
Depicting the new era of essays, painting activities to display < the second >

author:The front line of education

National treasure giant panda

Class 302 of the Second Primary School of Huangzhai Town, Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province

Huang Yufei

Hello everyone, I'm a giant panda. I live in places like Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu, and I like to eat bamboo, bamboo shoots, and sometimes I eat meat. I was black and white, with two plush ears on my head, big black circled eyes on my face, and a short tail, like a pompom.

I was super lively as a child, I would climb up trees and sit on them without coming down, and I would roll around on the ground; when I grew up, I was not very active, I often lay on the ground and slept, and I had to wear a pair of glasses every time I slept. Someone asked me where I bought those glasses? I can't seem to answer this question.

While eating, I sat on the ground and grabbed the bamboo with my paws, and after a short while, the left one took a bite, and the right one was eaten. I have to eat about 2O kilograms of bamboo a day, do you think I am greedy?

I love to roll on the ground, when I curl up and roll down, and sometimes I race with other pandas!

This is me, will you like me? Will you make friends with me?

Instructor: Lulu Fang

Guiding light – the Communist Party of China

Zhengjiawu Center, Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province, 303

Kim Ting-hyun

The Communist Party of China is the pride of the people and the hope of the nation.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic, people were deeply affected by the brutality of warlords and the oppression of Western colonization. The social class, due to its own limitations, could not meet the needs of the working class and the peasant class, so the working class and the peasant class urgently demanded the establishment of their own organizations, so on July 23, 1921, the Communist Party of China was founded.

However, at the beginning of the founding of the Communist Party of China, after the First World War, China's national and social conditions were extremely bad, first there were warlords fighting, then there was the oppression of the Kuomintang, and then there was the aggression of Japanese imperialism. The Communist Party of China led the broad masses of the people through 28 years of arduous struggle, and only then did the new democratic revolution led by the Communist Party of China finally win victory, establish the People's Republic of China, and have such a beautiful new life in New China.

The China of the past and the China of the present cannot be compared at all. In the past, the common people did not have enough to eat and wear warmly, and their hard-earned income was exploited by the Kuomintang, living in the depths of the water, and even their lives could not be guaranteed. And now we eat well, dress well, go out with cars, high-speed rail, planes, buy things is more convenient, there are shopping malls, supermarkets everywhere, do not want to go out can also buy online, even if it is so serious new crown pneumonia, our people do not need to worry about high medical costs, and all have the state to bear. We are happily enjoying the quiet years, and our Communist Party of China is leading a group of lovely people to carry the weight for us, and all the tribulations seem to have nothing to do with us, because we have a great Communist Party of China, so we must cherish this beautiful motherland.

We want to thank the Communist Party of China, who gave us such a beautiful motherland, and let us love this beautiful homeland that has been exchanged for countless bright red blood and countless people's lives. I love the Chinese Communist Party! Instructor: Zhang Qiaoxing

Love and growth

——Reading "Bambi" has a feeling

Hengdian Primary School Education Group, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, Nanshanghu Campus, Class 311

Lv Yuze

During the holidays, I had the pleasure of reading the book Bambi. I really enjoyed reading this book, which mainly tells the story of Bambi's life.

The story in the book is very wonderful, after Bambi was born, he was full of curiosity about many things, and he made many friends. As he grew older, both his mom and friends disappeared. When Bambi was at his weakest, the Deer King appeared, and the Deer King taught him to learn to be independent. Deer King also told Bambi that life is full of dangers and challenges, and we must learn to deal with them. With the help of the old Deer King and his friends, Bambi eventually became the great new generation of Deer King.

After reading this story, I was deeply inspired and moved. This is a legendary story, the author uses anthropomorphic techniques to create a vivid and vivid animal image, they have a personality, can think, life is full of joys and sorrows. Of these critters, Bambi impressed me the most. Although Bambi's personality has changed over time, I can always see the aura of kindness and love in Bambi's words and deeds, and feel firm faith and fearless courage. When I closed the book, I felt that I had to learn from Bambi. In the subsequent learning process, whenever I encounter a problem that I can't write, I will think of Bambi's spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and having the courage to face it, and I will read it several times and think about the problem more until I write the answer. At this time, my depressed mood suddenly became cheerful, and it also greatly increased my confidence in solving the problem.

There is a well-written sentence in the book: "Only by anthropomorphizing animals can we avoid the animalization of man." "I felt that although the predation of the weak among animals is terrible, the most terrible thing is the invasion and greed of humans. In fact, small animals, like us humans, have feelings, and their joys and sorrows can also touch people's hearts. We must be kind to every little animal, so that human beings and nature can live in harmony!

Instructor: Ma Feifei

My new neighbor "Sugar Sugar"

Class 3 (13) of Hengdian Primary School Education Group Nanshanghu Campus in Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province

Wang Ruoxi

We moved, came to an unfamiliar neighborhood, and had new neighbors.

One day, I was jumping rope below and found several children playing the game of "eagle catching chickens", and I wanted to play with them, but I was a little shy, so I slowly stepped forward and said, "Can I play with you?" They said, "Okay! Lots of people are fun! "I was very open because I had new friends.

After playing for a while, my mother told me to go to dinner. We walked back together, and when we got home, a little girl said to me, "My house is just across from your house!" I said, "What's your name?" She said, "My name is Sugar Sugar, and I was happy and agreed to play with her later."

I'm so happy because I have a new little friend.

Instructor: Zhou Chulin

Flower Creek Tour

Hengdian Primary School Education Group, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, Nanshanghu Campus, class three (14).

Ma Zihan

I have long heard that Pan'an Huaxi is picturesque and is a natural oxygen bar. This summer, I met with a good friend and a family to go to have a visit.

Entering through the scenic gate, I was greeted by a beautiful tunnel, and I was attracted by the beauty of the tunnel and couldn't help but exclaim: "Wow! This tunnel is so beautiful! Look, look at a big whale in front of you! "Through the tunnel, we came to the side of Huaxi, where dangerous peaks stand on both sides and the forest is green, like a green ocean. The stream is shallow and clear, and the sun shines on the surface of the stream, sparkling. There is no sand on the riverbed, like a huge stone slab that has been washed clean, thousands of meters long, so it is also called Longban Creek.

Looking at the creek in front of us, my good friend and I couldn't wait to put on colorful non-slip grass shoes. Oh, what a bummer! Naughty straw shoes are still tickling the soles of my feet! Put on our straw shoes, take the water gun and we rushed down the stream, the stream was cold and cold, so comfortable! We filled up with water guns, attacked each other, and had a lot of fun with each other.

After playing with the water gun, we grabbed the fishing net and carried the bucket to start our fishing battle. We fished around with fishing nets, and we didn't catch a single fish for half a day, and the little fish were too clever to hide and seek, as if they were playing hide-and-seek with us! At this time, the good friend had a clever move and thought of a way - "you drive me to block." I carried my little feet in the stream and desperately drove the small fish down the water, and my good friend blocked the exit with a net pocket, and we caught many small fish in this way.

As night falls, the creek becomes particularly moving under the illumination of colorful lights. The stream is filled with smoke, as if you have stepped into a fairyland. As soon as the music started, we danced as if we had become beautiful and cute little princesses.

This trip to Flower Creek has become my most unique cool memory this summer, and I will cherish this memory and slowly reminisce about it!

Instructor: Du Qiaoling

Guess who she is

Hengdian Primary School Education Group, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, Nanshanghu Campus, Class III (15).

Lu Zicheng

She was a quiet little girl, often with a ponytail, that black and shiny hair was as gentle as willow silk, a white melon face, and a pair of clear and bright eyes embedded under the curved eyebrows. And her eyes can talk, and when her eyes are dull and staring at you, then you know that she is angry.

She loves to sing, and she remembers that at the school arts festival, her moving singing voice had a unique style, such as the yellow warbler chanting, like the kingfisher playing water, this wonderful sound wave, suddenly, sang to everyone's heart, and sang it from the heart, filling the whole arena.

Her Mandarin is also superb, her words are very standard, she tells stories, two eyes flashing, like a pair of bright and beautiful pearls shining. As her gestures and expressions are matched vividly, it seems that a vivid character story jumps into our minds. So she won the first prize of Mandarin in Dongyang City.

She is still a diligent and studious person in school, and she will always be seen in the classroom studying seriously, and the students have guessed this lively and cute her?

Instructor: Jiamei Chen

The glorious course of the years

Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province, Huangzhai Second Primary School 401 class

Zi Xinyue

At the snap of a finger, we have gone through a glorious course of ten years, and the land of China has undergone great changes...

From 1949 to 2021, our motherland has celebrated its seventy-second anniversary. He once suffered from the wind and frost, suffered from all the blessings, and now he has also developed and prospered, creating brilliance... With the spirit of never giving up, he wrote the glorious history of our Chinese nation!

Remember the humiliating --- Opium War in 1840, which was engraved on the soul of our Chinese nation? Remember how many people were addicted to the thrill of opium and couldn't help themselves? Remember how many people would rather go bankrupt than buy the "scourges" that make people malaise? Remember what was the original intention of those foreigners who constantly sold opium to the Qing government? Don't you want Chinese to become infected with this bad habit and destroy us mentally and physically? However, our nation has always lacked loyal ministers such as Lin Zexu, who is bold and loyal to the people, and although "Selling Cigarettes at Humen" cannot wash away the shame of the nation, it has awakened the sleeping Chinese!

In 1949, after experiencing the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the War of Liberation, China finally ushered in the dawn of victory. The founding of New China completely freed our mother from the fate of oppression and enslavement, and this originally sleeping oriental lion began to awaken.

China has moved from darkness to light, but the development of agriculture and industry is far behind that of other countries, and if we want to be a strong country, we must solve these problems. Land reform, three major transformations and other measures have enabled China to solve the problem.

In 1978, this complicated era, China explored a path of reform and opening up suitable for China's development through exploration and experience, and China 1483 underwent earth-shaking changes. The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee decided to carry out reform and opening up, and the clarion call of reform and opening up has been sounded ever since. The spring breeze of reform and opening up has rejuvenated the land of China again, and we have finally embarked on the great future of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Reform and opening up, special economic zones, and one country, two systems have made the motherland's economic development more prosperous.

After the reform and opening up, China's development achievements are fruitful, China not only vigorously develop the economy, sports, science and technology, culture are constantly making progress. Radio telescope fast is known as China's sky eye, with China's independent intellectual property rights. The world's largest single-aperture, most sensitive radio telescope. "Mozi" quantum through the satellite. China will lead Europe and the United States to obtain quantum communications, covering the global production capacity, domestic large aircraft c919, successful first flight on May 5, 2017, volleyball, table tennis, swimming these sports in the Second Games to win a number of gold medals...

In the 20th century, "tall" machines emerged in an endless stream, telephones, computers, and mobile phones gradually became popular, and cars, houses, and other property that originally belonged to the public began to become the private property of the people. The nine-year compulsory education system has been comprehensively popularized and all books are exempted from book fees, and rural schools have "two exemptions and one supplement", and the nine-year compulsory education has truly been implemented.

Earth-shaking changes have made us truly masters of the country. Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, and what reason do we have not to love the Party and praise the Party? As a young generation, our today is the tomorrow of the motherland, and we shoulder the heavy responsibility of making the country more prosperous.

"The youth is strong and the country is strong, the youth is wise, the youth is the progress of the country, the teenager is strong in the earth, the country is strong in the earth" Young us, work hard!


No. 402 No. 2 Primary School, Huangzhai Town, Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province

Zhong Yuxin

Zhu Ziqing's "Back Shadow" article, the father's back shadow shows the care and love for his children, and also makes readers feel a thousand emotions. Today, I would like to write about the backs of urban workers, who are always overlooked but indispensable.

Shi Chuanxiang, a national labor model and a dung worker, did the dirtiest and most tiring work but never complained about life, and worked diligently all his life. When I saw the back of his silent labor on TV, I couldn't help but burst into tears. The back of the hunched forward not only reflects his attitude of being responsible for his own work, but also silently bears everyone's incomprehension of his work. "I'd rather be dirty than one person dirty, in exchange for ten thousand households" is this belief, creating a clean living environment for everyone. Although this profession has now been eliminated by the times, the spirit of Shi Chuanxiang and the attitude towards work are still worth learning.

Every day when we are still asleep in the bed, the sanitation workers have already worked in their jobs, so that when they wake up in the city, they can show people the most neat and beautiful state. A tricycle, a broomstick, a dustpan, a shadow, became the most beautiful scenery in the whole city in the morning. Their backs are no longer straight, and their hands are covered with wrinkles and calluses, but nothing can stop them from taking their work seriously. Beads of sweat rolled down their faces, and they only wiped them with their hands, and then continued to work meticulously along the road, using their best efforts to exchange the cleanliness of the city. Because of you, the city is more beautiful.

They don't have a deep knowledge, they just have the attitude of taking responsibility for their work. The new year is coming, you who have done so much for the city, you should also have a good rest. The little back is telling us that everyone can contribute to the city. Complete your homework carefully, pick up the garbage on the ground, sort the garbage... What seems trivial is actually a dedication to the whole city.

The laborer is like a candle, burning himself to give to others; the laborer is also like a bright lamp, adding a beauty to the whole city; the laborer is like a gardener, repairing everything in the city in order. Laborers, you have worked hard!

Instructor Zhou Sulin

Visit Jinhua Double Dragon Cave

Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province, Pujiang County, Huangzhai Second Primary School 403

Hu Haoyu

"From the outer hole to the inner hole, it must be entered through a narrow hole under the stone wall. The boat is very small, the hole is very small, and the tourist raises his head slightly, and he will hit the forehead and scratch his nose. "There is such a magical wonder in the world!" Not to mention how fascinating the stone stalactites and stalagmites in the cave are, this narrow gap alone is enough to catch people's eyes and be amazed.

So, I especially wanted to go to the cave to enjoy it. Go through the narrow voids for a thrilling addiction; catch a glimpse of the double dragon winding at the top of the cave; and enjoy the variety of shapes and colors of stone stalactites and stalagmites. As I wished, my father finally took me to the mouth of the Double Dragon Cave. Just arrived, a cave more than ten meters high came into view. The two stones above the opening are very peculiar. Only to see them protrude outwards, like two dragon heads, looking very powerful, as if two dragons were guarding this strange cave.

Entering the cave entrance, I have long been in a state of excitement, rushing forward, only to run out of a few steps, only to see a stone wall in front of me, there is a small entrance under the stone wall, below the cave entrance is a small pool, the pool water is clear to the bottom, the water is not deep, and there are 3 small boats lying on it. There were still a few tourists lined up on the shore, and needless to say, this must have been the mysterious pore, and my heart was about to jump to my throat with excitement. I wanted to find out immediately, but although there were not many tourists, it would take a few minutes for my turn.

Time moved minute by minute as we waited, and finally it was our turn, with mom and me on a boat, dad and other tourists on a boat. We lay flat on the boat, and how small the boat was, it was really "two people lying side by side on their backs, just right." "I was afraid of being hit by the rocks on my head, so I desperately put my back on the bottom of the boat, and the boat went under the stone wall, feeling the stone wall pressing against me, which was really worrying." But after a while, the boat arrived.

After boarding the ferry, we entered the inner cave. According to Grandpa Ye Shengtao's instructions, I first admired the double dragons, a yellow dragon, and a green dragon that snaked at the top of the cave. Although these two dragons are not lifelike, they are also quite similar. Then I went to see the stone stalactites and stalagmites, some of them grow on the ground like bamboo shoots one by one, which is very beautiful; some are like ice picks hanging on the top of the cave one by one, dripping water drops down; some are like huge gems shining, very dazzling. It's weird and all-encompassing.

We continued to climb a steep way up, and in the distance we heard the rumbling of water, and when we looked closer, it turned out to be a huge waterfall inside the cave. It is like Li Bai's poem that "the flow is three thousand feet straight down, and it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen for nine days." "It's really spectacular, it's amazing. The waterfall splashed on the stone wall, on the ground, and the splashing water droplets stained the person's body with cool silk, soft and crispy. yes! It's truly a magical place that keeps me coming back!

Ordinary me Extraordinary us

Class 411 of Hengdian Primary School Education Group Nanshanghu Campus in Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province

Hutong Xiaoying

In the small petals of cherry blossoms, hidden in the sea of stars, hidden in the waiting of countless people; hidden in infinite hope. It drifts slowly into the distance with the wind...

- Caption

The city breathes heavily, the epidemic is like a huge gray net, scattered in every corner of the city, and the hospital is full of invisible viruses and powerless patients. This is the prologue of 2020, but all this seems to have nothing to do with me, the messenger who is busy fighting in the epidemic is not me; the patient who lies in the hospital bed and endures torture is not me; the family member who is grieving for the family to get the epidemic is not me; from the beginning of the spread of the epidemic, I played just an ordinary "bystander", but in the early spring, a heavy rain washed away the label of "bystander" attached to me.

At that time, I was at home because of the epidemic and had nothing to do, looking out the window and admiring the sudden rain. The rain outside the curtain was gurgling, and the bean-sized raindrops slipped down and fell on the ground, washing the dust, dripping onto the tree technique, and scattering cherry blossoms. At this moment, a dark shadow loomed in this dense and merciless rain. I involuntarily put away the loose heart, and my eyes followed the mysterious black shadow. , the lights are particularly bright in the heavy rain, look at the back and dress, should be the security guard of the community. He is also an "anti-epidemic volunteer" that I often see in the community. That day, I wanted to go out of the neighborhood to buy some snacks to relieve my hunger, and he, while helping me open the door, handed me a mask with his rough hand, and said with a serious face: "Hello little girl!" In special periods, don't go out when you have nothing to do, and you must wear a mask when you go out...". I don't remember what he said later, at this time, somehow, I did not have the impatience of the past, but a wave of shame arose in my heart: when the epidemic was in the head, everyone was doing what they could for the people around me, how could I circle myself as a "bystander"... I knocked my head and sank into deep self-blame. I don't know if it was too much chagrin, I don't know what force gave me courage, I took the umbrella, the thermos cup opened the door and stepped towards the security booth, I didn't even have time to think about why I went to the security booth, holding the thermos cup in my hand to do something. At this time, he also noticed me, who was inspecting, and still had that serious face, but there was more doubt in his eyes. I approached him with a hard scalp, handed him the water cup, wanted to say something but could not say it, only to feel that the light at this time set the uncle of the security guard extra tall, and the few cherry blossom trees around me felt cheering when they were caressed by the wind. Watching him silently take the water cup, I felt a little inexplicably excited in my heart. Soon, my eyes stayed on a box of masks on the edge of the table in his booth, which was filled with forms for recording vehicles and personnel in the community and his rough hands, and I looked at him inexplicably, only to find that his eyes were full of blood. I couldn't help but feel a sour tip of my nose and whispered, "Uncle, you've worked hard..." I had a thousand words in my heart that I wanted to tell, but my throat seemed to be blocked by something. The next morning, I also joined the ranks of "volunteers", handed masks to the uncles and aunts who entered the community, and reminded everyone to pay attention to epidemic prevention matters with my sweet smile. Later, a group of children of the same age also joined the epidemic prevention team, and our team grew in an instant. This team has gradually become a witness to the community's efforts to fight the epidemic, the epidemic is ruthless, the world has feelings, fight the epidemic together, and wait for the spring to blossom.

An ordinary rainy day, an ordinary me, from a "bystander" to a participant in this fight against the epidemic, played a very small and insignificant role, but I am still proud and excited about my change.

Looking back, the busy and determined figures, the tired but resolute faces, and countless ordinary "I" constitute an extraordinary "we", gathering into an indomitable torrent of steel with a strong faith will, sparks into torches, and a trickle into a sea. What difficulties can we not overcome?

True heroes

----- "Water Margin" after reading

Hengdian Primary School Education Group, Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, Nanshanghu Campus 412 classes

Wu Jiaying

Over the years, everything in the world changes, but there is a kind of person that people will never forget in their minds. They have a common name ---- heroes. From ancient times to the present, heroes are revered and admired. What is a hero? I think the hero is upright, kind, self-sacrificing, he does not pursue fame and profit, he is born into death, saving people from water and fire.

Whenever I opened the thick "Water Margin", smelled the faint fragrance of book ink, and savored every wonderful plot in the book, the domineering and majestic appearance of the one hundred and eight good men of Liangshan immediately came to my mind. This book tells the story of one hundred and eight heroes on Liangshan, Hao Jie, who drew their swords to help each other, and they did heroic deeds under the banner of "For the Heavenly Path"!

I like 'Walker' Takematsu. Wu Song was originally seeking a position in the official palace, but was helplessly killed by the villain, and finally came to Liangshan. Wu Song was very brave, he passed by JingyangGang, and heard that there was a tiger there that often came out to hurt people, and people who passed by did not dare to pass by there. But Wu Song was not afraid, he said that the tiger was just a big worm. He drank eighteen bowls of wine in one gulp, and with the strength of the wine, he used only a pair of fists to beat the man-eating tiger alive! Everyone knew that they came to thank him, and it was really for the people to eliminate harm! People nicknamed him 'Hero of the Tiger Fight'.

I prefer "Zhi Duo Xing" Wu Yong. He was familiar with military books, proficient in the art of war, thoughtful and righteous all his life. Platooning is what I prefer to use "Zhi Duo Xing" Wu Yong. He was familiar with military books, proficient in the art of war, thoughtful and righteous all his life. Platooning is his forte. "Wisdom to take the birthday program" and "three dozen Zhujiazhuang", etc., every battle can reflect his resourcefulness and strategic planning. He came up with many wonderful good ideas for everyone, and everyone admired them afterwards, really worthy of being a "wisdom star"! I admire such a talented person the most!

Everyone on Liangshan is a hero and a good man, such as the Five Tiger Generals of Liangshan, the 'Big Knife' Guan Sheng, the 'Leopard Head' Lin Chong, the 'Double Whip' Hu Yanzhuo, the 'Double Gun General' Dong Ping, the 'Thunderbolt Fire' Qin Ming, all of whom have great skills, brave and fierce, heavy love and righteousness, arrogance, and a lifetime of righteousness! Unfortunately, they were not born at the right time, when the emperor was corrupt and the power was in the hands of the villains, they had no skills in their possessions, but there was nowhere to show them. If they all live in the modern era, in a world where everyone is equal, and they are all super skilled and have concerns for the people, they will surely become great heroes who are respected by others and become the pillars of the country!

After reading this book, I was deeply touched. In our lives, there are also many heroes who serve the country and the people. The year of the rat, the twelve years of a reincarnated zodiac year, is now another beginning, and people are eagerly looking forward to turning a new page. However, a terrible new coronavirus has quietly struck, and the land of Shenzhou is facing severe challenges. In this battle without gun smoke, an elderly man appeared in everyone's field of vision, he is Academician Zhong Nanshan, head of the high-level expert group of the National Health commission. Where there is an epidemic, where there is a need, there is his presence. When everyone talked about the discoloration of the virus, the 84-year-old Zhong Nanshan told the public not to go to Wuhan as much as possible, while boarding the high-speed train to Wuhan himself, and rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic without hesitation! He is the most beautiful retrograde. There is no doubt that during the special period of the spread of the epidemic, Academician Zhong Nanshan is the "needle that fixes the sea god" and has become the most trusted person in the country. The People's Daily commented on Zhongnanshan: "There is the professionalism of academicians, the bravery of soldiers, and the responsibility of national soldiers." Academician Zhong Nanshan has been running all the way, tireless, full of responsibility, for the country and the people. Isn't that enough to be awe-inspiring? Isn't he the one who is purely willing to give everything for others, for society, for the country?

Many medical staff did not hesitate to risk being infected, left their relatives without hesitation, and embarked on the battlefield to Wuhan to treat patients, although there were many difficulties, they had no complaints or regrets, and their hearts were full of confidence. Although their faces were blackened by deep strangulations and their cheeks and noses worn by protective clothing, they still worked day and night, doing their best to fight the virus, standing guard for safety, escorting life, they are real heroes! Because of their selfless efforts, we can defeat the virus and prosper the country and the people!

Academician Li Lanjuan and her team fought in Wuhan, worked selflessly, and slept only three hours a day; in the face of the epidemic, the vast number of people of insight stepped forward with the belief that "the country is difficult, it will be recalled, and the battle will be won" and rushed to the forefront: Dr. Zhuang Xiaoying, a top Chinese scientist who was most reluctant to let go in Germany, went straight to the front line of work in Wuhan; Li Kaifu, a scientist in the United States, took the opportunity to return to the motherland with tears; and the "Harvard Eight Musketeers" collectively returned to China. In the face of the pandemic, countless heroes like Elder Zhong, who have the heart of the world, give up their small homes, for everyone, they are supporting the backbone of the nation! They have made people see the infinite hope for the nation to move forward and a hundred times more confident in overcoming difficulties.

Sincere heroes for the country and the people, cheer for you, salute you!

The three-foot podium is geometric

Class 413 of Hengdian Primary School Education Group Nanshanghu Campus in Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province

Should be cute

A chalk two sleeves of fresh wind, three feet of podium four seasons of rain and shine, drops of sweat sincerely nourish the peach Li Fang world!

Teacher, if you are an immortal flame, igniting the hope in the hearts of students; you are like a ray of sunshine in the morning, illuminating our future; you are like a skilled actor, the three-foot podium is your stage. Even if there is no neon-like bright light, no exquisite props, you still fiddle with an inch of chalk in your hand, spreading the warmth of the teacher's feelings.

Although Teacher Ge and I have only known each other for one year, she is like a candle, illuminating the ocean of books we enter, the world of knowledge, you illuminate others, burn yourself. The wax torch turns to ash and begins to dry, and your face is engraved with the marks of time.

I remember once you were changing that thick stack of essays on the podium, thirty-nine copies. The red pen in your hand sometimes draws circles, as if it were typos; sometimes buries your head in writing, as if you are writing a comment; sometimes your brow is furrowed, as if you are thinking about how to modify it. One after another, my classmates were called up, and I was secretly worried in my heart: Will my composition be written badly? But don't call me, don't call me..." Ying Yifei. These three words shattered my thoughts. I walked slowly, feeling uneasy in my heart. I walked over to the podium, not daring to get too close, as if I would be eaten as soon as I got closer, and the teacher pointed to my composition with a red pen. "Your essay is good overall." The teacher said kindly, I was secretly happy in my heart, "But writing about the mother is not detailed enough, you see here to write Mother's Day to give you a coat, but she does not stop how to give you?" Yes, so add a sentence here. Then I said, with trepidation in my heart, and dared to say, "Hmm." "And your mother gave you a coat, why did you get it?" Asking again, the teacher looked at me and said, "Go back and think about it!" "There's no problem with that, take it back!" I returned to my seat, saw the teacher change the next book, and then looked at my red pen print full of pages, and immediately thanked the teacher from the bottom of my heart. Teacher, thank you for your careful correction and your careful guidance.

"The jade pot holds the ice heart, and the Zhu pen writes the soul of the master." Sincere as a father's word, Yin Yin like a friend. "The teacher's kindness is like a rushing river, full of stars. The three-foot podium is geometric, and the shi'en is vast and deeper than the sea.

Success = effort + persistence + unity

——Reading "Journey to the West" has a feeling

Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, Hengdian Primary School Education Group Nanshanghu Campus 414 classes

Lou Yuchen

Dare to ask where the road is, the road is under the feet... - inscription

Reading "Journey to the West" again is no longer the original curiosity and shallowness, nor is it to admire a certain person or a certain skill, but a kind of understanding of life and a touch on life.

This is a magical adventure story: the miraculous Sun Wukong, the delicious and lazy pig Wu Neng, the hard-working Sha Wujing, the silently dedicated white dragon horse protecting Tang Xuanzang's Western Heavenly Scriptures, along the way there are demons and ghosts blocking the way, there are poor mountains and evil waters blocking, there are also Guanyin Bodhisattva tests, but the five masters and apprentices are fearless, cut through thorns and thorns, go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and finally obtain the True Scriptures, universalize sentient beings, and surpass the undead. In this book, "Journey to the West," one of the four famous works known to women and Confucians, my eyes are always focused on Sun Xingren, who can always make the sutra collection team turn the danger into ruin at the moment of a thousand guns; he was born in a fairy stone on Huaguo Mountain, grew up under the bodhi ancestors, and experienced in the Heavenly Palace, but precipitated under the Five Elements Mountain, breaking through on the road of escorting the Tang monks to take the scriptures from the West Heaven. His fate can be described as twists and turns, deeply attracting me, just like magnets attracting iron filings, making me as obsessed with Fan Xiliang as Meng Jiangnu, as admiring as Zhu Yingtai for Liang Shanbo, as bai Suzhen's love for Xu Xian, and as loving as weaver girls for Niu Lang. However, this path of learning from the scriptures is full of difficulties and obstacles, and not all of the masters and apprentices are highly skilled, so how did they succeed? If there is one less person in the team, will the sutra collection team still be able to reach the Western Heavens to obtain the True Scriptures?

Holding the book and pondering, I couldn't help but think of a story told to me by a friend: on the edge of a verdant forest in South America, due to the carelessness of tourists, a meadow near the river caught fire, and the tongue of fire that traveled along the wind began to circle a small hill like a red necklace. At this time, a clear-eyed Brazilian guide said: "A group of ants are surrounded by fire!" "Tourists look at the place where the guide pointed out, don't you!" The circle narrowed by the tongue of fire was already black and pressed down. Ants that appeared so small in front of the tongue of fire would surely be buried in the sea of fire! The heat wave of the Vulcan was already mixed with the scorching smell emitted by the burning of ants, but what he never expected was that the weak people in this area did not wait to die, but twisted into a ball and suddenly rolled rapidly in the direction of the river. The ant ball rolled in the fire of teeth and claws, and constantly emitted the crackling sound of the body bursting after the outer ant soldier burned, but the ant ball did not shrink, obviously, the outer layer of ants refused to loosen the slightest until death, the liver and gallbladder were cracked, and they also had to stick to their posts. As if a century had passed, the ant ball finally rolled into the river towel and followed the waves, heading for the other side. A thin layer of smoke rose from the river, and the ants united to finally defeat the fire demon!

This story of the real occurrence of the ant country is like a tragic song of life. I think the team can succeed because it is as calm and firm as this ant, united as it is, "The hearts of the people are united, and Tarzan moves." "No matter what kind of setbacks are encountered, no matter what kind of difficulties are encountered, as long as everyone works together to face the difficulties, they can always cross this seemingly insurmountable gap." In the sutra collection team, there are not only sun wukong's original heart, the relief of the eight precepts of the pig, the loyalty of the sand monk, the sincerity of the white dragon horse, the perseverance of the Tang monk, and the irreplaceable and indispensable unity of the five people! Rely on the strong cohesion of the master and apprentice, rely on the reflection and change of the four masters and apprentices themselves, and rely on the persistence of the five masters and apprentices!

This year is destined to be an extraordinary one. At the beginning of the year, the epidemic broke out, and everyone united as one to fight the epidemic together. Heroic and fearless medical staff, regardless of their own safety, gave up their small families to take care of everyone, and rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic. At present, how many heroic Sons and Daughters of China have stepped forward in exchange for Guotai Min'an! In the summer, floods occurred in the south. In the face of the raging flood, the heroic Chinese did not flinch. The people's children and soldiers rushed to the front line of flood control at the first time to rescue the trapped people and rescue grain and materials. The masses of the people also spontaneously sent food and fruits to the children and soldiers of the frontline flood fighting. With all the people in one mind, no amount of flood can break through this strong "Great Wall"!

What is success? It lies in the persistence of not forgetting the original intention, it lies in the tolerance regardless of the previous suspicions, it lies in the faithful obedience, it lies in the conviction that there is no doubt, it lies in the perseverance and perseverance, it lies in the reflection of reform, it lies in the calmness that is not afraid of danger, it lies in the dedication of blood, and it lies in the cohesion of unity!

The love and surprises that are treasured in the drawer

Liu Xiaona

When I was a child, I always liked to go to my mother's office, because her drawers always gave me unexpected surprises: I didn't use a tricolor ballpoint pen a few times, a colleague gave her a souvenir keychain for her travels, a kraft paper notebook with a completely different temperament from the thin temperament of primary school students' homework, and the words "work manual" were written on it... At worst, you can at least find a few fast-melting white rabbit milk candies. The luckiest one was to find a hero pen, or the latest model.

These exciting, seemingly familiar trophies of war from the drawers, were one of the most enjoyable experiences of childhood. When I grew up, my mother told me that some of them were planning to give me gifts, afraid of giving them directly to me, so they deliberately hid them in the drawer, and when I found them myself, it would be more meaningful and more cherished when I got it.

From childhood to adulthood, every parent-teacher meeting is basically the mother's going, and no matter how good or bad the grades are, going home is punished first. But that time was different, after she came back, I couldn't help but ask her if the teacher had said anything, I thought she would shout loudly, but she said: "Nothing, a teacher seems to praise you for being smart!" "I can't believe it, I can't believe it, saying that this subject is obviously not good!" The mother said nonchalantly: "Of course, the teacher can see who is smart, but he doesn't have to work." "I was ashamed and encouraged, and the next semester I worked hard, and the results of this subject really went up.

But the best mothers and daughters are also bound to be tested by the passage of time. When I was in the fourth grade, she was out of town to work, and the differences were getting more and more, and I remember one time I had a big argument with her on the phone, and after hanging up, I was very sad, and immediately wrote an apology letter and sent it before I regretted it. After she came back, I inadvertently opened the drawer of my room, and I didn't expect that she also wrote me a letter, and I was suddenly in tears, and everything in front of me was blurred...

My biggest regret so far is that I regret arguing with my mother on that phone call.