
Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

author:Aerospace Jun

According to CCTV News quoted by the Russian Ministry of Defense on March 10, according to documents obtained by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the United States has established a biological laboratory in Ukraine through funding, and the biological laboratory in Ukraine has also conducted experiments related to bat coronavirus samples. In addition to bat coronaviruses, the biology lab plans to conduct pathogen studies in birds and reptiles in 2022 and is trying to further explore the possibility of these organisms carrying deadly pathogens such as anthrax, while the U.S. aims to establish an effective mechanism for the transmission of deadly pathogens.

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

First, Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground for the United States, and the United States has deployed many biological laboratories around China and Russia

In fact, the United States has funded and controlled more than one biological laboratory in Ukraine, and according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, the United States has established 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine. These biological laboratories not only de facto encircle Russia, but also pose a great threat to the population of the surrounding areas of Ukraine. All experiments in the above laboratories are conducted under the guidance and commission of the United States Department of Defense. Experiments conducted in these biological laboratories in the United States have never been disclosed to the outside world, and after the exposure of biological experiments conducted in Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine quickly ordered laboratories to process relevant data and experiments. In addition to the "biological experiment network" formed in Ukraine, the United States has a staggering 336 biological laboratories around the world, and the United States has amazing control over these 336 biological laboratories. In addition, the activities of these biological laboratories are involved in the US Department of Defense, which means that these biological laboratories are likely to conduct biological military research in violation of international conventions.

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

In fact, Russia has condemned the United States for conducting biological experiments in its vicinity more than once! In an interview on April 7 last year, Patrushev, secretary general of the Russian Security Council, publicly pointed out that the United States is deploying more and more biological laboratories around China and Russia, and these laboratories are all engaged in the development of biological weapons. Less than half a month after this incident, the Russian media exposed the news that the United States has already begun to collect biological information of Russians, for which Russia even passed laws such as the Biosafety Law and the Biological Collection Law to protect its own biosecurity. In addition to Russia's condemnation, China also expressed concern about the biological research conducted by the United States! At today's news conference, Zhao Lijian, spokesman for the mainland's Foreign Ministry, questioned what the United States did at its Fort Detrick base and its 336 biological laboratories outside its borders, and whether it complied with the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention, and the international community knew nothing about it. This is not something that can be dealt with in a sentence or two, and it is not a responsible attitude to portray the concerns of the international community as disinformation. What is even more puzzling is that if the United States does comply with the Biological Weapons Convention, why has the United States exclusively opposed the establishment of a multilateral verification mechanism for 20 years? Since the United States mentioned the Chemical Weapons Convention, why not tell the world in passing that the United States is the only country that still possesses chemical weapons so far? The international community has repeatedly demanded that the United States complete the destruction of its stockpiles of chemical weapons as soon as possible, but it is regrettable and concerned that the destruction of chemical weapons in the United States stockpiles has been overdue twice!

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

Concerns about the U.S. biological laboratory are based entirely on strategic considerations

In the past two world wars, both sides have used biological and biological weapons to varying degrees. Especially in the Second World War, the countries led by Japanese fascists and Nazi Germany used biological and biological weapons on a large scale on the battlefield. At the same time, large-scale and inhumane human experiments were also carried out, which brought great harm and painful memories to the broad masses of the people in the invaded countries. Therefore, after the Second World War, various States signed and acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention. On the issue of chemical weapons incidents in Syria and the traceability of the new crown, the United States has frequently stood on the moral high ground to smear and attack other countries. But we need to know that, as mentioned earlier, the United States has always been the only country in more than 20 years that opposes the establishment of a multilateral verification mechanism, and the United States is also the only country that currently has biological and chemical weapons. Especially after the exposure of Fort Detrick and the Ukrainian biological laboratory, the United States has carried out "information clearance" on the grounds of national security. In the case of chemical weapons, the international community has repeatedly demanded that the United States destroy stockpiles of chemical weapons. However, the relevant destruction work has been overdue twice in a row.

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

It is worth mentioning that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the economic situation of Russia and Eastern European countries could not afford to bear the cost of "decommissioning" a large stockpile of chemical and biological weapons. Against this backdrop, Russia and the United States signed the Biological Synergy Program, the main purpose of which was to reduce the stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons in the former Soviet union countries. But as the plan unfolded, Russia was gradually surrounded by biological laboratories established by the United States, which made people quite suspicious of the use of the United States after acquiring the biological and chemical weapons of the former Soviet union countries.

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

What is more interesting is that in 2017, Russian President Putin said in public that the United States is secretly collecting biological information about Russians. This included collecting the joint synovial fluid of Russian soldiers to analyze and compare the hardiness of soldiers in the two countries. In response to the fact that the United States is secretly collecting the biological genes of Russians, the Russian side has made many judgments. Among them, the Russian news agency believes that the United States secretly collects joint synovial fluid in the body of Russians and tries to study the reasons why Russian soldiers are stronger than American soldiers in terms of physical endurance and hardiness by analyzing this biological information. At present, the hostile situation between the United States and Russia has been going on for a long time, and in the next period of time, the probability of détente between the United States and Russia is not very large! If the United States can use genetic data to improve the relevant weaknesses of its own soldiers, or target Russian soldiers, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the possibility of winning its own war. From the perspective of war, if the Americans are allowed to engage in biological weapons research and the collection of biological information without any scruples, it will certainly have irreparable consequences for China and Russia!

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

It is time for China and Russia to strike, and exposing more secrets is the first step in counterattack

Overall, the 336 biological laboratories established in the United States have collected the world's largest and most deadly pathogens. Judging from the time of the Fort Detrick incident, the United States' own control of biological laboratories has also had problems, and it is difficult to ensure that the 336 biological laboratories will not have pathogen leakage incidents. In particular, the role played by European and American countries in the expansion of the conflict in Ukraine, coupled with the experiments carried out by the United States in the Ukrainian biological laboratory, there is also a possibility of overreaction on the Russian side. In the aftermath of the conflict in Ukraine, the safety of these biological laboratories was also difficult to guarantee.

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

The ukraine crisis turned into a conflict, and it was inseparable from the United States to add fuel to the fire. The long-standing Opaque Policy of the United States on biological and chemical weapons has prevented the lives and health of the people around Ukraine and the world from being effectively guaranteed. Therefore, at this stage, the United States must not only earnestly fulfill its responsibility as the world's sole superpower to destroy all chemical weapons, but also ensure the absolute safety of the 336 biological laboratories under its control. At the same time, the United States should also make public statements about these military biological experiments and take the initiative to accept multilateral inspections conducted by other countries.

Ukraine has become a biochemical testing ground! It is time for China and Russia to strike back, and do not wait until the US conspiracy succeeds before making a move

In April last year, during the discussion of the traceability of the new crown virus in the international community, The Chairman of the Russian State Duma (the lower house of parliament), Volodin, put forward the idea that the new crown virus may leak from the biological laboratory in the United States, and pointed out that the Russian government should raise the issue of responsibility for the leakage of the virus, and asked the West and other countries to clarify the biological laboratories around the world. Subsequently, the Chinese side has repeatedly asked the United States to open the door to accept the international community's testing of the Fort Detrick biological base. In the face of today's increasing evidence that Russia is finding in Ukraine, it is time for the Americans to give an account to all of humanity. In view of the current international situation, the United States should change its long-standing hegemonic mentality, because us hegemonism is the fundamental cause of turmoil around the world.

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