
After the US deputy secretary of state recognized the Ukrainian laboratory, the White House was anxious and sent eight tweets in a row to blame China and Russia

author:Ink writes The Eastern Ying dialect Spring and Autumn

Since the media broke the news that "the United States supports the establishment of biological laboratories in Ukraine", the "military biological plan" of the United States in Ukraine has become another major concern outside the War between Russia and Ukraine, and everyone wants to know whether the United States really did this. Just a day ago, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Newland happily acknowledged the existence of these biological laboratories, stirring up a thousand waves.

After the US deputy secretary of state recognized the Ukrainian laboratory, the White House was anxious and sent eight tweets in a row to blame China and Russia

Newland's opening is equivalent to saying that the ARTICLE washed by the US media has been white, and the US politicians who refuse to admit it is also a slap in the face, and soon some people in the United States will not be able to see it. In order to reverse the trend of public opinion, White House spokesman Psaki took the lead in taking action.

On the afternoon of March 9, White House press secretary Psaki sent eight consecutive tweets to prove that there is no biological laboratory in the United States, and what is even more shameful is that in addition to whitewashing the United States, she even wants to pour dirty water on China and Russia.

Psaki claimed that the news of the U.S. establishment of a biological laboratory in Ukraine was entirely a "false statement" by Russia, and also slandered China as echoing these "conspiracy theories." In general, Psaki's speech maintained the usual style of avoiding the important and reversing black and white, and in order to clear up the relationship, the spokesman even said that the so-called evidence was also fabricated by Russia.

After the US deputy secretary of state recognized the Ukrainian laboratory, the White House was anxious and sent eight tweets in a row to blame China and Russia

In her description, the United States has become a law-abiding country that fully complies with the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention, while Russia has a "black history" of the use of chemical weapons, such as last year's "Navarine Incident" and the Support for the Assad regime in Syria, which uses chemical weapons, etc. Psaki tries to prove that Russia stands against the world, but such accusations are obviously untenable.

Whether the Assad government used chemical weapons is still inconclusive, and there is no evidence in the United States, and the so-called allegations are more like illusions deliberately created by the media. But the fact that the United States has established a funded biology laboratory in Ukraine is already a foregone conclusion, because much of the data is released by the United States itself.

After the US deputy secretary of state recognized the Ukrainian laboratory, the White House was anxious and sent eight tweets in a row to blame China and Russia

The United States has been reacting fiercely ever since the Russian military discovered evidence of the Russian-Ukrainian border and several U.S.-funded Ukrainian biological laboratories engaged in the development of biological and chemical weapons. There are indications that at the end of February, the United States also ordered the Ukrainian side to urgently destroy all dangerous goods, covering up traces of U.S. involvement. However, knowing that the US government has long been involved, the US media and politicians have been denying it.

But soon, all this was "ruined" by US Deputy Secretary of State Newland. On the 8th, Nuland said bluntly at the Senate hearing that Ukraine does have biological research facilities, but the problem now is how to prevent those materials from falling into the hands of the Russian army. This is tantamount to a disguised recognition of the fact that the United States and Ukraine are carrying out biological weapons research and development, and it also makes the United States blow up.

After the US deputy secretary of state recognized the Ukrainian laboratory, the White House was anxious and sent eight tweets in a row to blame China and Russia

Ukrainian authorities are tight-lipped about 20 Ukrainian soldiers infected with a flu-like virus in 2016 and all died within two days. This cannot but be reminiscent of the fact that there is a similar connection between the Fort Detrick Laboratory in the United States and the new crown virus, and the US government's statement is also to avoid the important and cover up.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the Pentagon controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world in the name of "cooperation to reduce biosecurity risks and strengthen global public health". The United States should provide comprehensive clarification of its biological militarization activities at home and abroad and accept multilateral verification.

After the US deputy secretary of state recognized the Ukrainian laboratory, the White House was anxious and sent eight tweets in a row to blame China and Russia

In fact, in the War between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has always shown an attitude of not caring about itself, refusing to directly confront or provide clear help to Ukraine, and the White House hopes to avoid "setting fire to itself."

But what people did not expect was that although the United States had left the interference early, the Russian army accidentally discovered the biological military plan of the US military, which made the White House fall into great passivity. Now that they see their plans gradually being hammered, Americans are also a little anxious.

However, for the safety of the world's people and the credibility of the United States, the relevant information should be announced and clarified as soon as possible. Pretending to be deaf and turning black and white upside down will not solve the problem.

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