
If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

author:Florist Xiao Qi

Many people's living rooms are relatively large, there is a vacant position, then want to raise a few pots of plants, raise plants to choose some can purify the air, good and beautiful, do not need too much care of the plants, do not know how to choose. In fact, you have these conditions are very good to choose, Xiao Qi will introduce 5 kinds of flowers to everyone, they are easy to raise and beautiful, but also can purify the air, it can be said that "purification" small experts, like can be raised.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

1, green lotus

Green lotus is a foliage plant, and the hanging performance is very strong, there are also flower friends to do it on the TV wall, with things fixed to the wall to make a green lotus wall, but also very beautiful. Its leaves are oily green all year round, and its leaf pores can exhale oxygen after opening, which is very good for purifying the air. We can raise a few pots of green lotus at home, but we must remember that it is afraid of exposure to the sun, and only needs to see a little astigmatism.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

You can also put it in a place where the bright light is very sufficient, use a small pot of good breathability of the soil, the soil is dry to half of the timely watering, to ensure that the living room can open the window ventilation, so that the regular month to supplement him with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced fertilizer, it can grow normally, quickly climb the entire wall, quickly develop a hanging shape, absolutely very beautiful, novices can also raise well.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

2, hanging orchid

Hanging orchid is the most common plant in the family, see who domesticated directly to ask for a side bud, inserted into the soil can survive. But most people don't like to raise it if they think it's good. In fact, the hanging orchid belongs to a plant with a relatively good effect of purifying the air, its leaves are evergreen all year round, the leaves produce oxygen during the day, and can also absorb carbon dioxide at the same time, for smokers more or indoors itself is more, you can raise a pot of hanging orchid. Find a flower stand, use a slightly larger pot, plant it directly with a short pot, put it in a position where you can see the light, and never lack light.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

Watering dry and thorough watering, fertilizer selection nitrogen content is high, other elements are not missing, until it will be the whole pot full, this time we then go to use a point of phosphorus content is high, other elements are not missing fertilizer, it will quickly pump rattan, grow a cane, hanging down a small hanging orchid, very beautiful. At this time, its role in purifying the air is the greatest, and it is very good to raise. Even if you forget to water, its leaves will be broken, but it will not die, watering can be restored, as long as the light is sufficient, its leaves are not black and not rotten, the root system will not appear rotten roots, it can grow normally.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

3, Loose-tailed sunflower

Scattered tail sunflower is very common in the flower market, generally seen are plants more than one meter, planted in a good-looking pot, put in the living room is very beautiful, its role in purifying the air is very strong, and its leaves can adsorb dust, for smokers at home, the family dust is more, you can raise a pot of loose tail sunflower. It belongs to large green plants, the living room can be raised on a pot, but it must be remembered that it is afraid of exposure, can not be placed in a place with strong light, can see astigmatism or bright light.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

There are many flower friends who think it is difficult to raise, in fact, you have not mastered a good method, to ensure that the point of astigmatism, and then water the pot soil to dry down about half of the timely watering, every day to ensure that it spray, so that its leaves can have humidity, so that the leaves raised at home can maintain a state of oil green. If you want it to grow quickly, you can supplement the fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium once a month. It is a typical plant that is afraid of low temperatures, in the winter in the northern region must ensure that the indoor temperature is not less than 15 degrees, if it is floor heating, try to raise the pot as much as possible, so that there will be no damage to the roots, and the leaves can remain oily green.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

4, yew

Yew is a more unique plant, it is different from other plants, in the daytime is to produce oxygen to absorb carbon dioxide, it is whether it is day or night, can release oxygen to absorb carbon dioxide, so yew is a veritable oxygen concentrator, can purify the air, increase the oxygen content in the air, is conducive to human health. And it can absorb second-hand smoke, if there are smokers, raise it.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

We can choose a larger seedling, but the pot can not be too large, can not use deep pots, maintenance to ensure that the light, but can not be exposed, every day to see the light before 11 o'clock in the morning can be, the pot soil dried down about half and then go to water it, fertilizer one to two months to use once, with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced, so that in the room can keep the leaves oily green, as long as the temperature is not lower than zero in winter, it will not be a problem.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

5. Happiness Tree

The happy tree is a perennial tree, it can grow very tall, generally seen in the flower market is the kind of thick trunk grown to more than one meter of large seedlings, the leaves are oily green all year round, growing very luxuriant. It also has a good purification effect, put in the bedroom living room breeding, can absorb benzaldehyde and other harmful substances to the human body, but also can absorb carbon monoxide, its leaves are evergreen all year round, put indoors can also improve the environment.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

Many people can't raise it well because we don't have a good method when we maintain it. It is a light-loving plant, do not put into the low-light environment, and to ensure that the environment is ventilated, poor ventilation will appear black leaves and other situations, so ensure that the light is seen, ensure that the pot soil is dried to more than half and then water it, the environmental ventilation is good, the temperature can not be lower than 15 degrees, and then add a month of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balanced fertilizer, in our room can continue to grow, the leaves have been oily green. If you are in the northern region, the soil water quality is alkaline, regularly adjust the soil, and watering the chelated iron once a month can ensure that the leaves are oily green.

If the living room is large, raise 5 kinds of flowers, good and beautiful, or "purification" small experts

Home living room is relatively large, want to raise some plants to purify the air, to improve the environment, so that the interior to add a touch of vitality, you can choose these 5 kinds of plants, they are very good to raise, as long as you master the maintenance method, according to the conditions to do a good job, they can grow rapidly, in the room is not only beautiful, but also can purify the air, is the best choice for flowering novices.