
Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

author:Instant noodle micro theater

This man is Chinese New Year's Eve seven years old, but he is at home, not only taking his parents' 30,000 yuan to buy brand-name clothes, but also shouting at his parents at every turn, and even beating his father, just because his parents blocked his dream of success.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

The man's name is Wu Hai, once an ordinary migrant worker, but other people in the same village came back from work, they all built a new house at home, but he ran into walls everywhere because of his junior high school education, a year ago, Wu Hai suddenly quit his job, began to study success studies, often soaked in the town's library, he also took the thirty thousand pieces that his parents were ready to build a house for the elderly, bought many brand-name clothes, and felt that in this way, others could look up to him.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

Wu Hai thinks that he is a genius, want to rely on his mind to obtain wealth, but his parents think that he is evil, he was detained at home can not run around, but also invited the statue of the god home to exorcise evil, in order to prove that he is right, Wu Hai stole 200 yuan from home, took the train to Changsha, but on the first day, he spent all the money, he could only sit in a fast food restaurant overnight, wait until the program group came to the door, and then ate the first meal.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

Wu Hai handed the program group a business card, which he designed himself, which was full of what was written on it, who invested in me and who made a fortune, who invested in me first, who got rich first, this kind of statement that seemed to be the head of the pyramid scheme, and then Wu Hai said to the program group that he was an eloquent, talented, genius who could do speeches, and showed a poem he created himself.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

And when the program group mentioned Wu Hai's parents, he suddenly angrily whisked his sleeves away, and said, I hate this world, I hate all the people here, as if an older middle school second disease, under the questioning of the program group, Wu Haicai told a fact, because of the parents' incomprehension, he has committed suicide twice, and his mobile phone, also because of the parents' indiscriminate bombardment, there is no electricity, Wu Hai can only beg the program team to take him home together.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

Coming to Wu Hai's home, the scene in front of him made the program team stunned. Two old men who were nearly seventy years old, full of white hair, were kneeling on the ground burning incense and asking the gods, hoping that the gods they had spent ten thousand pieces to invite could restore the sons of the middle evil to normal, but Wu Hai was angry, pointed at his mother's nose and scolded, and from time to time kicked down the table and chair bench to vent the anger in his heart.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

An hour later, Wu Hai calmed down, he returned to his dilapidated room, took out his beloved brand-name suit, put on black-rimmed glasses, combed his hair to the roots, but a little polite and polite, Wu Hai also showed off to reporters, showing off his famous brand what American apple Peacebird, French Di Peng, Ritai, he bought clothes, never looked at the brand, did not look at the price, only the brand, can show his identity as a successful person.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

Not only that, in order to decorate himself, Wu Hai also bought many books and made a lot of notes, such as success studies, thirty-six plans, psychological counseling and treatment, it seems that he has mania, and even has a dream of being a psychologist, which really makes people feel a little strange, and the people in the village are also puzzled by Wu Hai's strange behavior this year, and they all hope that he can be down-to-earth and find a job.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

In the face of the opinions of the villagers, Wu Hai's father, secretly wiping tears on the side, his mother, but also told another fact, the son has become like this, related to her daughter-in-law, a year ago, Wu Hai resigned to live at home to study success, do not work and do not work, people have become more and more irritable, quarrels with his wife, but also more and more frequent, several times, he also started to beat his wife, the wife really can't stand it, so he ran away from home with his children.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

Wu Hai felt that his parents and wife only valued money, so they would treat themselves at home and study intensively, but when the reporter asked why you should spend their money, Wu Hai said that all this was self-inflicted. The cold and thin words made the old father suddenly chill his heart, shivering, and constantly chanting about his son's filial piety, But Wu Hai suddenly rushed over, chasing after his father, the reporter hurriedly shouted at the villagers, together with him to go up and pull him, seeing that his father was taken away, Wu Hai could only vent his anger elsewhere, he threw away the chair, smashed the window, if it were not for the mother holding him with tears, I don't know what move he would make.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

Listening to Wu Hai's mother's previous words, the program team contacted Wu Hai's wife, and the wife on the other end of the phone said that Wu Hai used to be a very good-tempered person, but a year ago, because the work hit a wall, it was completely changed, he could not stand such a grumpy and absurd husband, for himself, but also for the two children, even if she was bitter outside, she did not want to return to Wu Hai. Wu Hai, who learned of this news, rushed to the second floor crying, one leg stretched out the railing, and several young men pulled him in time to stop his third suicide move, under the comfort of his family, Wu Hai gradually calmed down, he did not understand, he just wanted to make his family live better, why didn't they understand themselves?

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

In order to prove that there is no problem, Wu Hai took the initiative to follow the program group, went to see a psychologist, under the guidance of the doctor, Wu Hai poured out all his grievances, after a diagnosis, the doctor said that Wu Hai suffered from histrionic personality disorder, that is, we often say that he is not pragmatic, likes to attract the attention of others through stimulative actions, which is due to long-term insecurity, in order to further confirm Wu Hai's mental state, the program group took him to see the psychiatric department, and the psychiatric doctor also said, Wu Hai has a serious tendency to schizophrenia and needs timely treatment and counseling.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

For a family that is not rich, it is undoubtedly a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Wu Hai's parents, can only wash their faces with tears, they can't figure out, a good son, how it is like this, or the departure of the daughter-in-law, hit him. Under the repeated persuasion of the program group, Wu Hai's wife still came back, but she did not want to continue to live here, but to divorce Wu Hai, the husband's unrealistic dreams, and the pain of being abused by the family, only she knew, even if the mother held hands several times, Wu Hai's wife, or took her daughter away, she had a hard life, but did not want the children to be affected, at the end of the program, alarmed the local government, with the help of the government, Wu Hai went to the hospital for treatment.

Migrant workers indulge in successful learning, steal their parents' money to buy designer suits, and fantasize about joining the upper class

Therefore, this person, ah, still have to be down-to-earth, step by step to do things, want to succeed without problems, but do not have a high hand, life is not easy, to the family or do and cherish it, the most important thing is that domestic violence is not allowed, whether it is for parents, or wives and children, they are your closest people, should be carefully cared for people, how can you add to them?

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