people's revolution, that is, the so-called plagiarism, such behavior is tolerated no matter what industry.

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

As the saying goes, the tree is a big move, and the leader in an industry will naturally attract some people's thoughts, such as Jay Chou.

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

Speaking of Jay Chou, whether you like to admit it or not, he is not only the youth of one generation, the idol of two generations, but also a symbol of the times. Few people can make their concerts into 10,000 KTV, after all, before, even the most famous singers will have a few songs with a low transmission rate. However, this embarrassment seems to be completely absent here in Jay Chou, and hundreds of songs are classics in the capital. Just ask you, who else?

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

These are advantages in the eyes of fans is a proud gimmick, but in the eyes of some malicious people Jay Chou is a walking "material library". This is actually not difficult to understand, it is the object of some people's plagiarism. You may say that plagiarism of Jay Chou is tantamount to looking for scolding, after all, everyone can hear it. But don't say, there are such bold people.

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

Song Mengjun, not many people may know this name, but he has been called "one of the most representative post-90s singer-songwriters in the Chinese music scene", and the representative works are "The other party is entering", "Bad is the feeling of heartbeat", "Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy", etc., and even said that he is "the first person to be the idol of the Chinese music world".

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

The names of these songs sound a little strange, but people who often brush vibrato are definitely not strangers, and it is said that he contributed 970 million plays on a music platform last year, which is definitely a very high achievement for a person who calls himself an original singer. After all, in the eyes of very many people, originality means yangchun white snow, and it is really not easy for the work to reach such a popular level. Hearing this, is it time to cheer, applaud, and let out rainbow farts for this talented young singer born in 90 years? After all, his overflow is based on Jay Chou's talent.

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

A few years ago, Song Mengjun's song "One Centimeter Distance", which caused a hot discussion, in addition to the words, the composition is exactly the same as "Nocturne" (Fang Wenshan should not only cry or laugh), this kind of take-ism was instantly overwhelmed by public opinion, and many professional music producers stepped forward to criticize this behavior. However, not only did not let the plagiarists have a little shame, Song Mengjun actually fought back in this situation, thinking that as long as someone listens to and likes to listen, those who do not like it are not important at all, not only do not admit mistakes, but then they are more and more plagiarized, and the attitude is super arrogant.

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

This Song Mengjun is also a little very powerful, and he also knows the way to rub heat very well. So he is very repulsive to others calling him a traffic singer, while rubbing a lot of traffic. When "Glory of Kings" was on fire, he wrote a song of the same name (plagiarized "Dragon Warrior Knight"), "King's Canyon" "inspired" by "Three Years and Two Classes" and so on. "Yin and Yang Division", "The Fifth Personality", etc., all have Song Mengjun's song of the same name. In addition to Jay Chou, its "muse" male gods also include Xu Song, Wang Sutaki and others. With these "borrowings" and "coincidences", Song Mengjun's annual income easily exceeded 10 million.

Claiming to be an original singer, relying on plagiarism Jay Chou to burst into flames, not only has no remorse but also is very arrogant

But these achievements, in the eyes of real musicians, are intolerable, such people also deserve to be called original singers? It's really slippery.

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