
3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

author:Talk about food moments
No matter which step people take, they always have to find some fun and think of a way. Yes, food is the fun I'm looking for, the way I think! Talk about food carvings and take the food you eat seriously together!


There is an old saying that hurts women's hearts: "Men forty-one flowers, women thirty tofu slag", although this sentence is a bit exaggerated, but also tells us some things, once women are old, if you do not pay attention to maintenance, aging will be particularly fast, aging, is a lot of people do not want to see things, so want to look young, there are only two ways, one is to rely on cosmetics, the other is to rely on diet therapy.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

The former is only the surface, the latter is the inside, so women who love beauty, do not forget to eat some food to replenish qi and blood, especially 3.8 Goddess Day is coming, remember to be good to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament. Some of the foods recommended here are relatively common, but they are especially suitable for nourishing ingredients.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

The first, red beans

Red beans are rich in soybean isoflavones, this soybean isoflavones are women's natural phytoestrogens, it can play a therapeutic effect of regulating hormone balance in the body, and can also play a role in improving endocrine disorders, plus red beans can also clear the heart, but also have the effect of tonifying the heart, so it is worth eating.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

Recommend a red bean hawthorn method: soak the red beans and hawthorn, soak well, put it into a casserole to cook, boil for about 40 minutes, take it out, we can come to some brown sugar, mix well and eat.

The second kind, white fungus

If you want good skin, remember to eat more white fungus, it contains plant collagen, sexual temperature, very suitable for spring dry time to eat, for women, eat more white fungus, but also play an appetizing, moisturizing the lungs, moisturizing the skin, protecting the skin, the price of white fungus is not particularly expensive, is more suitable for tonic.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

Recommend a white fungus egg soup: soak the white fungus, then tear it into small pieces, find a small bowl, beat the eggs in it, add a little salt, then put the white fungus in, start steaming, when it is fully steamed, you can take it out and eat.

The third, black sesame seeds

Black sesame is rich in vitamin E and protein, these two substances are especially suitable for women, it can improve the antioxidant capacity of the female body, enhance resistance, but also has a therapeutic effect to enhance the growth and development of uterine cells, especially on the skin and hair, has a very obvious effect.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

Recommend a black sesame paste: black sesame seeds and millet and a little purple rice, we rinse it, and then put it into the wall breaker, start to make black sesame paste, wait until it is all finished, take it out, you can put a little honey, so that the taste is better.

The fourth, red dates

A very common ingredient in life, is also very suitable for women to eat, it has the effect of tonifying qi and blood, and there is a large amount of iron in the red dates, which can help regulate qi and blood, and the tonic effect is very good.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

Recommended red date pumpkin porridge: wash the dates, I chose the red date slices, then wash and cut the pumpkin into pieces, put it into the pot, add the washed millet glutinous rice, start simmering, cook for 30 minutes, put in the red date slices, cook until thick, take out and eat.

The fifth, lotus root

Lotus root is really a woman's treasure, in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" also refers to the lotus root as "spirit root", saying that eating raw can clear the heat and vitality, cool the blood and stop the bleeding; stir-frying can also strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. For female friends, eating more lotus root can alleviate brain recession and also help to lose weight and lose weight.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

Recommend a lotus root black chicken pot to everyone: black chicken clean and chopped into small pieces, lotus root washed and cut into large pieces, put the chicken into a casserole, then put in ginger slices, add a grass fruit to start stewing, about 30 minutes or so, put the lotus root into the stew together, put salt when out of the pot to taste.

Sixth, black rice

This rice is not often eaten by many people, especially women, but if you pay more attention to it, you will find that the nutritional value of black rice is very high, such as calcium, iron and other minerals, as well as a large amount of protein, women eat more black rice, not only can supplement the gradual loss of calcium in the body, but also can maintain the stability of hormone levels in the female body, plus its rich fiber, long-term eating gas color is getting better and better.

3.8 Goddess Day, remember to be kind to yourself, eat more than 6 kinds of food, noodles like peach blossoms, good temperament

Recommend a dish of black rice peanut grape cake to everyone: black rice into the rice cooker, and then put into a large bowl, put in the raisins, but also a little peanut, add a little glutinous rice flour, put a little honey, synthesize it together, and then press into a small round cake, put it in the steamer and steam for 8 minutes.

The food engraver says:

3.8 Goddess Day, don't be reluctant to spend money, 6 kinds of food to remember to eat more, they are red beans, white fungus, black sesame seeds, lotus root, black rice, red dates, often eat these foods such as peach blossoms good color.

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