
Song Mengjun, the first person of the Divine Comedy idol, opened up a new way of playing in the Chinese music scene
Song Mengjun, the first person of the Divine Comedy idol, opened up a new way of playing in the Chinese music scene

Recently, the popular singer Song Mengjun of the post-90s has exploded across the country with "Waiting for the Subway" and "9277", and various controversies have also come to the face. More music critics in the circle have forcibly labeled Song Mengjun the first person in the post-90s folk song and the first person in the Chinese music scene to rub the heat. But it seems that these have not affected the public's attention to him in the slightest, but the popularity of the song continues to rise.

Song Mengjun, the first person of the Divine Comedy idol, opened up a new way of playing in the Chinese music scene

As one of the most representative post-90s singer-songwriters in the Chinese music scene, Song Mengjun's works are very Internet-oriented, unlike other traditional musicians. Not only the melody is catchy, the song itself is also full of fun, such as "Bad is the Feeling of Heartbeat", "Eye Health Exercises", "Buy Buy Buy", etc., which are classified by the public as a new generation of "brainwashing Divine Comedy" and are popular among netizens, and Song Mengjun is also crowned by the industry as the "first person to be the idol of the Chinese music world".

Song Mengjun, the first person of the Divine Comedy idol, opened up a new way of playing in the Chinese music scene

In terms of music creation, Song Mengjun is better at doing market-oriented songs, that is, what songs do fans want to listen to? The public says. What song hotspots do the public need? Manufactured for the market. Good to listen to, fun and better to sing, fashionable and grounded, which is an important reason why Song Mengjun's songs have gained super popularity on the Internet.

Song Mengjun, the first person of the Divine Comedy idol, opened up a new way of playing in the Chinese music scene

It is understood that Song Mengjun graduated from Xinghai Conservatory of Music with a solid background in science and technology to lay a solid foundation for the start of his music career. After graduating from university, Song Mengjun has successively created the first Internet celebrity incubation platform "Langlang" with music attributes in China, assisting Internet celebrities and physical products to monetize through a benign ecosystem. The "Asian Superstar Factory" founded by Song Mengjun also proposed the concept of developing children's right brain (art brain) through star-making experience, successfully incubated children's idols superbaby and coolbaby, and released songs "Little Cute" and "Super Baby" nationwide. Become a very representative entrepreneurial model of the post-90s generation in the Chinese music scene.

Song Mengjun, the first person of the Divine Comedy idol, opened up a new way of playing in the Chinese music scene

Endless learning, keep pace with the times, Song Mengjun, as the CEO of Yunmao Culture, proposed a new concept of China's C2B music reform during his further studies at Peking University, which aroused the attention of people inside and outside the industry. Song Mengjun said: Internet musicians should change their thinking according to the times and strive to learn to keep pace with the times. Looking at the Chinese music market before and after, in fact, the traditional record company operation model is more classified as the music B2C model (Business to Consumer) from production to fans. That is, musicians produce songs according to their own preferences and recommend them to fans. This method worked well because the domestic promotion channels were narrow a few years ago, just like in the past, everyone only broadcast "Journey to the West" and "The Legend of the New White Lady" as soon as they turned on the TV. Because at that time, everyone didn't have a choice, and the public could only accept what content you made. Nowadays, with the rapid development of the times, the Internet platform has blossomed, and it is obvious that online media has become the mainstream media favored by the public. Therefore, the traditional musician or record label music B2C model can no longer dominate the market as willfully as in the past.

Song Mengjun, the first person of the Divine Comedy idol, opened up a new way of playing in the Chinese music scene

In addition to having good creative talents, excellent musicians in the new era also need to have keen market insight, manufacturing and expanding market hotspots. Song Mengjun proposed the Internet C2B music revolution (Consumer to Business), from fans to creation, in fact, according to market demand to create good and fun songs, but also advocates a new concept of Internet music entertainment.

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