
Reverse thinking: The more you refuse to object, the more you lack

author:Those who know what they believe in

A salesman friend asked the believer with a sad face.

It is said that his customers are anxious to order a large number of goods, and they are moving around in the company, begging their fathers and mothers to prepare enough goods in time.

Originally planned to make a lot of money, but the customer put forward conditions, asking for a price reduction, otherwise this batch of goods will not be wanted, and the goods of others will be ordered.

Communicate with customers without results, and now they are scolded by their bosses every day, what should I do?

Depending on, the rotten things you have done yourself, how can the believer know what to do, the causes and consequences you don't say anything, only you know the cattiness behind it best.

The believers can only ask, why didn't you sign the contract in the first place, didn't charge enough rated money, and dared to start large-scale stocking?

Guess what this guy says?

He said that one is to trust customers, and the other is to be anxious about customers, don't they all say to consider for customers, solve real problems and concerns for customers?

Nima, what a service!

If you don't solve your own problems, first run to solve other people's problems.

No wonder your boss is angry, the boss wants popularity, not "angry people"!

Reverse thinking: The more you refuse to object, the more you lack

A friend asked the believers that they wanted to engage in self-media, how did the tens of thousands of fans in your network come from?

Tell the truth, that is, use your spare time for a few years, desperately write articles in exchange, you can also.

My friend said, I don't understand, I won't.

The believer told him that if he did not understand, he would learn, and if he did not, he would practice.

My friend said helplessly, I don't have time...

Well, you're all right, the believers were shocked!

On the top floor of the skyscraper is a revolving restaurant, each with at least a few thousand yuan, still unable to block the door, and every day is very lively.

In the alley behind the building, ten yuan can eat on the stall, and if you are not careful, you can also come to a bottle of beer.

If the two people eating in heaven and on earth can look at each other across the time and space of the tall building, two words will definitely appear in the hearts of both sides at the same time: XX!

Because between the two sides, there is absolutely no mutual understanding.

Reverse thinking: The more you refuse to object, the more you lack

The world is so strange, the more you oppose, can't see, resist the acceptance of things, generally is what you lack the most.

The more comfortable you are, the more you approve of, the things you like to do, most of them are your weakest aspects.

This is the most secret truth of human nature.

For example, if you are most opposed to swimming, you will not learn to swim, and as a result, you will naturally not be able to swim and will not have this ability.

There are two diametrically opposed views on the same thing in the network.

If you have a view in your inner mind that opposes one side, you will naturally not study in depth, those views that you do not approve of.

You will only keep looking at the views that you agree with, and thus deepen your correct judgment.

It is precisely this kind of self-righteous subjective judgment, do not learn the other person's point of view, you will be very lacking in this part of the knowledge.

The most difficult thing in the world to make a judgment is the word "correct."

Those who have achieved reverse thinking masters, on the contrary, will take the initiative to seek those things that they resist and oppose, and use them for their own use.

For example, most people like to pursue success, and masters are willing to take the initiative to pursue failure.

Most people like short-term profits, quick money, the master will look at the long term, even if they do not make money at the front end, or even lose money at all costs.

Reverse thinking: The more you refuse to object, the more you lack

Believers often say that making money is the greatest practice in life.

There will be a large number of people who will stand up against it, saying that making money is a matter of scheming and plundering, not the work of a gentleman.

A person should read more books, improve their abilities, and help others more is the value of their own lives.

Yes, most of the people who say these words are gentlemen, and they are only gentlemen they think they are, and have nothing to do with whether they can make money or not.

You can't survive well yourself, how can you help others?

For adults, making money is the right thing, making money is the biggest growth, making money is the biggest practice, and making money can reflect your comprehensive ability.

Not only is it to grow up by reading more, but to make more money, naturally your ability will be stronger.

Only when your own ability is strong, you have the ability to help those who need your help.

The more you ignore something, and the more careless you are, the easier it is to plant your head somewhere.

The more you approve of it, the weaker you are!

The more you oppose, the more you resist, the more difficult it is for you to accept, which is the ability you lack the most at the moment.

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