
"What are you idle" Liu Zaishi Haha Shen Fengshan Zheng Junhe, together wish Li Meizhu a happy birthday

author:Laugh and entertain

"What are you idle" Liu Zaishi Haha Shen FengShan Zheng Junhe, together wish Li Meizhu a happy birthday!

"What are you idle" Liu Zaishi Haha Shen Fengshan Zheng Junhe, together wish Li Meizhu a happy birthday

Starred in MBC's "What's Idle?" Lee Mi-joo, a member of lovelyz, has a birthday. "What are you doing idle?" On the social media site platform account, left "Happy Meizhu DAY, 'What is idle??? The text of "Happy Birthday to the Energetic Sumizu" was also uploaded along with the text left behind.

In the public photos, you can see THAT HAHA, Meizhu, Shin Fengshan, Liu Zaishi, and Zheng Junhe stand side by side with a bright smile. The five people wearing comfortable clothes and showing pleasant expressions are very intimate.

On the other hand, HAHA, Meizhu, Shin Fengshan, Liu Zaishi, And Zheng Junhe, five people, with MBC "What are you idle?" The new Cree, meet the audience. Mei Zhu and Liu Zaishi also collaborated on the variety show "The Sixth Sense", which was loved by many people.

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#Liu Jae-seok #Haha# #Shin Feng-sun # Lee Mi-joo #Ha Dong Hoon ##lovelyz# #郑俊河 #

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