
The situation in Myanmar is tense! Explosions and clashes occurred in Yangon, Mandalay, Kachin State and many other places

author:Myanmar Chinese Jun

The Brave Bar and SKYWAY CLUB & KTV in Yangon were bombed

Yangon news, on March 8, at about 3 p.m., a bomb exploded at Brave Bar on Kan Yeik Thar Road in The Mayor District of Mayangon Township.

The situation in Myanmar is tense! Explosions and clashes occurred in Yangon, Mandalay, Kachin State and many other places
The situation in Myanmar is tense! Explosions and clashes occurred in Yangon, Mandalay, Kachin State and many other places
The situation in Myanmar is tense! Explosions and clashes occurred in Yangon, Mandalay, Kachin State and many other places

JBF-JusticeBringer Force released information that at about 3 p.m. on March 8, we used bombs to attack the Brave Bar, causing damage to buildings and vehicles.

Similarly, at 8 p.m. on March 8, SKYWAY CLUB & KTV at the intersection of Jiangbian Road and Aron In Aron Township was also bombed.

DarkShadow released information saying it was responsible for the bomb blast at SKYWAY CLUB & KTV.

Military units stationed at Monin University in Kachin State were attacked

According to Kachin State, at about 3:00 a.m. on March 8, the military troops stationed in the Morning College in Monin Town were attacked by the Monin PDF Defense Force led by KIA, and there were casualties in the exchange.

The situation in Myanmar is tense! Explosions and clashes occurred in Yangon, Mandalay, Kachin State and many other places

In addition, on March 7, a fierce battle broke out between the military forces and the Kachin regional PDF Nanma coalition army, between the military forces in the Kachin state of Moning, and the south Andma coalition forces in the Kachin region, with casualties on both sides and a vehicle destroyed on the side of the military troops.

Two military camps in the town of Paruso in Kayah State were attacked

On March 8, the KNDF B15 Battalion in The Paruso region of Kayah State released information that on March 6 and 8, the KNDF B15 Battalion attacked two military barracks in the town of Paruso.

The situation in Myanmar is tense! Explosions and clashes occurred in Yangon, Mandalay, Kachin State and many other places

The KNDFB 15 Battalion Propaganda Office said that the fighting was not very fierce, they were in the barracks, the protection was high, and we just carried out guerrilla sneak attacks.

Prior to this, at about 2 o'clock at noon on February 26, the 428th Battalion of Kamaya in Paruso Town was also attacked by KA and KNDF, and the fierce fighting lasted for about an hour.

An explosion occurred in a home in Mandalay, injuring four people

Mandalay news, at about 8 a.m. on March 7, a bomb was dropped in a family in de Yegun Village, Uindo Township, Amarabura Township, and the bomb explosion caused 4 people to be injured, 2 of whom were seriously injured and the remaining 2 were slightly injured.

The situation in Myanmar is tense! Explosions and clashes occurred in Yangon, Mandalay, Kachin State and many other places

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