
The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning丨The Russian army will enter a "state of silence" again from 10 o'clock on the 9th

Source: CCTV news client

At 03:13 Beijing time on March 9:

The Russian army will enter a "state of silence" again from 10 o'clock on the 9th

On the evening of March 8, local time, the Ukrainian Humanitarian Response Coordination Command established by Russia issued an emergency statement, announcing that from 10:00 Moscow time on March 9, the Russian army that is carrying out special military operations will once again enter a "state of silence" and provide humanitarian corridors to the five cities of Kiev, Kharkov, Chernihiv, Samui and Mariupol to help local civilians evacuate.

The statement said that each city has two routes to withdraw to Russian and Ukrainian-controlled areas, but some evacuation routes need to be further agreed with the Ukrainian side. The establishment of humanitarian corridors in other cities also requires further consultations with the Ukrainian side.

The statement requested the Ukrainian side to issue this urgent statement in ukrainian and Russian media by 3 o'clock on March 9, Moscow time, and to inform embassies and international organizations of all countries in Ukraine of the status of "silence" and humanitarian relief routes.

The Russian side hopes to establish continuous communication with the Ukrainian side from 9:30 Moscow time on the 9th, and exchange information on the preparation and implementation progress of civilian evacuation.

On the 8th local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying that Russia will send information on the 9-day feasible humanitarian relief channel to Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Vylesyshyk. The Russian side asked the Ukrainian side to maintain uninterrupted contact with russia on the evacuation of residents.

As of now, the Ukrainian side has not responded.

At 02:16 Beijing time on March 9:

Putin signed a presidential decree calling for special economic measures to ensure Russia's security in the field of foreign trade

On March 8, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree calling for special economic measures to ensure Russia's security in the field of foreign trade.

At the same time, Putin instructed the federal government to draw up a list of products and raw materials that are prohibited from export and import until December 31 within 2 days. Self-contained goods brought into the country by citizens are not subject to this Presidential Decree.

At 01:31 Beijing time on March 9:

Zelenskiy made a video address to the British parliament calling for more help from Ukraine

On March 8, local time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy spoke to the members of the British House of Commons through a video link, calling on the British government to give ukraine more help.

After Zelenskiy's speech, British Prime Minister Johnson said Britain would continue to provide Ukraine with the assistance it needed and tighten economic sanctions against Russia.

At 01:27 Beijing time on March 9:

The Ukrainian president said he was ready to engage in dialogue with Russia

On March 8, local time, the Ukrainian presidential website released a message saying that Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said in an interview with the American Broadcasting Corporation that Ukraine is ready to hold dialogue with Russia on issues such as collective security guarantees, the "future" of the Donbass region and Crimea.

"I have spoken many times about NATO and have publicly sent a message to Presidents Russia and Putin that we are ready to accept assurances from the relevant countries that must ensure our national security." Russia is also among those countries because Russia is our neighbor. Zelenskiy said.

In the future, Ukraine must sign collective security agreements with all its neighbors, including Russia, as well as the United States, France, Germany and other countries, Zelenskiy said.

At 01:26 Beijing time on March 9:

Russian Ministry of Defense: More than 120 tons of humanitarian relief supplies arrived in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine

On March 8, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a message saying that more than 120 tons of humanitarian relief materials were transported from Tula Oblast in Russia to Kharkiv Oblast in Ukraine, including food, drinking water, medicine, clothes and bedding, and the delivery process was escorted by Russian troops throughout the process. At present, the consignment has been distributed to various settlements in Kharkiv Oblast, mainly for women, children and the elderly.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning丨The Russian army will enter a "state of silence" again from 10 o'clock on the 9th

The Russian Defense Ministry said that the humanitarian rescue command established by the Russian Defense Ministry is currently in a 24-hour operation state, and its main function is to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian residents and residents of the Donbass region in the russian-controlled areas, and to ensure the safe evacuation of residents through humanitarian relief channels.

At 01:18 Beijing time on March 9:

Russian Ministry of Defense: 2,581 Ukrainian military targets have been paralyzed

On the evening of March 8, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense released the latest battle situation information, since the start of the special military operation, a total of 2581 Ukrainian military targets have been paralyzed, including 90 command posts and communication points, 123 sets of S-300, beech M1 and Wasp anti-aircraft missile systems and 81 radar stations.

In addition, the Russians destroyed 897 tanks and armored vehicles, 95 multiple rocket launch systems, 336 artillery and mortars, 662 military vehicles and 84 drones.

At 0:26 Beijing time on March 9:

Russia's central bank suspended trading on the Moscow Exchange on March 9

On March 8, local time, the Central Bank of Russia decided to continue to suspend the trading of shares on the Moscow Exchange on March 9.

At 23:43 Beijing time on March 8:

Russia issued a report saying that the Ukrainian side has only confirmed one humanitarian evacuation route

On the afternoon of March 8, local time, the Ukrainian Humanitarian Response and Coordination Center established by Russia issued a report on the progress of the Russian side in setting up humanitarian channels in Ukraine and evacuating civilians.

Mizintsev, head of the Russian State Defense Command Center, pointed out in the report that Russia has proposed 10 humanitarian evacuation routes for the Ukrainian side, of which Kiev, Chernihiv, Samui, Kharkov and Mariupol are two in each city, and each city includes a route to the Russian Federation and a route to Poland, Moldova and Romania through the territories controlled by Ukraine. But Ukraine's official government has only confirmed one route from Sumy to the Polish border via Poltava.

Mizintsev said that THE UNITED Nations representatives have arrived in Moscow on the 7th and maintained round-the-clock contact with the Russian side on humanitarian issues in Ukraine.

At present, the Ukrainian side has not responded for the time being.

At 22:46 Beijing time on March 8:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: Biological laboratories in Ukraine have conducted research on biological weapons components

On March 8, local time, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the biological laboratory set up in Ukraine had carried out research on biological weapons components.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that russia had discovered military biological programs funded by the United States and implemented in Ukraine during military operations. The Russian Foreign Ministry said on the 8th that it has obtained a large amount of evidence in Ukraine to confirm this statement.

Furthermore, Russia supports the resumption of the elaboration of legally binding protocols within the framework of the Biological Weapons Convention.

On March 7, local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said that Ukraine has not developed biological weapons.

At 21:13 Beijing time on March 8:

NATO Secretary-General: It is necessary to ensure that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict does not spread outside Ukraine

On March 8, local time, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO needs to ensure that the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict does not escalate and does not spread beyond Ukraine.

Stoltenberg said NATO will protect and defend every inch of the territory of the alliance's member states.

At 20:20 Beijing time on March 8:

Adviser to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine: Discuss the condition for Ukraine's non-membership in NATO as the need for security guarantees

On March 8, local time, an adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine said that the condition for discussing Ukraine's no longer applying to join NATO is the need for security guarantees.

At 19:24 Beijing time on March 8:

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy released the latest video saying he was still in Kiev

On March 8, local time, Ukraine Channel 24 released the latest video of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Zelenskiy said in the video that he was still in Kiev, saying in the video: "It is snowing in Kiev. ”

At 19:15 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations: Nearly 430 tons of humanitarian supplies have been delivered to Ukraine and the Donbass region

On the 8th local time, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations released a message saying that nearly 430 tons of humanitarian relief materials have been delivered to Ukraine and the Donbass region.

March 8, 16:13 Beijing time:

Russian Ministry of Defense: Five humanitarian relief routes were opened from 10 o'clock Moscow time

On March 8, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a message saying that in order to ensure the evacuation of residents through the humanitarian relief channel, a state of "silence" was implemented from 10 o'clock Moscow time, and the humanitarian relief channel evacuated from Kiev, Chernihiv, Samui, Kharkov and Mariupol was opened.

At 15:57 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian Defense Ministry: Since the start of special military operations, 2,482 Ukrainian military targets have been paralyzed

On the 8th local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a message saying that on the 7th, the use of high-precision strike weapons paralyzed a military airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force located in the Zhytomyr region. Since the beginning of the special military operation, 2482 Ukrainian military targets have been paralyzed.

At 15:55 Beijing time on March 8:

The Russian prime minister signed an order temporarily banning the export of some foreign medical equipment

On the 8th local time, Russian Prime Minister Mishustin signed an order temporarily prohibiting the export of foreign medical equipment imported from countries involved in sanctions against Russia.

At 15:22 Beijing time on March 8:

Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine: Ready to ensure the operation of the humanitarian relief channel from Samui to Poltava on the 8th

On the 8th local time, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Vyleshyk said that Ukraine was ready to ensure the operation of the humanitarian relief channel between Samui and Poltava city on the 8th, but the Route evacuated from Samui to other places was not agreed.

Vyleschuk also said that there will be a "state of silence" between 9:00 and 21:00 Kiev time on the same day. The evacuation of civilians from the humanitarian corridor will begin at 10 o'clock Kiev time.

At 15:08 Beijing time on March 8:

The Russian prime minister signed an order calling for free medical assistance to refugees

On the 8th local time, Russian Prime Minister Mishustin signed an order requesting free medical assistance for refugees from Donetsk, Luhansk and Ukraine.

At 13:48 Beijing time on March 8:

Head of the Russian delegation for Russian-Ukrainian negotiations: The Ukrainian side has promised to open the humanitarian corridor normally on the 8th

On the 7th local time, Mezinsky, head of the Russian delegation for Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, said that on the 6th, the Russian side prepared about 400 buses for the evacuation of Ukrainian residents through the humanitarian corridor, but the evacuation plan was destroyed by the Ukrainian armed forces.

At present, the Ukrainian side has not responded to this.

Mezinski also noted that the humanitarian corridor was opened to facilitate the smooth evacuation of women, the elderly and children from areas controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to safety.

Mezinski also revealed that the Ukrainian delegation has promised to open the humanitarian corridor normally on the 8th.

At 09:06 Beijing time on March 8:

Standard & Poor's downgraded the credit ratings of 52 Russian companies

On august 8, Standard & Poor's downgraded the credit ratings of 52 Russian companies to the "CCC-" rating.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning丨The Russian army will enter a "state of silence" again from 10 o'clock on the 9th

Russian companies include Gazprom, Lukoil, Rosneft, Rosneft, Russian Railways, Yandex and so on.

At 08:44 Beijing time on March 8:

The World Bank announced that it will allocate more than $700 million in loans to Ukraine

On March 7, local time, the World Bank announced that it agreed to allocate more than $700 million in loans to Ukraine to help the Ukrainian government pay salaries for medical workers and pay pensions and other social benefits for the elderly.

The loans were disbursed about $140 million more than originally planned. In addition, the World Bank has helped build a channel of communication between donors and Ukraine, which has raised $134 million so far.

At 06:49 Beijing time on March 8:

UN Security Council considers humanitarian issues in Ukraine Ukraine calls on the Security Council to play a role

On March 7, local time, the United Nations Security Council considered the humanitarian issue in Ukraine. Kislitsya, Ukraine's permanent representative to the United Nations, said Ukraine deeply regrets that many foreign citizens are trapped like the Ukrainian people, and Ukraine has set up an emergency hotline and strengthened cooperation with the EUROPEAN side to speed up the transfer of refugees as much as possible. Ukraine is grateful for the support of all partners and looks forward to the Important Role of the Council in this humanitarian crisis.

At 06:12 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian Ministry of Defense: Two American Arleigh Burke-class destroyers enter the Baltic Sea

In the early morning of March 8, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense released news that the USS Donald Cook and the Forrest Sherman-class Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers have entered the Baltic Sea region. Russia's Baltic Fleet has begun to closely monitor the movements of U.S. warships.

At 06:03 Beijing time on March 8:

Germany insists on continuing to use Russian energy

The European Commission hopes to propose a plan for a rapid decoupling from Russia on the 8th, the United States is also considering implementing an oil embargo, and Germany wants to continue to import energy from Russia. German Chancellor Scholz made it clear on the 7th local time that it is impossible to completely eliminate energy imports from Russia in the short term.

Scholz explains: "There is currently no other way to ensure europe's heating, transport, electricity supply and industrial energy supply. Energy from Russia is essential for the daily lives of citizens. That's why Europe is deliberately excluding energy supplies from sanctions. For months, the German federal government has been discussing alternatives to Russian energy with partners, and Scholz admits: "This will not happen overnight." So we decided to continue to cooperate with Russia in the field of energy supply. German Finance Minister Lindner has also previously said that stopping energy imports from Russia is certainly one of the options for sanctions: "But for now, it is best not to take this step." ”

Germany is highly dependent on Russia for fossil fuels. According to data released by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Russia's share of German fossil and natural gas imports is about 55%, coal imports account for about 50%, and crude oil imports account for about 35%. Within the EU, about 40% of gas imports come from Russia.

At 05:51 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian President Vladimir Putin: Russian conscripts will not participate in combat operations

On March 8, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian women on the occasion of International Women's Day, in which he said that Russia's conscripts are not participating in combat operations now and will not participate in the future, and Russia will not recruit additional reserve soldiers.

Putin said he believes that Russian professional military personnel can successfully complete the assigned tasks and they can ensure the safety of the Russian people.

At 05:45 Beijing time on March 8:

Ukraine's president released a video saying he was still in Kiev

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning丨The Russian army will enter a "state of silence" again from 10 o'clock on the 9th

△ In the early morning of March 8, Moscow time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy released a video saying that he was still in Kiev (video screenshot)

In the early morning of the 8th Moscow time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy released a video showing the view outside the window of his location, emphasizing that he was still in Kiev and fearless.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning丨The Russian army will enter a "state of silence" again from 10 o'clock on the 9th

△ Zelenskiy posted a screenshot of the video