
Service Rural Revitalization Strategy Kaijiang is in action

author:Sichuan people's livelihood is fully contacted

In order to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, do a good job in effectively connecting with rural revitalization, and promote the "one village, one project", on the morning of March 8, Liu Haiyang, secretary of the party committee and principal of Kaijiang County Vocational Middle School, led a team of 10 people from the school to conduct field research on the green pepper planting base in Zhongshanping Village, Changling Town, and the Fugui Tea Planting Base in Guangfu Town.

Service Rural Revitalization Strategy Kaijiang is in action

The research team inspected the green pepper planting base and processing plant in ZhongshanPing Village, and learned about the operation status of the green pepper planting base, the income and expenditure in recent years and the bottleneck constraints.

Service Rural Revitalization Strategy Kaijiang is in action

Subsequently, the two sides held a symposium on industrial development, income increase and prosperity, and reached a preliminary cooperation intention: first, organize joint construction, carry out joint study of political theory, joint office of practical activities, joint construction of party members, etc., build party and mass service centers, and enhance the "popularity index" of the center; second, jointly promote rural grass-roots governance, jointly carry out special lectures on health knowledge, behavior habits, laws and regulations, etc., to improve the quality of villagers and the degree of civilization of rural customs; the third is to jointly promote industrial development, relying on the school industry-education integration platform, in product publicity and promotion, Innovate marketing models, improve packaging quality and other aspects to enhance the village's collective economic income; the fourth is to jointly cultivate ingenious talents, open labor classes, build the green pepper planting base into a student labor education (practice) base, and establish students' correct labor values.

Service Rural Revitalization Strategy Kaijiang is in action

Subsequently, the research team came to Sichuan Fugui Tea Co., Ltd. to investigate the planting, picking, production process and sales status of Fugui tea. Liu Haiyang said that school tourism and hotel majors should further strengthen cooperation with Fugui Tea, carry out activities such as tea master craftsmen entering the classroom, student labor education to tea factories, etc., walk out of the new way of integration of industry and education, and explore new methods of industry-education cooperation and education.

Service Rural Revitalization Strategy Kaijiang is in action

Starting with the "small incision", this survey promotes the strategy of rural revitalization, fights the front battle for promoting the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology and organization, and explores a new path to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and the effective connection between rural revitalization. (Chen Linlin, Liu Lei)