
The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined

author:USTC Startup Foundation

【CHINA HKUST New Innovation Alumni Foundation (ID: USTCIF), the world's most active HKUST alumni organization, releases HKUST news and alumni information in real time]

The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined
How many people are still living in the dream of talent training at the University of Science and Technology of China and Tsinghua Peking University? In fact, in terms of overseas top academic quality, HKUST has long been rubbed on the ground by Qingbei. Only qualified to cry on the floor with Nanda.

For seven years, it was crushed by the Qing Dynasty

The University of Science and Technology of China Xinchuang Alumni Foundation systematically analyzed the trend of domestic famous university alumni awards in the past seven years and found that from 2016 to 2022, the alumni of Tsinghua university and Peking University's Sloan Awards were about 3 times that of HKUST, showing a crushing trend.

After counting the winners of the Sloan Award in the past 7 years, it can be found that Peking University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, and Nanjing University are the universities with the largest number of award-winning alumni. Fudan, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University and other award-winning numbers are small and do not compare. This study counts the number of awardees of the four universities mentioned above, the classification of award-winning disciplines, etc., and intuitively concludes with data and charts: in terms of overseas top academic talents, Qingbei has shown a crushing trend, and the University of Science and Technology of China only goes hand in hand with Nanda.

Ironically: in the past two years, the domestic self-media have praised (Sloan Award) for consecutive years that "Nanjing University and the University of Science and Technology of China have alumni on the list for four consecutive years, which shows from the side that the undergraduate training level of the two universities is at the top of the domestic ranks, and the god-like bug level exists." This kind of praise, the science and technology students in the 80s and 90s, will only be regarded as the irony of the demolition of the temple door of your school.

The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined
The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined

In the seven years from 2016 to 2022, the number of awardees of the University of Science and Technology of China has not exceeded that of Tsinghua University. Only in 2018 did he win Peking University 2-1 (the following two years were crushed by almost an order of magnitude 1-9, 1-7). Year after year of weakness led to a rout in the cumulative battle of numbers. In the past seven years, the winners of the Sloan Award have been 31 in Peking University, 27 in Tsinghua University, and only 10 in the University of Science and Technology of China, which is in the same echelon as 7 from Nanjing University. The gap in the number of winners is as high as 3 times, is the overseas talent competition of the University of Science and Technology of China tired?

The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined
The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined

Analysis of the distribution of people and disciplines: the pain of partial disciplines

From the perspective of the distribution of award-winning disciplines, Tsinghua university and NTU are relatively balanced. Tsinghua University has more than 2 winners in six disciplines, and Nanjing University has more than 1 winner in four disciplines; although HKUST and Peking University are both partial students, 16 people from Peking University mathematics have won awards, which is beyond the reach of unaccompanied HKUST. Chemistry is HKUST's only advantage, and there is still a small gap between 7 people winning awards and 10 people winning at Peking University.

The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined

In terms of future trends, the gap between HKUST and Tsinghua and Peking University at the Sloan Awards will only get farther and farther. It is neither as comprehensive as Tsinghua university, nor as specialized as Peking University, reflecting the quality of teaching at HKUST for a period of time.

HKUST's most Sloan Award-winning years are: 81 (4), 89 (4), 96 (4), 98 (4), 83 (3), 95 (3), and 99 (3). The Sloan Award-winning alumni enrollment period of the University of Science and Technology of China was from 1995 to 1999.

By comparing the class number of the Chinese HKUST Sloan Award winners with the award year, it can be concluded that the average Sloan Award winner will be awarded after 16.8 years of enrollment. Before 2000, the average number of winners won awards after enrollment was 15.7 years, while the average number of winners after 2016 was 18.5 years after admission, that is, in recent years, the age of winners is generally older, the number of award-winning alumni admitted before 2005 may still increase, and the post-2005 alumni award window has not been completely closed.

HKUST's success at the Sloan Awards is based on physics and chemistry, and the role of other awards is the icing on the cake. Among the first four winners (i.e., four alumni who entered before 1980 and won awards before 1995), the mathematics award accounted for 3, and since then, there have been only 2 mathematics alumni in HKUST in the past 30 years, which is close to the number of mathematics awards won by Peking University in recent years, which shows that HKUST's undergraduate education in mathematics is not dominant. From 1980 to 2005, according to the statistics of the winning alumni every 5 years, the number of physics and chemistry awards in the two periods was guaranteed, and there were more than 3 other awards, resulting in a considerable number of winners in these two periods. Rather than saying that HKUST's overseas talents have withered in recent years, it is better to say that the alumni of HKUST who enrolled in 1995-1999 have achieved too good results, compared with the increase in the number of students enrolled in HKUST and the decrease in the number of winners, these alumni have supported the façade of the number of alumni awarded after 1985, bringing us more expectations.

Judging from the seven directions of the 2022 award, the University of Science and Technology of China has not received any grain in the past seven or eight years in the five major directions of computer, earth system science, economics, mathematics, and neuroscience. The quality of discipline development and training is uneven.

The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined
The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined
The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined

Which HKUST alumni have won the Sloan Research Award?

According to the incomplete statistics of the Xinchuang Alumni Foundation of the University of Science and Technology of China, as of 2022, a total of 50 alumni of the University of Science and Technology of China will receive the award, namely:

The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined

It is worth emphasizing that most of the previous alumni list of winners of the Sloan Research Award of the Chinese University of Science and Technology only follow the Internet (possibly the Internet University Forum). Some people are wrong in spelling names, class numbers, and even whether they are alumni, and there are omissions that are never corrected.

The list of statistics from the Startup Alumni Foundation was checked on the Sloan Research Prize website. Special: Zhu Songchun (8611), who won the award in 2001, was omitted from almost all HKUST news; Yongqin Chen, who won the award, was mistakenly classified as an HKUST alumnus. The New Venture Foundation has made corrections through rigorous multi-party verification.

Discussion: Can you get up? Who else's baby?

The authors do not want the study to convey only pessimistic signals. So what are the reasons for being crushed in seven years? Does the University of Science and Technology of China still have a play?

The author believes that the reasons for being crushed by the Qing Dynasty are:

1) Uneven development of disciplines. As a disabled university, China University of Physics and Chemistry is unable to compete with Qingbei PK.

2) Geographical pain, not war crime. If anyone is the principal at the time of enrollment, it is called whose baby. In recent years, most of the award-winning graduates are Zhu Qingshi's baby. - Although this is not accurate. For example, the lowest grade, 07203 Wang, was replaced by the new principal H in the second year of enrollment. If the bar is raised, no matter which principal's baby Wang Shutian calls, Professor Stanford Cui Yi is entitled to protest and say, "It is also my baby." ^_^

It should be noted that Zhu Qingshi's number of babies (1998-2008) was crushed, and it must not be considered his fault. Because the resources of first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai crushed Hefei at that time, the University of Science and Technology of China faced a huge squeeze. In terms of student sources and talent introduction, the University of Science and Technology of China was facing great difficulties at that time. So much so that the principal of Zhu Qingshi had shelled the tip in Chengdu.

After 2008, the new principal took advantage of the opportunity of narrowing geographical disadvantages, improving transportation and even providing housing to make great efforts to attract a group of overseas talents to join. The undergraduate education of the University of Science and Technology of China has been strengthened; the imbalance and weakness of disciplines have been improved. It is possible that in the next five years, the number of H babies may be higher than the same period before, and the gap with Qingbei is even smaller.

Does HKUST still have drama? There must be ah, and H's baby sharpening knife Ho Ho.

We are optimistically looking forward to: from 2023 onwards, seven or eight years, a large number of H's babies will take to the runway. As for Wan Lijun, Bao Xinhe's baby, we still have to wait until around 2030 when the melon is ripe and fallen, early. However, it must be pointed out that on a long-term scale, it is difficult for the University of Science and Technology of China to compete with the QingBei.

The Sloan Awards were crushed by the Qing Dynasty: the overseas talent of the University of Science and Technology of China has recently declined

About the Sloan Prize: Early Career Award for Young Scientists

Since its inception in 1955, the Sloan Research Prize has been awarded to outstanding young people in the fields of physics, chemistry and mathematics to provide support and recognition to these "early professional scientists and scholars", and later added neuroscience (1972), economics (1980), computer science (1993), computational and evolutionary molecular biology (2002), and marine and earth environmental sciences (2012). The 2022 winner will receive $75,000 in grants.

Taking the Sloan Prize awarded in 2022 as an example, the field is adjusted to seven directions: chemistry, computing, earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience and physics.

The Sloan Awards are nominated on a nomination basis, with mid-July to mid-September each year as the nomination date, and candidates need to have a Ph.D., teach at a university, college, or other degree-granting institution in the United States or Canada, undertake regular teaching tasks, and do not yet have tenure. Candidates must hold a letter of nomination from the head of the department or other senior researcher, and the department nominates no more than 3 candidates, and the selection committee prefers professional and objective nomination letters; at the same time, the candidate needs to submit a resume (including a list of publications), two representative independent research articles, a short statement describing important recent scientific work and research plans, and three nomination letters from other researchers (preferably not from the same institution). Although candidates are no longer required to be eligible within six years of PhD graduation, the selection committee still prefers candidates who are in the early stages of research, particularly underrepresented groups of scholars, such as qualified Heren, Latino, Native American, Alaskan Native, and female candidates.

The Sloan Research Prize is one of the vanes of the Nobel Prize. As of February 2022, 53 Sloan Prizes have been awarded the Nobel Prize, 17 have won the Fields Medal in mathematics, and 69 have been awarded the National Medal of Science. According to the incomplete statistics of the Xinchuang Alumni Foundation of the University of Science and Technology of China. As of 2022, 50 alumni of the University of Science and Technology of China have won the Sloan Research Award. Luo Liqun, Zhuang Xiaowei, Yang Peidong and Wen Xiaogang, four academicians of the American Academy of Sciences trained by the University of Science and Technology of China, have all won the Sloan Research Award.

Origins: Since 2019, the New Innovation Foundation of the University of Science and Technology of China has repeatedly mentioned in the Sloan Award alumni news that the outstanding overseas talents of the University of Science and Technology of China are being surpassed by Tsinghua Peking University. It is worth the vigilance of teachers, students and alumni. However, the warning of "the wolf is coming" has not attracted much attention.

To the trolls: But when it comes to overseas talents, there are always a group of brainless trolls, angry: the so-called chickens raised in China lay eggs for others. From the leadership of the state to the scientific and technological community, it is recognized that it is necessary to remain open. Successive top leaders of the country have supported the policy of studying abroad in the new era of "supporting study abroad, encouraging return to China, and coming and going freely".

Taking HKUST's Sloan Research Award as an example, EweiNan, He Zhengyi, He Sheng, Zhu Songchun, Huang Jiaxing, Zhang Xin, etc. have all returned to China to serve. There is still a gap between Chinese science and foreign countries, and we must study with an open mind. We must continue to make overall use of both domestic and foreign resources to cultivate more effective forces for China's scientific and technological community.

Research Institution: Research Department, New Innovation Alumni Foundation, University of Science and Technology of China.

Author: Shi Xiaorui and Liu Zhifeng. Xiaorui Shi is a fourth-year undergraduate student in public administration at Capital University of Economics and Business. He was awarded the First Class Scholarship for Research and Innovation (2019, 2020) and is currently an intern of the Xinchuang Alumni Foundation; Liu Zhifeng, 9500, joined the Xinchuang Alumni Foundation full-time in December 2006.

Report reprint requirements: This research report is published by the New Innovation Alumni Foundation of the University of Science and Technology of China (WeChat public account ID: USTCIF) and the website. Reprints are welcome (there is no need to ask for authorization in advance), but the completeness of the article must be preserved and the source stated. This body reserves the right to pursue unauthorized deletions.

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