
The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

"Eldon's Legal Ring" has been on the shelves for nearly two weeks, and the data of these two weeks needless to say, the MC website has 97 points, and the content of "Eldon's Legal Ring" on various live and video websites is overwhelming.

Soon, speculators with a keen sense of smell will smell the wind, such an excellent game, limited to the desktop and console, is really a tyrannical thing.

So on March 8, a mobile game called "Eldon Ring" was launched on the App Store with great fanfare, trying to break the barrier of the "soul" orthodox mobile game in one fell swoop.

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

On March 10, the game was opened for download, and it is not difficult to see the company's hard work on the game screen. Under the premise of declaring "retaining the essence of the Soul Series", the art content was simplified and simplified, which not only adapted to the performance of the mobile terminal, but also pressed the original M-class (17+) of "Eldon's Law Ring" to 9+, and the exquisite skill was amazing.

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

(Tieba netizens were deceived recorded)

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

(The App Store's category is "Life")

At the same time, it also "intimately" designed the paid project, which solved the shortcomings of the real forces in "Eldon's Law Ring" that could not reach the other side of the world for some players who failed to operate well, which can be described as considerate.

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

It is a pity that such a masterpiece, which should have become a masterpiece, was removed from the App Store after only a few short-lived flashes, which is really sad and regrettable.

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

Coincidentally, another domestic magic fairy mobile game has also launched a challenge to "Eldon's Ring", its name is unknown, but from the publicity map released, it intends to launch a charge against "Eldon's Ring" and oh no, it is the screenwriter of "Eldon's Ring", Mr. Martin, in a more novel angle.

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

Take this striking "EanheiwuxiG", the word mysterious and mysterious, and the "soul scientists" have finally given a more obscure research result after many discussions—it actually represents a more unfathomable worldview.

According to their observation, the "E" and "G" in "EanheiwuxiG" are nothing more than disguises to hide people's ears. When you take a cursory look at the past, it is easy to confuse it with The Eldon Ring and mistakenly think that it is a hot game with indiscriminate numbers, at this time, its true face is subconsciously ignored, and you have been screened out by the first level.

But don't be depressed, it's a very happy thing. Because when careful players pass the first hurdle, they are faced with an even more terrifying vortex of thought.

The "soulologists" deduced that the head-to-tail "anheiwuxi" seemed to be some kind of esoteric and untold proverb. Although they have not yet come up with a clear answer, it is speculated that the most likely meaning is "Dark Wuxi", which makes them shudder - this magical realism suddenly raises the level of the game's thinking by a large margin, and in the literary value of the game product, EanheiwuxiG has won!

Putting aside these "dare to be the first in the world" products, at the same time, "soul scientists" also resist some uninformed and unpopular works, which are based only on gimmicks and hot spots, with crude concepts, inferior means, and disgraceful behavior.

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

For players who have been worrying about the border for a day, it is also necessary to put down the game to find fun from these strange advertisements, and occasionally pass by, a few spits, is also a way to relax the mood.

The App Store surprised a "Eldon Law Ring", which gave me a whole thing

(In a game called Elden Souls, one player likes it, but it's hard to tell if it's fishing.)

However, from a practical point of view, it is difficult to imagine that there will be manufacturers in the twenty-first century who will do these things with great fanfare. The vast majority of these are more like the whole work of a small group. This kind of whole work has also been common in the past, but they obviously didn't receive as much attention as this time. Moreover, from the marketing level, we can't find out what overlaps between the users targeted by these promotional images and the audience of the game itself.

The reason is that the root of this "live" is that the current mobile phone performance cannot load a number of desktop and host-side games.

So is there a way to play Eldon's Ring of Law anytime, anywhere? The answer is clearly yes.

During this time, the teachers in our editorial department were playing The Eldon's Ring of Law. Of course, everyone's progress is not the same, there are farmers who have "walked around and eaten" for more than ten hours before entering the round table hall, and there are also liver emperors who have a cumulative time of 113 hours for eight hours a day for two consecutive weeks.

The liver emperor had sincerely asked how to play "Elden's Ring of Law" on his mobile phone when he went to work, and no one made a sound at the time, and the only thing that responded to him was cloud games.

Finally, it has been observed that there are countless old man ring mobile games on the market, and after we browsed seven or eight models, we found that it basically has nothing to do with the old man ring.

(How did the 7.8 rating come about, it's really confusing!) )

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