
Characteristics, scale and integration: Only in this way can modern agriculture be carried out

author:Original agricultural classics
  • The modernization of agriculture is the foundation for the modernization of the rural areas and peasants, the shortcomings of building a strong socialist modern country, and the basis for realizing the common prosperity of the rural areas. But agriculture is territorial, not as standardized as industrial products. Therefore, the modernization of agriculture must be adapted to local conditions and blaze a path with its own characteristics. Specifically, the development of modern agriculture should pay attention to the following three aspects of work:
  • The first is to attach importance to characteristics, and the second is to adapt measures to local conditions. It is necessary to combine the local natural, ecological, climatic and other resource characteristics and the history of breeding and breeding to choose industries suitable for local conditions, rather than blindly following the trend. For example, in Sichuan's citrus, in recent years, due to the support of the policy, whether it can produce citrus has been planted in the place, resulting in soaring yields, falling prices, and farmers suffering. On the contrary, the more distinctive Lei bo navel oranges, salt source apples and so on are in short supply.
  • The second is to attach importance to scale and expand it. Only when the scale goes up, can we reduce costs, lay the foundation for the development of tourism, leisure and e-commerce and other industries, provide conditions for unified sales, unified trademarks, unified agricultural materials, unified prices, etc., and provide raw material sources for deep processing.
  • The third is to attach importance to integration. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, and the basis is not only manifested in the fact that it provides people with agricultural products to meet their needs for food, but also in that it is the source of raw materials for industry. The basic position of agriculture determines that agricultural products, especially grain, cannot rely on price increases to ensure the income of grain farmers. Only through the innovation chain, extend the industrial chain, upgrade the value chain, and vigorously develop tourism, tourism, leisure, health care and other industries on the basis of the agricultural industry, so that agricultural practitioners can share the benefits of other high-value-added industries.
  • All in all, modern modernization should start from the characteristics, scale and integration to achieve strong agriculture, rich farmers and rural beauty.
Characteristics, scale and integration: Only in this way can modern agriculture be carried out
Characteristics, scale and integration: Only in this way can modern agriculture be carried out
Characteristics, scale and integration: Only in this way can modern agriculture be carried out

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