
Chen Shidao is a touching little poem that writes the sad and joyful reunion of relatives who have been separated for a long time

author:Liu Lingzi candy

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For Chen Shidao, the "Song Shi Chen Shi Dao's Biography" praised him in this way: "Gao Jie has a festival, and the poor are happy."

Takasuke has the discipline to praise others for their good character, noble integrity, discipline, and literary style, and this poor and happy way can be bitter to his wife and children.

"There is no place to fall, and the hands are not warm." The poverty and embarrassment of Chen Shidao's daily life can be seen in his "Book of Lu Zhi" written to Huang Tingjian.

Chen Shidao was born in a family of eunuchs, and by the time of his generation, his family had declined, and it could be said that he was very poor, so that even after marriage, he had to live with his wife in his father-in-law's house.

In the seventh year of YuanFeng (1084 AD), Chen Shidao's father-in-law Guo Shuti (郭概) proposed to the Chengdu Fulu Prison and moved his family to Chengdu, because he could not afford to support his wife and children, so he had to endure the pain of separation from his wife and children.

It was not until the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (1087 AD), when Su Shi recommended him to be a professor of Xuzhou Prefecture, that he received his wife and children from Shuzhong and the family was able to reunite in Xuzhou.

This "Three Sons of Shi" was written when his wife and children just returned, and when the family first met, because of its real emotions, it particularly touched people's hearts, so it became popular among the people and became a very outstanding masterpiece of his.

Chen Shidao is a touching little poem that writes the sad and joyful reunion of relatives who have been separated for a long time

To go far is to forget each other, and to return to the near is intolerable.

The children are already in sight, and their eyebrows are slightly unconscious.

Overjoyed, tearful.

Knowing that it is not a dream, the mind is suddenly unstable. - Song Chen Shidao, "Show the Third Son" (when the third son has returned from a foreign family)

Abbreviated Translation:

You have gone far, but I no longer think about you, and the return date is approaching, but I can't suppress my feelings for you.

Now you are standing before me, but I can no longer recognize your countenance.

The joy reached the extreme, but I didn't know what to say, put away the tears and smiled, how much sadness was contained in the process.

I knew it wasn't in a dream, but my heart was still up and down, and I always felt unsteady.

Chen Shidao is a touching little poem that writes the sad and joyful reunion of relatives who have been separated for a long time


This is a five-word poem describing the true feelings of the heart, composed of two parts: thoughts and meetings, the language is simple and easy to understand, the emotions are sincere, and the heart is touching.

The first sentence of "going far is to forget" refers to the wife taking three young children to follow her father-in-law's family to Sichuan.

His wife and children have the protection of their mother's family, which is enough to ensure that there is no worry about food and clothing, and he can worry less, because he is assured, so he can "forget each other", but this also makes him feel guilty, full of helplessness and bitterness.

The eunuchs are hopeless, the future is slim, the livelihood is difficult, and the relatives are thousands of miles away from each other, who knows if they can never see each other again in this life? But they can't guarantee the lives of their mother and son without leaving.

Therefore, walking is helpless, "that is, forgetting" is also helpless, although he said "that is, forgetting", in his heart is "Ru crying is still in the ear", it turns out that this thought is always there.

The second sentence "The return is unbearable" means that the return of the wife and children is approaching, and the family will soon be reunited, but at this time, I can't hold back the tidal wave of thoughts in my heart.

In the second year of Emperor Zhezong of Song (1087 AD), Su Shi, who was then a Hanlin scholar, recommended Chen Shidao to be a professor of Xuzhou Prefecture, and his living conditions improved, and he took his wife and children who had been separated for nearly four years to Xuzhou.

He Zhizhang returned to his hometown in his old age, "The near-homesickness is even more timid, and he does not dare to ask passers-by." Chen Shidao was afraid that it would be difficult to reunite after a long absence, so the closer the return date, the more impatient he was.

The first sentence is a distant concern and thought, the second sentence is the anxiety and longing for homecoming, bitter and sweet, the family can finally be reunited, and this endless thought can finally be put to rest.

Chen Shidao is a touching little poem that writes the sad and joyful reunion of relatives who have been separated for a long time

The jaws write about the first meeting of sorrow and joy after a long farewell reunion, happy that "the children are in front of the eyes", sad that "the eyebrows are slightly unconscious", the children stand in front of them with brush brushes, but they can't recognize their original appearance.

According to his poem "Farewell to the Three Sons", in the past years, the children were like this: "there is a female first hair tie", "the eldest child learns the language", "the child swaddling".

That is, the daughter has only reached the age of Zhizhen, about 15 years old, the eldest son is just about 2 or 3 years old when he is learning to speak, and the infant son is still held in the arms of his wife.

I haven't seen her for nearly four years, my daughter has grown into a big girl, and at that time, the youngest children are running all over the ground, how can I recognize it?

Neck joint writes the complex feelings of sorrow and joy after a long goodbye reunion, how can the hard children along the way understand it, thousands of words, do not know what to say, it is "extremely happy", only "tears are exhausted", wipe away tears, smile to welcome this rare family reunion.

The tail joint is a deeper expansion of the neck joint, because there is too much bitterness and too much disappointment, so I always feel that this happiness is so unreal, obviously "knowing that it is not a dream", but still "suddenly unstable".

Chen Shidao's feeling of fluttering and flickering at that time was no less than that of Yan Jidao, who "left the silver to shine tonight, and I was afraid that the meeting was in a dream", and even more than the "at first glance to see the doubtful dream, the sorrow of each other asked the year".

The first link writes the long parting worries and thoughts, and the last triptych writes the intersection of sorrow and joy after a long reunion, the language throughout the text is simple and thick, plain and natural, there is no pretentious atmosphere, the feelings are sincere, and people are touched.

Chen Shidao is a touching little poem that writes the sad and joyful reunion of relatives who have been separated for a long time

Write at the back:

According to the "History of Song Dynasty, Chen Shidao's Biography", when Chen Shidao was sixteen years old, he paid homage to Zeng Gong with an article, and Zeng Gong greatly appreciated his literary talent and took him under his door to study.

Chen Shidao was a man of one strength, because Zeng Gong had the grace of knowing him, he studied under Zeng Gong all his life, Su Shi appreciated his talent and wanted to accept him as a disciple, and he wrote a poem to refuse, "Always a petal of incense, respected as Zeng Nanfeng." ”

He was also a very assertive person, and because he did not agree with Wang Anshi's concept of learning from the scriptures, he refused to take the exam, because of his cloth body, he not only missed the opportunity to recommend Zeng Gongxiu as a subordinate when he was repairing the history of this dynasty, but also was repeatedly impeached by the small people of the dynasty.

Although he did not worship under Su Shimen, Su Shi, who loved talent, still guided him to become one of the six gentlemen of Sumen, and recommended him as a professor of Xuzhou Prefecture studies in his most difficult time.

Chen Shidao is a touching little poem that writes the sad and joyful reunion of relatives who have been separated for a long time

However, his career was not smooth, and he was degraded several times, and his life fell into a more difficult state, from the first year of Shao Sheng (1094) because of the Su Shi Wutai poetry case implicated in the dismissal of officials to the third year of Yuan Fu (1100), he "dismissed the official for six years, there was no money in it, hardships and hardships, and everything." ”

Although his family was poor, he still concentrated on writing, and passed on poetry to future generations, and his literary achievements were mainly in poetry creation, and Huang Tingjian praised him for "finding sentences behind closed doors".

In his "Poetry of Houshan", he expounded his poetry creation concept in this way: "Poetry is not clumsy, it is better to be simple than hua, it is better to be rough than weak, and it is better to be secluded than vulgar."

"I couldn't say anything with joy, and I burst into tears." The song "Show the Third Son" shared today is simple in feelings, and writes out the inner feelings of the long-term reunion of sorrow and joy, which is touching to read, and it is worthy of being an outstanding work of his.

Chen Shidao is a touching little poem that writes the sad and joyful reunion of relatives who have been separated for a long time

Chen Shidao

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