
Pompeo is really "not surprising to die"

author:Chinese graticule

Author Jia Yonghui

Pompeo, who was called "the worst secretary of state in history" by the US media, was still full of lies and nonsense during his visit to Taiwan, and even declared through his Facebook account that "the US government should immediately give Taiwan diplomatic recognition and recognize it as a free sovereign country". Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said Pompeo was a former politician with a bankrupt reputation, and such a person's wild talk could not succeed. Zhu Fenglian, a spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that Pompeo's set of fallacies is a cliché that the DPP authorities have always hyped up, and it is completely nonsense.

Indeed, whether such a "lying, deceiving, and stealing" Pompeo is talking wildly or full of lies, only the DPP authorities will vigorously praise and pander to him, and no one will believe his statement at all, and no one will take him seriously. From his ugly behavior of visiting Taiwan, it can be found that Pompeo is only a farce with the DPP authorities that is in cahoots and smells the same, and will only attract a round of scolding, such as the slogan of "Liar, get out of Taiwan" that protested on the spot as the slogans played by pompeo's many Taiwanese civil society organizations.

A double reed play. After arriving in Taiwan, Pompeo vigorously performed the farce of "resisting China and defending Taiwan," swept away his sense of existence, and took this opportunity to fiercely fish for the fat meat of the DPP authorities, and also made a speech in Taiwan that made erroneous remarks, and also engaged in the conveyance of interests with Taiwan business tycoons to support the DPP authorities' "conspiracy for independence" plot. According to a person familiar with the matter quoted by the Taiwan media, in an internal email sent to Taiwan's foreign affairs department by the so-called "representative office" of the DPP authorities stationed in the United States, it was pointed out that Pompeo's visit was to win the retirement fund and the labor retirement fund to invest in the Anarock company related to it. It can be seen that Pompeo's "resistance to China and supporting Taiwan" is false, and going to Taiwan to fight for retirement and labor insurance fund as a "political protection fee" is his real purpose. The DPP authorities have received them with "high standards," arranged for principal officials to meet and talk with them, declared that Taiwan-US relations are "rock solid," bowed their knees, and were overjoyed to create a sensationalist campaign of "relying on the United States and seeking independence" in Pompeo, and Tsai Ing-wen has not yet awarded the so-called "medal." Pompeo, a "hate instigator," and the DPP authorities, who "rely on the United States for independence," staged a double reed drama in which they acted in a state of treachery, and the exchange of interests and political exchange behind them is self-evident. In fact, no matter how hard they perform, their actions and deeds are to take what they need and harbor a ghost fetus, but no matter how carefully disguised they cannot deceive the people of Taiwan.

Two people with the same smell. The lesson of Ukraine's reality is that the DPP authorities will, of course, take their seats. Therefore, in order to continue to use the "anti-China card" to continue political life and deceive the people's votes, the DPP authorities rushed to the hospital in a hurry, knowing Pompeo's true purpose, and could only "pretend to be confused with understanding", rendering Pompeo's vinegar five remarks, and competing to praise his stinky feet. In addition to using some slogans to deceive the DPP authorities to satisfy their appetites, the solidarity of "painting cakes to fill hunger" cannot set off any storm at all. Pompeo went to Taiwan to pose, make a show, frantically open his mouth to check, and squeeze Taiwan's "surplus value." The DPP authorities regard outdated and outdated US politicians as "political cash machines, disregard the opposition and protests of the Taiwan people, kneel and cling to politicians like Pompeo, and dream of "relying on the United States and seeking independence." They think that with the support of these politicians, they can do whatever they want and act arbitrarily. With such a stinky duo, who would put Taiwan's security and the interests of the Taiwan people in mind? In the end, the DPP authorities will only "lose their wives and fold their troops," and they will inevitably escape the fate of cannon fodder and chess pieces.

Mouthful of confused soup. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of the "Shanghai Communiqué," the DPP authorities have jumped out again to attack UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and challenge the one-China principle. The United States dispatched Former Officials such as Mullen and Pompeo, a "passing" politician who is not willing to be lonely, to sneak around the stage, showing that the anti-China forces in the United States are using the "Taiwan card" to earn economic benefits and gain political benefits, whether in power or in the opposition. Pompeo made erroneous remarks on his personal Facebook account, falsely saying that "the US government should immediately grant Taiwan diplomatic recognition as a free sovereign country." As is known to all, in 1971, the 26th session of the General Assembly adopted resolution 2758 by an overwhelming majority, in which it decided to restore all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations and to recognize the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations. This clearly and thoroughly resolves the issue of China's representation in the United Nations politically, legally and procedurally. Practice over the years has fully proved that the United Nations and the vast number of Member States have recognized that there is only one China in the world and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and fully respects China's sovereignty over Taiwan. Pompeo and the DPP authorities' rhetoric is a dose of confusion, and they will not hesitate to tie the Taiwan people to a dangerous "chariot" and push them into the abyss of disaster. However, these acts cannot change the fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China.

Smoke bombs full of lies. The DPP authorities declared that although they were in Taiwan for the first time, they were very grateful to Pompeo for "affirming Taiwan in the past, as well as his speeches and deeds in helping Taiwan speak out in the international arena and enhance Taiwan-US relations," and believed that Pompeo was Taiwan's "savior." Public opinion on the island believes that Peio just hopes to use the money of the Taiwan people to invest in US companies, just like a series of operations such as the previous Taiwan authorities buying US weapons and equipment, US pigs and cattle, and using "political contributions" to maximize the "political dividends." It can be said that Pompeo's visit to Taiwan is a stable and profitable business, and the Taiwan media remind the DPP authorities not to "score Pompeo scores, And Taian pays the bill." According to relevant sources, the asking price of a speech by Pompeo in Taiwan is 500,000 US dollars, and other visits and visits also have financial subsidies. Taiwan netizens bluntly said that "one game is a dream", and the DPP authorities' big internal propaganda is to take the money of Taiwan taxpayers, ignore Taiwan's security, and disregard the well-being of the Taiwan people.

Whether it is a US politician or the DPP authorities, the farce performance on the death run at great speed cannot change the strong determination of all Chinese, including The Taiwan compatriots, to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and cannot stop the firm pace of the two sides of the strait Chinese realizing national rejuvenation and realizing the reunification of the motherland. If anyone doesn't believe it, give it a try. In the face of the Great Wall of Steel built by compatriots on both sides of the strait, it will definitely make you hit your head and bleed.