
Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

author:The blue wind dawns
Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

From last night to this morning, as soon as I opened my mobile phone, I was still stunned by Putin's riotous operation, really, people don't talk much, dare to do and dare to be.

This riotous operation is that Putin has included some countries and regions in the list of "unfriendly".

"Congratulations" to these 48 countries and regions on the list, they finally through their "unremitting efforts", through a variety of sanctions, scrambled to enter Putin's legal eyes, become the listed countries.

This reminds me of an interesting story in which a leader takes a flock of sheep to a slaughterhouse, and the sheep don't know where to go, thinking they can just follow the leader. At the destination, the leader returned, and the other sheep were quickly on the table....

What the story means, savor.

Now, let's see why Putin is doing this!

1. The "sanctions" imposed on Russia by Western countries have made Russia uncomfortable

Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

(1) The first round of sanctions

On February 22, Putin announced the recognition of the independence of the Luhansk And Donetsk Republics.

This scene shocked countless people. Some people scold Putin for being too domineering, and some people say that Putin is a real man!

But western countries must show something.

Therefore, the United States, together with a group of younger brothers, issued the "first round of the Order on the Control of Russia", the main contents of which include three items:

Sanctions were imposed on two large Russian financial institutions, Russian sovereign debt, five elites and their families.

Is it a bit confusing? I'll knead it further and tell you.

First, two large Russian financial institutions hold more than $80 billion in assets.

These two institutions, which have long funded the Russian defense sector and the Russian State Development, directly freeze the assets of these two institutions in the United States and prohibit businesses and individuals from conducting any transactions with these two institutions.

Second, cut off the Russian "state" brand institutions, issuing bonds in the secondary market of the United States for financing, and no individual, enterprise or institution can buy them.

Third, sanctions are imposed on five Russian elites.

These include Boltnikov and his son, head of the Russian Federal Security Service, Kiryenko, first deputy director of the Office of the President of Russia, and his son, as well as Vladkov, ceo of a financial institution.

As soon as the United States issued a sanctions order, the countries that carried the palanquin, blew and licked the dogs rushed up and followed the United States to sanction them, and there was a feeling of "beating the falling water dogs".

Putin is very uncomfortable, the Russians are very uncomfortable!

(2) The second round of sanctions

On February 24, Russia sent troops to Ukraine, once again causing a world uproar.

On February 25, the "second round of the Russian order" of the United States came again.

The main contents are: sanctions against Russia's own bank, the Russian Savings Bank, four other large financial institutions, a number of individuals associated with the Russian government and their relatives, etc.

To put it clearly, it is as follows:

The assets of the Russian Savings Bank (Russia's largest state-owned commercial bank) and four other financial institutions have been frozen, and various economic and trade in the United States have been suspended, and these financial institutions are not allowed to use the US dollar, euro, yen, pound sterling, etc. to conduct various transactions.

Why? Biden's answer is to block these institutions from providing outside support to the Russian military.

This is yet another wave of economic sanctions.

When people lament the severity of sanctions in Western countries, bigger sanctions will come immediately.

(3) The third round of sanctions: "financial nuclear weapons" are coming

Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

Feeling that the first two rounds of sanctions were not too addictive, the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Canada announced a joint statement on February 26: banning several major Russian banks from continuing to use the (SWIFT) international settlement system.

What is the SWIFT Settlement System?

This system, the international settlement system managed by the Institute of Financial Telecommunications of The World Banking Corporation, was established in 1973 and is a settlement system designed to facilitate economic and trade exchanges between different countries.

What happens if you get kicked out of the system?

The trade between Russian domestic enterprises and the world has been greatly affected, which is a nightmare for import and export enterprises, that is, a heavy blow.

Therefore, the SWFIT system is also called "financial nuclear weapons".

The purpose of kicking Russia out of this system is too simple: to paralyze Russia's foreign economy and cut off Russian companies and foreign transactions.

Round after round of economic sanctions, coupled with other sanctions imposed on Russia for a long time after 2014, has put a heavy chain on russia's economy, and it is too difficult to move forward!

So, how can there be no countermeasures?

So, what happened to Russia's domestic economy after several rounds of sanctions?

2. The sanctions imposed on Russia by European and American countries, as well as the Russo-Ukrainian War, have had a great impact on Russia

From February 22 onwards, Russia will have to face various economic sanctions by European and American countries, the domestic impact of the Russo-Ukrainian war, and the impact of Western support weapons on Ukraine.

This round of heavy hammers has made Russia very uncomfortable, if it were not for Putin and Russia's tenacity, perhaps, Russia would have fallen.

So, what kind of impact do these "hammers" bring to Russia?

Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

(1) Russia's foreign economic and trade has been greatly affected

All kinds of pressure, all kinds of sanctions, so that Russia's foreign economic trade is greatly affected, in addition to China and other limited countries and Russia in trade, other foreign economic trade is too much less, which makes Russia's economic trade ushered in an absolute cold winter and trough.

Behind this, the impact is more on the decline in the efficiency of enterprises, the probability of failure is greatly improved, and the unemployment rate will tend to rise.

These social problems caused by sanctions will make Russia uncomfortable.

(2) The Russian stock market fell sharply, and the ruble depreciated.

When it comes to the economy, many people naturally think of the Russian stock market, so let's tell you that the Russian stock market fell so hard that it fell sharply on February 24, when the war began.

In order to further maintain financial and social stability, the market has been closed since February 28.

You say miserable or not?

The Russian ruble, under the influence of war and sanctions, has also depreciated a lot.

The government, fearing a run and raising interest rates to more than 20 percent, still can't stop Russians from taking money and spending money, because in the bank, putting a day is a price, and buying goods, at least replacing them with physical goods.

Therefore, gold, jewelry, precious watches, etc. are very popular.

Experts predict that Russia will want to prevent possible "hyperinflation" because of war and sanctions.

Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

(3) Russian enterprises, the difficulties have increased

Many people know that business operations often require bank loans, but the business is greatly affected, how to repay the loans? How is external debt handled? In particular, companies with import and export trade are even more affected.

This is the mountain that weighs on the heads of Russian enterprises, the mountains that weigh on the heads of some Russian citizens, and even more the mountains that weigh on russia and Putin.

Under any circumstances, if you don't fight back, Putin is a saint.

3. Putin's "pulling out the list of unfriendliness" is a counterattack and a boost to the morale of the people

Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

In today's war situation, Europe and the United States do not intervene, but only support weapons to Ukraine, so it is only a matter of time before Russia defeats Ukraine.

In the face of Russia's domestic and foreign situation, Putin took a shot in anger, asked the following personnel to pull out the list of unfriendly countries, and announced it on March 7, local time.

The list of unfriendly countries includes the United States, the EU-27, four other members of the Five Eyes (UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada), Norway, Monaco, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, San Marino, Switzerland, Ukraine, Montenegro, Albania, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, North Macedonia, and Andorra.

In total, there are 48 countries and regions.

There are both the United States, the largest country on the surface, and a small country like San Marino. No matter how big or small, as long as it is not friendly, it will all be pulled into Russia's "blacklist".

Unfortunately, our neighbors Japan and South Korea are on the list, the Chinese-dominated country of Singapore is also on the list, and our contrarian son is also on the list!

What's the use of Russia listing these?

Of course, Putin signed an important document, which is roughly as follows: For unfriendly countries and regions, if Russian citizens, enterprises, and state institutions have foreign exchange foreign debt, they can directly repay it in rubles later. The bank directly established accounts with these creditors and deposited them in rubles.

There are two questions to say about here.

First, when is the ruble? Of course, the exchange rate at the time of signing the contract is calculated, otherwise what is the significance? It certainly can't be calculated according to the exchange rate after the current depreciation!

Second, the money is returned, and as for whether it is taken or not, we will see and do it ourselves. Either go to Russia to pick up, take it back to exchange for dollars, anyway can not be traded through the SWIFT system. Or, lift the sanctions and withdraw at a branch of the Russian bank in your own country.

In a word, love or not. Aren't you guys having a good time with sanctions? I'll also take a counter-sanction.

In addition, the Russian government had amended the regulations on intellectual property rights, and all inventions, utility models and industrial designs in these unfriendly countries were charged for a fee.

Simply put, unfriendly countries and regions cannot charge a penny in patent fees in Russia. I can use your patent, ask for money, no!

One would say, isn't this rogue? Yes, European and American countries play hooligans first, and Russia is not allowed to play?

Putin's operation, in addition to the significance of countermeasures, but also to support domestic enterprises, individuals, the idea of recovering some interests, and take this to enhance domestic morale.

In short, the family members have been wronged, and they have changed their ways to find some things in Western countries and find some bad repairs.

Although Russia is very difficult, Putin has made the people believe that the state is still a solid and powerful backing for Russian citizens through this operation.

In this way, it can increase the Russian people's sense of identity and confidence in Putin and Russia, and also remind those countries by the way, stay on the front line, meet each other in the future, and forced Russia to do anything!

Why does Putin want to pull the "list of unfriendly countries"? In addition to counter-attacking, there are other intentions

Looking at this situation, Russia will continue to counteract, for example in the energy sector, for example in rare metals.

In the face of the western countries' behavior of attacking in groups, such a counterattack should be completely deserved.

I hope the war will end soon!