
Government services "do not close" epidemic prevention and development "two mistakes"

author:Southern Daily
Government services "do not close" epidemic prevention and development "two mistakes"

The picture shows the construction site of the "Kedu Renjia" health and tourism complex project in Meizhou, China. Nanfang Daily reporter He Senyao photographed

On February 7, it planned to switch to the production of masks; on the 9th, 1 day to get a business license, registered and established Guangdong Boneng Fuyuan Medical Supplies Co., Ltd.; on the 22nd, the first fully automated production line for masks was started, plus the 8 semi-automated production lines that had been installed and started before, and the masks were officially mass-produced, with a total output of 50,000 masks on the first day.

From enterprise registration to mass production in only 13 days, 30 minutes to recruit 40 people, the full production scale of up to 300,000 pieces... Behind the rapid production of masks by Guangdong Boneng Fuyuan Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. is the "Meizhou speed" of fighting the epidemic and the "Meizhou temperature" of government services.

The speed of speed is not lacking in temperature, thanks to the construction of Meizhou's "digital government", deepening the continuous efforts of the reform of "decentralization service", and has been a long-term achievement.

From epidemic prevention and control to the resumption of work and production, in terms of information release, data analysis and online services, Meizhou has given full play to the supporting role of the "digital government" platform in epidemic prevention and control, continuously deepened the reform of "decentralization and management services", and fully guaranteed the "online office", "appointment office" and "fingertip office" of government services.

"Correctly grasp the relationship between 'change' and 'unchanged', do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in a targeted manner, ensure that various measures are more scientific and effective, and strive to win the initiative in the work." Chen Min, secretary of the Meizhou Municipal Party Committee, demanded that the whole city should earnestly achieve the prevention and control of the epidemic and the promotion of economic and social development, and coordinate the "win-win situation" of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

Nanfang Daily reporter Huang Peiqiang correspondent Chen Weichen Cao Faxing

Scientific prevention and control

Big data + intelligence

Precise epidemic prevention is implemented to the people

"Hello, are you ×× yourself?" How many people live in your family? In the past month, have anyone in the family returned from other cities? Did anyone have fever or cough symptoms in the family these two days? If you have fever or cough symptoms, have you gone to the hospital for treatment..." A few days ago, many people in Meizhou City received intelligent voice calls showing from the 12345 government service hotline, and the intelligent voice system publicized the prevention and control knowledge of the new crown pneumonia epidemic through the telephone, as well as investigation and mapping.

At present, the epidemic prevention and control has entered a critical period, in accordance with the requirements of precise prevention and control at the sub-district level, the Political and Legal Committee of the Meizhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Affairs Service Data Management Bureau have cooperated with iFLYTEK and Meizhou Telecom to rely on the "intelligent voice outbound call assistant" developed by the 12345 government service hotline, becoming a new force in epidemic prevention and control.

"AI intelligent voice outbound call assistant can be applied to various scenarios such as health follow-up and health education during the current prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and assist staff to quickly grasp the latest health situation of the people in the jurisdiction through rapid and batch calls and SMS sending, and pass on the latest epidemic prevention knowledge and information to them." The operator told the author that compared with traditional manual calls, the "intelligent voice call assistant" call has increased the efficiency by hundreds of times, and avoids the risk of epidemic prevention and control in person-to-person contact.

With the "release and management service" of data, help the epidemic prevention and control "fast and accurate". On the basis of the provincial development and launch of the "Guangdong Province" anti-epidemic zone, Meizhou only took 1 and a half days to develop and launch the "Healthy Meizhou" WeChat Mini Program. The "Guangdong Provincial Affairs" anti-epidemic zone has set up four sections: registration, health declaration, epidemic situation and mass supervision, and the "Healthy Meizhou" WeChat Mini Program has set up three sections: health self-examination reporting, epidemic clue reporting, and medical material donation, providing citizens and people who have left and returned to Meizhou within 14 days and filled in and registered their health status, reported information on epidemic clues and events, and collected donated medical supplies clues.

"At the same time, we will work with relevant departments to inform the public and those in Meizhou by text message to use the 'Guangdong Province' anti-epidemic zone and the 'Healthy Meizhou' to voluntarily declare the situation and health status of leaving and returning to Meizhou." The relevant person in charge of the Meizhou Municipal Affairs Service Data Management Bureau said that all the original data obtained from the "Guangdong Provincial Affairs" epidemic prevention and control service zone, the self-built health declaration system of each county (city, district), and the 157,800 pieces of original information collected in the "Healthy Meizhou" Mini Program have all been handed over to the public security department for screening analysis and tracking monitoring.

It is worth mentioning that with the strong support of the Guangdong Provincial Government Service Data Management Bureau and the Digital Guangdong Company, Meizhou has made full use of the information application results launched by the "digital government" reform and construction in view of the cumbersome problem of manual registration in the process of epidemic prevention and control, and promoted the launch of the "Yue Kang Code" in Meizhou.

In Meizhou City's administrative service centers at all levels, scanning the code to enter the door has become a necessary step. "Through information means, reduce the pressure of registration of testing personnel, remind inspectors to pay attention to users with abnormal body temperature, and realize the networking of body temperature detection results and the investigation and control of key groups." Next, it will also be gradually promoted and used in the community. The relevant person in charge of the Meizhou Municipal Service Data Management Bureau introduced to the author that with the help of the "Yue Kang Code", the staff of the grass-roots prevention and control department can scan the code to obtain relevant information, and residents do not need to carry and check various entity certificates, which greatly reduces repeated reporting and cross-reporting, which can reduce the trouble of repeated measurement of body temperature in the short term and improve the efficiency of epidemic investigation.

Optimize and improve

7500 government service matters can be handled online

"Hello Mr. Li, the handling matters you just consulted can be handled online throughout the process, and you can handle it within one day without having to go to the administrative service center." There are fewer people going to the door to do things, and more services are provided, which is the vivid practice of the Meizhou Municipal Administrative Service Center in adhering to the vivid practice of "should be exhausted and the whole process is online" according to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, and for matters closely related to the production and operation of enterprises and the production and life of the masses.

On the one hand, we should grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic and the resumption of work and production on the other hand, both of which are inseparable from efficient and high-quality government services. Grasp the balance between epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production, scientific prevention and control, precise policy, formulate differentiated prevention and control strategies, and do not engage in simplification.

Under the premise of consolidating prevention and control measures and making detailed prevention and control measures, the Meizhou Municipal Administrative Service Center and the Municipal Public Resources Trading Center have officially accepted business from February 3, and all types of windows have achieved normal external receipt and handling, fully meeting the needs of enterprises and the masses, and fully ensuring that government services are uninterrupted during the epidemic prevention and control period.

"We must continue to deepen the reform of 'decentralization and management of services' to optimize the business environment and the reform and construction of 'digital government', implement various preferential policies for enterprises as soon as possible, and make every effort to do a good job in service work." Qiu Huabin, a staff member of the Meizhou Municipal Service Data Management Bureau, told the author that according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production, the city's administrative service centers have guided enterprises and the masses to carry out "no meeting" approval through online channels through multiple channels, vigorously promoted online office, reduced the number of people handling on the spot, reduced the risk of gathering infection, and ensured that the work during the epidemic period was "not closed" and the service was "constantly filed".

At present, a total of 7500 government service matters in the city can be handled online, of which 4494 can be handled online throughout the process, 891 support online appointment handling, in addition to the laws and regulations clearly stipulate that paper materials must be submitted, the application materials for online matters are supported to be submitted in electronic documents.

At present, how can Meizhou find the foothold of "decentralization service", ensure that the reform of "decentralization service" continues to benefit the people and enterprises, and optimize the business environment?

At present, Meizhou is vigorously accelerating the construction of "digital government", taking the lead in completing the construction of guangdong's "digital government" government affairs cloud city node in the province and starting the system to move to the cloud, and has successively issued the "Meizhou City Deepening Business Environment Comprehensive Reform Action Plan", "Meizhou City Comprehensively Promoting the Implementation Plan for the Reform of Government Services "Immediately", "Meizhou City In-depth Promotion of Examination and Approval Services Convenience Work Plan" and other policies, and constantly promoting the implementation of the "decentralization service" reform, and further optimizing government services and business environment.

At present, the resumption of work and production of enterprises is crucial and imminent to maintain stable economic and social development. Meizhou relies on the "Guangdong Business Connect" platform to provide services for enterprises to resume work and production, timely push relevant policy information related to the prevention and control of the epidemic in enterprises, carry out questionnaire surveys on the impact of the epidemic of enterprises, and launch the health declaration function of enterprise employees to assist enterprises to find out the intention of personnel to return to work and the bottom number of health conditions.

"For our company, the service is not lacking, but more optimized, of course, satisfactory." Mr. Liu, who has just used the "Guangdong Business Connect" platform to handle business, said with a smile that he can handle the business of enterprise change without leaving his home.

Advocating that "going out to do things" is further transformed into "online work", Meizhou continues to improve the mobile government service platform of "Guangdong Province" and "Guangdong Business Connect", and promotes more high-frequency government service matters "fingertip handling". According to the staff, the Meizhou Special Zone of "Guangdong Province" can currently handle 647 high-frequency people's livelihood services and 52 kinds of electronic license business, and the number of real-name registrations in Meizhou City exceeds 1.19 million. "Guangdong Business Connect" Meizhou Special Zone has opened 92 handling matters such as enterprise name declaration, bank account opening, invoice application, intermediary supermarket, tax business, enterprise annual report, homestay filing, certificate inspection, enterprise rights protection, and financing loans.

Push hard

A total of 1217 industrial enterprises have resumed work and production in the city

At the construction site of the "Kedu Renjia" Health And Wellness Cultural Tourism Complex project in Meizhou, China, large machinery shuttled back and forth, and workers wearing hard hats and masks were working in an orderly manner; in the production workshop of Guangdong Jiaying Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., workers were quickly sorting drugs; in the hall of meizhou administrative service center, the window staff sent a batch of materials to the person in an orderly manner.

With the warm spring sun and overlooking the land of Meizhou, a resumption of work and production under the premise of epidemic prevention and control is being carried out in a scientific and orderly manner.

"Scientific observation, scientific analysis, and scientific judgment of the development situation of the epidemic situation, accurately grasp and coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, and achieve 'two considerations, two mistakes, and two promotions'." Zhang Aijun, deputy secretary of the Meizhou Municipal Party Committee and mayor, said that Meizhou is further inventorying the epidemic stock, strictly blocking the increment, and following the variables, promoting the sustained development of the epidemic situation and providing a strong guarantee for enterprises to resume work and production.

As of March 2, Meizhou has resumed work and production of 1,217 industrial enterprises, with 79,140 workers. The city's existing industrial enterprises have resumed work and production in total 469, accounting for 99.15% of the total number of industrial enterprises on existing regulations, and 599 industrial enterprises in existing parks in the city have resumed work and production, accounting for 98.84% of the total number of industrial enterprises in existing parks.

"What is the rate of workers returning to work?" "Are various epidemic prevention and control measures in place?" "What are the difficulties of the enterprise?" In view of the resumption of work and production under the epidemic, Meizhou City has established a system of direct contact between municipal leaders and service enterprises, and the leaders of the five sets of municipal teams are divided into 8 groups to hang up some towns (streets) in 8 counties (cities, districts), and each county (city, district) has also referred to the formulation of a system of direct contact with leading cadres to serve enterprises, through grid management and refined services, supervise and guide enterprises to implement prevention and control measures, safe and scientific orderly resumption of work and production, and make good use of the policy of benefiting enterprises.

Precise service, ask the need for enterprises, one enterprise and one policy, Meizhou has introduced a series of measures to stabilize enterprises: Meizhou City supports enterprises to resume work and production 18; "Meizhou Industrial Enterprises Resume Work and Production and Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Guidelines"; Meizhou banking institutions open up "green channels" to start "blood transfusion" acceleration to achieve rapid acceptance, rapid approval, and rapid lending, to help enterprises resume production and operation in an orderly and efficient manner; strengthen the one-window office of engineering construction to achieve continuous approval; rely on the "enterprise appeal response platform" Timely handling of enterprises' responses to government services...

"For our company, it is undoubtedly a shot in the arm." Qiu Qingrong, the relevant person in charge of Meizhou Ruiguan New Material Technology Co., Ltd., said that in view of the problems in the resumption of work and production, the relevant departments have coordinated and dealt with them in a timely manner, so that the production line can be smooth.

"In 2020, we will expand on the basis of the existing plant, and the land in front of us has been leveled." Qiu Qingrong said that the expansion is a 4,000 square meter milling workshop, which will be installed within a month, and the current equipment is all in place, and strive to create another "Meizhou speed".

The key to introducing preferential policies for enterprises lies in being accurate and effective. Meizhou closely follows the reality of local development, faces the actual difficulties of enterprises, and supports enterprises to resume work and production in the form of "deferred payment + reduction + return" social security.

"Your company's mention of the tax refund declaration claims involves a total of more than 700,000 yuan of tax refunds, and we have sent special personnel to supervise and complete the review process, and the tax refund will soon arrive." A few days ago, Zhang Ke, secretary of the party committee and director of the Meijiang District Taxation Bureau, learned in an exchange with Lin Xuewu, head of Guangdong Hengyi Industrial Co., Ltd., that the enterprise needed to purchase a large amount of production equipment and raw materials due to the production of masks, and hoped that the tax department would give support in tax-related treatment, especially in reducing the tax burden of enterprises.

In order to help the enterprise get the export tax rebate as soon as possible, the Meijiang District Taxation Bureau combined with the actual situation of the export tax rebate management work in the jurisdiction, and implemented the "on-the-go and on-the-spot" measure of export tax rebate, which effectively alleviated the financial pressure of the enterprise.

Enterprises have their own needs, and the government has responded. In order to alleviate the impact of the epidemic on export enterprises in Meizhou City, the Meizhou Municipal Taxation Department took the initiative to quickly explore and grasp the production and operation situation and specific demands of export enterprises in the jurisdiction, especially those that produce masks, detectors, thermometers and other epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic materials, through telephone, network and other "no meeting" methods, publicize and support tax policies related to epidemic prevention and control for enterprises, and coordinate and solve relevant tax-related problems to help enterprises quickly resume work and production.

At the same time, Meizhou has made every effort to ensure the smooth operation of the 12345 government service hotline "7 days × 24 hours" during the epidemic prevention and control period, integrate the municipal industry and information technology, government service data management, human resources and social security, taxation, finance, commerce and other departments, build and improve the "Guangdong Business Connect" enterprise appeal response platform, strengthen linkage with various departments at all levels, and coordinate and solve the production and operation problems and demands raised by enterprises online. As of February 27, meizhou enterprise appeal response platform has received 51 work orders, involving finance, taxation, employment, export and other issues, and has processed 51 work orders, with a processing rate of 100%.

Version AII.01-08

Planner: Tang Kaifeng

Coordinator: Tang Linzhen