
"They" bloom with spring

author:Morning Yiyang

The world is beautiful because of you

Over the past few days, in order to commemorate the "March 8th" International Women's Day, various localities in Nanxian County have organized colorful celebrations to further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the vast number of women and sisters, so that female compatriots can enjoy the joy of the festival, and at the same time, they also show the positive, upward and healthy spiritual outlook of women in the new era.

"They" bloom with spring

On March 8th, the county federation of trade unions organized the theme activity of "Rejuvenation of a Strong Country with Me, Building Dreams and Fanghua", and the scene fully demonstrated the good spiritual outlook of women's unity and hard work and striving to be the first by carrying out the outdoor legal knowledge contest of "Sisters Join Hands, Protect the Law and Red Face", the charming tea talk lecture of "Neon Dress Up, Bright Yiren Festival", and the outdoor CS expansion of "Close to Nature, Protecting Kyushu".

"They" bloom with spring

On March 8, the county economic development zone organized more than 20 women workers to carry out fun activities. Fun activities set up a number of entertainment projects such as pot throwing, puzzles, competitions, etc., each project is wonderful, everyone strives to be the first, unites and cooperates, and has the same goal, which fully demonstrates the spirit of women's hard work.

"They" bloom with spring
"They" bloom with spring

On March 7, the County Women's Federation, the County Political and Legal Committee, the County Court and other departments, together with the Anti-Drug Mothers Association and the Colorful Fanghua Association, held a rule of law publicity and education activity to celebrate the "March 8th" Women's Rights Protection Week with the theme of "Building the Rule of Law in Hunan and Women in Action" in Guihua Square. The staff publicized to the masses a number of laws and regulations such as the "Family Education Promotion Law", the "Anti-Domestic Violence Law", the "Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests" and other laws and regulations, as well as knowledge about family education, anti-drug and AIDS prevention, women's health, and smoke-free families, through setting up publicity and consultation points, hanging propaganda banners, placing propaganda shelves, visiting and distributing publicity materials, etc.

"They" bloom with spring

On March 4th, the County Women's Federation held a fun sports meeting with the theme of "Sports Burning Passion and Exhibition style". On the field, the women riveted their strength, tacit cooperation, each showing their abilities, passwords, cheers and cheers, enjoying the joy of sports, the whole competition scene is interesting and lively.

"They" bloom with spring

On March 8, the Nanxian Rong Media Center held a team building activity to celebrate "March 8th" Women's Day. With the theme of "Charming Women, Happy Women", the event issued honorary certificates to the collectives and families who won the honorary titles of "March 8 red flag collective" and "five good families" in Nanxian County, and through interesting collective games, than individual skills and teams, everyone united and cooperated, fully devoted, and the scene was full of laughter and laughter, which fully demonstrated the spirit of the new era and new women's love and dedication, selfless dedication, hard work and enterprising, unity and fraternity.

On this day

Wish everyone special and ordinary

Female workers

Happy holidays

Photo: South County release synthesis

Editor: Duan Jian, Xiao Yufan

Review: Cui Zhiwen Wen Wei

【Source: South County Release】

Copyright belongs to the original author, a tribute to the original

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