
Latest! How to curb "key hurting"? The committee members suggested that internet riots can be filed as much as possible

author:Mobile phone and news network

According to Xinhua News Agency's Microblog, the Work Report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate introduced that following the private prosecution of the courier woman who was rumored to derail and turned into a public prosecution, the procuratorial organs continued to issue guiding cases on the protection of citizens' personality rights, and strictly prosecuted crimes that seriously endangered social order and infringed on citizens' rights, such as online defamation, insults, and infringement of citizens' personal information, and prosecuted 3,436 people, an increase of 51.3% year-on-year.

Latest! How to curb "key hurting"? The committee members suggested that internet riots can be filed as much as possible

In recent years, "keystroke hurting" phenomena such as online defamation and online violence have occurred from time to time. From the Hangzhou courier woman was rumored to have cheated, to the tragedy of drinking pesticides in the live broadcast of the Internet celebrity "Luo Xiao cat cat" to the recent incident of Liu Xuezhou, a boy looking for relatives, online violence has repeatedly revealed a vicious face, making people invincible. How to curb online violence has once again become a key issue of concern to many NPC deputies and CPPCC members attending the two sessions of the National People's Congress this year.

According to CCTV Weibo, Pi Jianlong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, believes that at present, the mainland still has problems in curbing and cracking down on online violence, such as difficulties in collecting evidence from victims of online violence, no way to seek help, and lack of responsibility for the main body of the platform. He said that the relevant departments should intensify the crackdown, and the public security departments that can file cases should try their best to file cases. To achieve the platform management customer, the government management platform.

Latest! How to curb "key hurting"? The committee members suggested that internet riots can be filed as much as possible

According to another Zhengguan news video reported on March 6, Wei Shizhong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Henan University of Science and Technology, said that in response to online violence, the state has issued a number of judicial interpretations and governance regulations to restrict and punish, in view of the hidden nature of the network, there are problems in specific practice with low cost of violating the law and making it difficult to enforce and protect rights. It is recommended to strengthen the responsibility of Internet platforms by improving the legal system, and include online violence that seriously endangers society in the scope of public prosecution cases, so as to effectively curb the undesirable phenomenon of online violence.

Latest! How to curb "key hurting"? The committee members suggested that internet riots can be filed as much as possible

According to Beijing Youth Daily, following the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2021, Li Dongsheng, a deputy to the National People's Congress and founder of TCL, once again suggested this year that the relevant judicial interpretations on online violence should be improved and special legislation should be made to combat online violence. Lu Man, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the Tianhe Ecological Agriculture Professional Cooperative in Jianhu County, Jiangsu Province, coincided with Li Dongsheng and also proposed special legislation against Internet violence. In addition, Zhang Baoyan, a deputy to the National People's Congress and founder of the "Baby Homecoming" search network, also called for more perfect laws and regulations to be introduced against internet violence.

Source: Daily Economic News

Original title: How to curb the "key hurts"? The committee members suggested that internet riots can be filed as much as possible, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate: strictly prosecute crimes such as online defamation