
How to build an environmentally friendly and practical home for children! TK Light Luxury Home tells you

author:Flowers bloom all over the sky

In home improvement, the planning and selection of cabinets is undoubtedly the top priority. Do well, health is guaranteed, storage is stress-free; do not do well, laborious and hurt money, and even because of small losses, hurt health, affect life.

Below, I will share with you some of the basic principles and details of the cabinet, hoping to help you create a practical, convenient and healthy home environment!

How to build an environmentally friendly and practical home for children! TK Light Luxury Home tells you

Have a good idea and keep it in order

The cabinet is too small, and there is nowhere to store more items; the cabinet is too large, which is easy to squeeze the living space of the small apartment, affecting the quality of living. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the size of the space according to the daily storage demand so as not to affect the visual effect.

How to build an environmentally friendly and practical home for children! TK Light Luxury Home tells you

Hidden Eight Dew Two is more beautiful

All made into closed cabinets may be too dull, the cabinet body is fully open, cleaning must be frequent, how can it be just right to achieve storage and decoration? Follow the principle of storing eight dews on the top, such as opening up about 20% of the area of the cabinet, with eye-catching lights and exhibits. If you are worried about the inconvenience of open cleaning, a glass cabinet door can be installed in the open area.

How to build an environmentally friendly and practical home for children! TK Light Luxury Home tells you

Plate selection is important

Finally, plate selection is important. News about the health of children affected by decoration pollution abounds, and there are not a few news that affect the health of adults and the elderly. Young children and elderly parents are always the objects of care that people can't get around, and their health has naturally become the most important issue for people.

Therefore, the choice of its material determines the quality of the finished product and also affects the quality of the living environment.

How to build an environmentally friendly and practical home for children! TK Light Luxury Home tells you

The TK light luxury home uses net aldehyde euthamic board, breaking through the shortcomings of traditional customized panels that are not environmentally friendly, easy to damp and moldy, and can meet the many requirements of people in the current and future in environmental protection and healthy life.

Countless people with dreams have left their hometowns to go to big cities, and in the eyes of many people, it is warm, a haven, and a dignity to maintain their dignity in this bustling city. For such a place, how can we not pay attention to it?