
The dream of industrial revitalization between green waters and green mountains


The third season of "The Rise of Industry" went into the countryside to witness the action

"I'll drive, let's go up the hill and have a look." After the 90s, Chen Shuijian looked weak and weak, but calmly drove a mighty off-road vehicle along the rugged path to the top of the mountain. Overlooking the mandarin orange, the fruit is turning from green to yellow, and there is a faint sweetness in the air. The joy of the harvest turned into a smile on her face and the cheerfulness in her words, "More than 80,000 catties have been sold, and 10,000 catties are reserved for tourists to pick." ”

The dream of industrial revitalization between green waters and green mountains

Zhao Xin and Chen Shuijian, the head of Jinhui Farm, inspected the growth of Gong Citrus

Standing on the land of Jinhui Farm, this young mother who returned to her hometown of Deqing County, Zhaoqing City, in 2017, repeatedly talked about the smooth and lucky after she returned to her hometown to start a business, and her lucky boosters included two fruit industry experts Zhao Xin and Huang Huiming. During the harvest season, they came to the orchard again to inspect the fruit trees with Chen Shuijian and discuss follow-up cooperation.

"The lighting conditions in your orchard are too good, and the reservoir below the mountain can also reflect some of the light to the mountain." Zhao Xin and Chen Shuijian walked among the fruit trees and praised the condition of the orchard. As the general manager of Country Garden Deqing Gong Citrus Industrial Park, Zhao Xin regards the revival of Deqing Gong Citrus Industry as his primary task, from seedling cultivation, orchard management to product sales and brand building, he and his team are fully chained and all-round blessed with this long-standing and potential high-quality fruit industry.

The dream of industrial revitalization between green waters and green mountains

Zhao Xin (fifth from right), general manager of Country Garden Deqing Gong Citrus Industrial Park, and local Gong Citrus farmers are immersed in the joy of harvest

In Lianzhang Village, Yingde City, more than 200 kilometers away from Deqing County, the modern agricultural industrial park is also the most fascinating scenery. The strawberries, melons, tomatoes and other products produced here are of excellent quality and have become a brand with a good reputation in the market.

In the green greenhouse, He Wei, deputy general manager of Country Garden Lianzhang Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park, told FIRST Finance that this high-standard park is first of all a variety breeding base, and the introduction and screening of good varieties can be provided to the local people to promote planting. "After being promoted to the entire Greater Bay Area and even the whole country, after forming a regional brand, the added value of agricultural products will increase."

The dream of industrial revitalization between green waters and green mountains

Shi Qingjie and the villagers live-streamed the sale of lianzhang special agricultural products

In Lianzhang Village, Shi Qingjie, the head of the Guohua Cultural Tourism Project, a social enterprise under the Guoqiang Public Welfare Foundation of Country Garden, is also promoting the exploration of rural industries. In just 5 years, Lianzhang Village has leapt from a well-known "hollow village" of poverty and decline to a benchmark for poverty alleviation and prosperity, and a "net red village" where tourists flock to. After successfully completing the poverty alleviation goal in 2020, what should rural revitalization do? Shi Qingjie came to Lianzhang Village with the task of solving the problem. Six months after he arrived in the village, in June 2021, Country Garden set a clear development direction for Lianzhang Village: industrial revitalization based on cultural tourism.

The key to rural revitalization lies in industrial revitalization. The expectations of rural areas for industrial upgrading and innovation are being transformed into reality through cooperation in different scenarios in the fields from south to north, with the joint efforts of all parties.

From the warm and pleasant Guangdong to the cold winds and snow-covered roads of Dongxiang in Gansu Province, Wang Pengfei has become accustomed to the significant differences in climate between the two places. As the person in charge of the Dongxiang Sheep Breeding Base of the Country Garden Guoqiang Public Welfare Foundation, this has become his second hometown. Early in the morning, he came to the Dongxiang Sheep Hexingyuan Breeding Cooperative to discuss the renewal of the equipment of the sheep house with Ma Guolong, a large breeder.

The dream of industrial revitalization between green waters and green mountains

Wang Pengfei discussed technical issues with Ma Guolong, head of the Hexingyuan Aquaculture Cooperative

"Four claws and claws are not easy to raise, sick, eat, how much meat a day, worry a lot." Every day, Ma Guolong had to check on the sheep barn several times, and he was especially worried about the situation of the newborn lambs. Country Garden's continuous support, especially after the construction of the Bixiang sheep breeding base led by Wang Pengfei in 2021, farmers including Ma Guolong have a lot of peace of mind.

Dongxiang sheep is famous, in order to continue to promote the scale, standardization and marketization of the industry, Country Garden Agricultural Company invested 16 million yuan to circulate 30.33 acres of land in Wangjiachuan Village, Baihe Township, Dongxiang County, and built a Breeding Base for Sheep Breeding in Bixiang. When CBN visited, the breeders were putting feed in the clamor of the sheep, and the design of the ventilation, water supply and manure cleaning of the sheep house was scientific and reasonable, which was in stark contrast with the traditional sheep house.

Wang Pengfei told CBN: "At present, we have 700 breeding sheep present, and it is expected to expand to 1500 to 2000 by February this year, after which some sheep will be retained, and the other part will be supplied to local farmers or cooperatives to share the fruits of such a high-quality breed as Dongxiang sheep." ”

The dream of industrial revitalization between green waters and green mountains

Wang Pengfei hopes to help upgrade the Dongxiang sheep industry throughout the chain

Without a sense of mission, agriculture and rural revitalization are unsustainable. From urban emptiness to Lianzhang "village grass", Shi Qingjie's transformation has made many people curious. "Today is my 1,715th day in Country Garden, 1,350 days in the countryside, and my 367th day in Lianzhang Village." In the face of "First Finance", Shi Qingjie reported a series of figures. From the initial freshness, to confusion, bitterness, to identify with the countryside, inseparable from the villagers, behind the number is his continuous accumulation of feelings for the countryside, is his symbiosis with the countryside.

In addition to agricultural and forestry industries such as bamboo shoots and black tea, Lianzhang Village has laid a solid foundation for the research and study industry, where students can learn about the new type of agriculture that combines traditional agriculture and modern science and technology, and get close to the land. Shi Qingjie hopes to go further and work with the villagers to create a characteristic cultural tourism industry in Lianzhang Village. The clear river water on the edge of the village, delicious and affordable farmhouses, and the houses and homestays under construction have become the precursors of the cultural tourism industry.

"On my third day in Lianzhang Village, the village flowers gave me the name Village Grass," Shi Qingjie said, "and they hoped that I would be able to root here like a grass in the village." So, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I don't have the idea of backing down or leaving. I must live like a village grass. ”

"Village Grass" Shi Qingjie dances with the Village Flower Dance Team, which becomes his magic weapon to quickly understand Lian Zhang

Dancing square dance, daily village tours, live broadcasting for the village's specialties to bring goods, Shi Qingjie through various ways to cooperate with the villagers, driving them to innovate and practice. He said: "In fact, the biggest change should be the villagers, including their desire to start a business, as well as their enthusiasm and initiative." Shi Qingjie saw that providing enough mature soil can activate the initiative of villagers to start a business, and also achieve more and more small bosses to join, so that there is hope for the development of the industry.

The unique landform between the mountains and beams has made Dongxiang sheep fresh and delicious, and Dongxiang Hand Grasp has become a brand recognized by the market. However, the long-term inefficient and backward breeding methods have hindered the modern development of the Dongxiang sheep industry. Wang Pengfei said that the unstable seed source and extensive breeding methods are the shortcomings that must be overcome in industrial upgrading, and if the base can cultivate high-quality breeding sheep locally and continue to provide them to farmers, it will play a key role in the development of the Dongxiang sheep industry.

In Dongxiang, the scientific and technological power of industrial revitalization is emerging. Country Garden, together with Professor Ma Youji, the leader of the sheep industry discipline of Gansu Agricultural University, and other experts, explored the "reshaping of the pure Dongxiang Tribute Sheep Strain under the joint construction of production, education and research". Professor Yo-Kee Ma participated in the planning and design of the sheep breeding base, the introduction of breeding sheep, and the later breeding management guidance. In his view, breeding excellent varieties can produce high-quality lamb, and he and his team are currently assisting in formulating a reasonable feed recipe, adding the past grass resources of Dongxiang sheep to restore the traditional flavor, while adding yeast and shallots to improve meat quality and improve the immunity of sheep.

The dream of industrial revitalization between green waters and green mountains

Wang Pengfei and Professor Ma Youji inspected the lambs

The cooperation between Zhao Xin and Chen Shuijian has also become a microcosm of the revival of Deqing's rural industry. In the 1990s, when the gong citrus industry was in full swing, the price was more than 10 yuan per catty at the highest, and the fruit farmers relied on the orchard to make a fortune, "built a gong citrus house, and drove a gong citrus car.". However, around 2014, Deqing became the hardest hit area of citrus yellow dragon disease, and fruit farmers painstakingly cut down fruit trees to find another way out, and Chen Shuijian's father was one of them. She remembers that when the family had a 20-acre orchard, her father had no choice but to cut down the fruit trees, "my parents have lost the confidence to plant." When she decided to return to her hometown to start a business and grow gong citrus, her mother strongly discouraged her, "Planting this is equivalent to throwing money into the water."

His mother's worries were dispelled by reality, and Chen Shuijian became a participant in the revival of Deqing Gongci. Huang Huiming, a technical expert at Country Garden, is well versed in the onset mechanism of Huanglong disease, and with his full support, Chen Shuijian is not worried about the recurrence of the tragic scene of that year. "We hope that through technical guidance and technical promotion, the quality of Gong Mandarin can be further improved, and through the joint agricultural belt, help Deqing Gong Mandarin to expand channels and build brands." Zhao Xin said.

Joining Country Garden to do agriculture, Zhao Xin and his colleagues' wish is to realize their modern dream of big agriculture. "In the eyes of many people, agriculture is a very low threshold industry, but with the modernization process of (industry), it is now necessary for more people with professional backgrounds and professional backgrounds to join in, so that we can shorten the gap between us and modern agriculture in developed countries in Europe and the United States as much as possible."

Special correspondent Li Gang

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