
A person's luck is actually determined by the mouth

author:Xia Qing

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A person's luck is actually determined by the mouth

Text: Sunny wind

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Some people say: To see what a person's life is like, you only need to look at the person's mouth.

It seems ridiculous, but in fact, it is really so, when a person's mouth is not good, a lot of luck will disappear with it, and when a person's mouth is good, luck will naturally get better.

Because before we know it, we will find that luck is decided the moment we speak.

What you say, your luck is what it is, how you talk, your luck is also what it is.

So in this life, we must learn to keep our mouth shut.

A person's luck is determined by the mouth

There is such a Q&A on the Internet: What do you think a person's luck has to do with it?

Some people say that luck is related to ability; others say that luck is related to fate; and some people say that luck is related to dealing with people in the world.

Among the many answers, one netizen's answer received a lot of likes, and this netizen said: Luck is related to the mouth.

That is to say, how a person talks determines what kind of luck is, when a person can talk, luck will naturally get better, a person can't talk, and when he loves to talk, a lot of good luck will disappear.

I have to say that it is really so, sometimes we want to live well, want our luck to be better, but we can't control our mouth, such a person, luck will not get better, sometimes we want our life to be happier, but it is very fierce to our families, naturally it is not happy.

A person's luck is actually determined by the mouth

Only if we can control our mouths and know what to say and what not to say, will our luck slowly improve.

The mouth is very important, the mouth determines what we can say, and what we can say determines our attitude towards a thing, to a person, such an attitude determines the development of a thing, but also determines the perception of others on us, and ultimately determines the direction of a thing.

And those who can control their mouths always know what to say and what not to say, so in many cases, they can control their mouths, they know that the mouth determines the luck of this life.

People who can control their mouths, luck will naturally not be bad

No matter when, when a person can control his mouth, luck is naturally not bad, but if a person can't control his mouth, luck is naturally not good.

There is a saying that says it well: What you say determines what life you live.

Deeply believed, what we say determines what kind of life we will live, what kind of life we live, and also determines what kind of life we live.

Therefore, those who can control their mouths, their luck is naturally not too bad.

A person's luck is actually determined by the mouth

Friend Xiaofang is a person who can control her mouth, Xiaofang knows what words can be said and what words cannot be said, so at any time, Xiaofang can control her mouth.

Once when everyone was chatting together, someone started to say bad things about a friend, saying that the friend's boyfriend was not a good person, and the friend was stupid, so he looked at the cheated, and then said that she deserved to be cheated and so on.

When everyone was talking about this topic, Xiaofang never spoke, but silently bowed her head and ate.

After everyone finished speaking, they began to talk about other topics, and Xiaofang joined in. Almost at any time, the important thing is to say bad things about others, Xiaofang will never speak, never evaluate others.

It is also because of this that many of our hearts are willing to tell Xiaofang, and also regard Xiaofang as a real friend, and when Xiaofang is in difficulty, we are willing to lend a helping hand.

In fact, this is the case between people and people, when a person can control his mouth, in the eyes of others, such a person is a really reliable person, such a person, but also a trustworthy person, are willing to get along with such a person with their hearts, are willing to be with such a person with their hearts.

Such a person, luck will naturally not be bad.

People who can't keep their mouths shut, their luck is not good

When a person can't control his mouth, not only will others not trust him, but even he sometimes does not trust himself.

Because such a person is very unreliable, he can't control himself when he speaks, and he can say whatever he wants, and I have to say that such a person' luck is really not too good.

Former colleagues are such people, they have a very good friend, the other party trusts her, and the relationship between the two can be said to be inseparable.

And this friend had an accident at home, only told her alone, once she was chatting with a friend, said this, and the friend knew, took the initiative to contact her friend.

A person's luck is actually determined by the mouth

After that, the friend was very angry, and she told the other party about herself when she felt good, and because of this incident, the former colleague's friend no longer contacted her, and then another friend did not contact.

At that time, she did not understand what the reason was, and then she asked someone and knew the reason.

In fact, people get along with people like this, once you can't control your mouth, the people around you will be unhappy, and those who care about you will also be unhappy, the important thing is that those who really trust you, disappointed in you, will not be willing to get along with you.

When we lose the trust of the people around us and lose a lot of good friends, we will find that good luck will disappear with it.

So keep your mouth shut at all times.

Keep your mouth shut for good luck

In this life, only if you control your mouth will you have good luck, and only if you control your mouth will life be better.

In fact, life is like this, the more you can control your mouth, the better your life.

The important thing is that at any time, you must be sober, know what words can be said, what words can not be said, know what can be done, what can not be done, always keep your mind clear, naturally will not say the wrong thing, will not be excited, said the wrong thing.

A person's luck is actually determined by the mouth

When there are some words that you feel cannot say, you must resolutely do not say them, and when there are some words that you do not know whether to say or cannot say, you must understand more clearly that it is best not to say such words.

Life in the world, the mouth is very important, determines your future life also determines your future, so no matter when, you must learn to control your mouth, let your luck get better and better, make your life more and more happy.

Encourage everyone.


About the Author:

Sunny wind, rational to see the world, warm to see love, may my words can move you, bring you warmth.