
There is nothing wrong with expectations, but what is wrong is that expectations should not be treated this way

author:Wise minds are cool

Is it wrong to have a good heart, look forward to the future, and expect the goal to be achieved as scheduled?

There is nothing wrong with expectations, what is wrong is the attitude towards the result, and the behavior that makes people unnecessarily expect.

Recently, a message on Weibo has caused heated discussion. A man in Tianjin went to Jining, Shandong Province, to meet netizens, because netizens avoided seeing, disappointed to eat 32 cephalosporins, drank half a bottle of liquor, and the police also found a suicide note on his car. This is suicidal!

The original intention is good, and it often backfires. In the face of the results, some people are in pain, and some people smile indifferently.

There is nothing wrong with expectations, but what is wrong is that expectations should not be treated this way

What kind of attitude there is to expect, what kind of life there is!

In life, everything is as expected in the world, and in the face of strong winds and waves, mature people know how to face the fruits of their hope flowers. Sweet rejoices, bitterness is also calm.

Life is a practice, and it is your own heart that is cultivated. Constantly adjusting and changing your mindset can make yourself happier, and the same is true for expectations.

There is nothing wrong with expectations, but what is wrong is that expectations should not be treated this way

Lower expectations and make the mood more peaceful

Xiaolin is the backbone of the department, yesterday was sick and hospitalized, and then released a vibrato, looking forward to the greetings of colleagues and the work of the consultation, a day passed no one paid attention; after discharge because of work misunderstandings and was reprimanded by the boss, want to ask colleagues to help wash away the innocence, they left on the pretext; quarreled with the daughter-in-law, slammed the door out, thought that the other party would block and stay, went out very far, found that there was only night behind them.

So Kobayashi secretly lost, and even felt resentful, felt that the world was cold, and even doubted his failure in life.

The reason for this is that Kobayashi has high expectations of others. He wants others to do something to be something like that, and he doesn't, so it suffers.

Japanese writer Mitsuro Sato said that all resentment arises because of the expectation of the other party. Therefore, the best way for adults to live is to reduce the expectations of all people.


There is nothing wrong with expectations, but what is wrong is that expectations should not be treated this way

Lower expectations, less thoughts, and the mind is quiet. Calm your mind, feel all the beauty of the world!

Lower your expectations and don't overestimate your importance to others. You are not the Savior, and you will not block the cycle of the four seasons. Without you, maybe someone else would have lived better.

Lower your expectations, and don't pin your happiness and hopes on others. Everyone is a mortal, and every day there will be unexpected storms, and your goals may not be achieved as scheduled.

Lower your expectations, don't be delusional and think otherwise. Pie will not fall from heaven, and even if pie falls from heaven, it may not fall into your mouth.

It's better to meet than to meet by chance, all the encounters are gifts and surprises!

There is nothing wrong with expectations, but what is wrong is that expectations should not be treated this way

Don't make promises lightly, and don't let expectations turn into a kind of harm

From the moment a promise is made, there is anticipation. Expect something to happen, expect a person to appear. The process of waiting is happy, hopeful, or short, or long. Some people have endured physical pain and emotional loneliness in order to wait for the fulfillment of their promises; some people have paid a lifetime of time, or even the price of life, in order to wait for the fulfillment of their promises.

The werewolf Chul-so in the Korean movie "Wolf Boy" waited for her alone for 47 years because of a small note promise from Shunyi.

Shunyi left a promise, but he didn't really want to fulfill it. She just treated the wolf boy as a passer-by in life. In the 47 years of waiting for the promise to be fulfilled, the wolf boy learned to speak for Shunyi and repaired the damaged piano for her. Do this silently like a fool in a place that no one knows, in a time that no one knows. It is precisely because of the full expectation that there is no complaint or regret.

After 47 years, the werewolf realized that he could no longer wait for that promise to be fulfilled, because it was a light promise.

The light promise makes the waiting people's hearts cold, disappointing, desperate, and broken!

There is nothing wrong with expectations, but what is wrong is that expectations should not be treated this way

As the saying goes: a promise is a lot of money. Commitment is never a casual talk, and it is even more important not to turn a promise into a sharp sword and stab at the person who is full of expectations.

Everyone who buys a lottery ticket expects to win the jackpot themselves. Someone spent 2 bucks to buy a lottery ticket and didn't win the lottery. Everyone complained about their bad luck, never bought a lottery ticket again, and lost the opportunity to win the lottery forever. Someone spent 10 yuan to buy a lottery ticket, did not win the lottery, smiled lightly, and continued to buy tomorrow. Because he understands that not winning the lottery is a common thing, and not every expectation is what people want. Even so, I am still full of expectations and let myself live in hope every day. The man who tells you that he will win the jackpot today is suspicious and should be far away.

For tomorrow, everyone is looking forward to it. No longer demanding results, there will be less complaining, more quiet, more leisurely.

Be kind to yourself at all times, especially those who are looking forward to themselves!