
It is recommended to set Gu Yu as a Chinese character festival

"Gu Yu" is said to be because of "Cangjie's writings" and "Heaven knows that it will be hungry, so it is rain millet". Later generations remembered cangjie's merits in making characters, and named the last festival of spring "Valley Rain". Wang Yongchao, a deputy to the National People's Congress, introduced that whenever the "Gu Yu" Festival comes, the Cangjie Sacrifice Ceremony represented by Shaanxi Baishui, various music, dance, and folk customs activities with local characteristics have appeared. It is suggested that the annual "Gu Yu" Day be set up as the "Chinese Character Festival", which will be unified with the "United Nations Chinese Day" and the "Cangjie Sacrifice Ceremony" to enhance the linkage effect and help promote "cultural identity to shape national identity". (China Net)

It is recommended to set Gu Yu as a Chinese character festival
It is recommended to set Gu Yu as a Chinese character festival
It is recommended to set Gu Yu as a Chinese character festival

Source: People's Daily News

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