
The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Ministry of Defense: Two American Ali Burke-class destroyers entered the Baltic Sea

Source: CCTV news client

△ In the early morning of March 8, Moscow time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy released a video saying that he was still in Kiev (video screenshot)

At 06:12 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian Ministry of Defense: Two American Arleigh Burke-class destroyers enter the Baltic Sea

In the early morning of March 8, local time, the Russian Ministry of Defense released news that the USS Donald Cook and the Forrest Sherman-class Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers have entered the Baltic Sea region. Russia's Baltic Fleet has begun to closely monitor the movements of U.S. warships.

At 06:03 Beijing time on March 8:

Germany insists on continuing to use Russian energy

The European Commission hopes to propose a plan for a rapid decoupling from Russia on the 8th, the United States is also considering implementing an oil embargo, and Germany wants to continue to import energy from Russia. German Chancellor Scholz made it clear on the 7th local time that it is impossible to completely eliminate energy imports from Russia in the short term.

Scholz explains: "There is currently no other way to ensure europe's heating, transport, electricity supply and industrial energy supply. Energy from Russia is essential for the daily lives of citizens. That's why Europe is deliberately excluding energy supplies from sanctions. For months, the German federal government has been discussing alternatives to Russian energy with partners, and Scholz admits: "This will not happen overnight." So we decided to continue to cooperate with Russia in the field of energy supply. German Finance Minister Lindner has also previously said that stopping energy imports from Russia is certainly one of the options for sanctions: "But for now, it is best not to take this step." ”

Germany is highly dependent on Russia for fossil fuels. According to data released by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Russia's share of German fossil and natural gas imports is about 55%, coal imports account for about 50%, and crude oil imports account for about 35%. Within the EU, about 40% of gas imports come from Russia.

At 05:51 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian President Vladimir Putin: Russian conscripts will not participate in combat operations

On March 8, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian women on the occasion of International Women's Day, in which he said that Russia's conscripts are not participating in combat operations now and will not participate in the future, and Russia will not recruit additional reserve soldiers.

Putin said he believes that Russian professional military personnel can successfully complete the assigned tasks and they can ensure the safety of the Russian people.

At 05:45 Beijing time on March 8:

Ukraine's president released a video saying he was still in Kiev

△ Zelenskiy posted a screenshot of the video

In the early morning of the 8th Moscow time, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy released a video showing the view outside the window of his location, emphasizing that he was still in Kiev and fearless.

At 05:39 Beijing time on March 2018:

UN Security Council considers humanitarian issues in Ukraine Russia calls on all parties to objectively assess the situation

On March 7, local time, the United Nations Security Council considered the humanitarian issue in Ukraine. Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations, Nepanja, said the United Nations should not rely solely on unilateral information and false information on social media to assess the situation.

Nebenja said that the safety of Ukrainian civilians is not a problem, and the Russian side is willing to ensure the safety of the evacuees, provide material support for the controlled areas, and maintain communication with the UNITED Nations Secretariat.

Nebenja pointed out that at present, the humanitarian issue has been politicized, and the Russian side hopes that all parties will objectively assess the current humanitarian problems in Ukraine.

At 05:22 Beijing time on March 8:

Russia announced a "state of silence" for Kiev, Kharkiv and other places in Ukraine from 10 o'clock on the 8th.

The Ukrainian Humanitarian Response Coordination Command established by Russia issued an emergency statement in the early morning of the 8th. The statement said that the Ukrainian side is unable and incapable of ensuring the operation of humanitarian corridors, and that the situation throughout Ukraine, particularly in major cities such as Kiev, Chernihiv, Samui, Kharkiv and Mariupol, is deteriorating rapidly and is already taking on the character of a humanitarian catastrophe. Therefore, Russia announced that it will enter a state of silence from 10:00 Moscow time on March 8, 2022 and provide humanitarian corridors to Kiev, Kharkov, Chernihiv, Samui, Mariupol and other cities to help local civilians evacuate, and some evacuation routes need to be further agreed with the Ukrainian side.

The Russian announcement said that the above statement should be immediately conveyed to the Ukrainian side (Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Veleschuk) and proposed to coordinate the time when the above route and humanitarian corridor will begin operation before 3 o'clock Moscow time on March 8, 2022, and submit a written agreement to ensure that the Ukrainian authorities provide security assurances on the declared humanitarian action route.

The statement asked the Ukrainian side to issue this urgent statement in the Ukrainian media in Ukrainian and Russian by 3 o'clock on March 8, 2022, Moscow time.

The Russian side hopes to establish continuous communication with the Ukrainian side from 9:30 Moscow time on March 8, 2022, and exchange information on the preparation and implementation of the evacuation of civilians and foreign nationals.

As of now, the Ukrainian side has not responded.

At 05:16 Beijing time on March 2016:

Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives reached an agreement on the outline of a bill to sanction Russia

On March 7, local time, four senior leaders of the US Senate and the House of Representatives issued a statement that they had reached an agreement on the outline of the bill to sanction Russia, saying that they would jointly draft a bill to suspend normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus, and authorize the Biden administration to raise tariffs for both countries.

According to the statement, the actions recommended by the Senate and the House of Representatives include:

The Biden administration was authorized to further increase tariffs on imports from Russia and Belarus.

The USTR is required to use the voice and influence of the United States to suspend Russia's continued participation in the WTO and block the process of Belarus' accession to the WTO.

Authorizing the Biden administration to trade with the two countries only under certain conditions approved by Congress, lawmakers said in a statement: "We have agreed on a legislative approach to ban the import of energy products from Russia and suspend normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus." ”

At 04:39 Beijing time on March 8:

The first WHO support supplies arrived in Ukraine

On March 7, local time, WHO spokesman Tarik Yasharavich said in Lviv, Ukraine, that the first batch of WHO supplies had arrived in Ukraine, and the medical supplies would be sent to health institutions across Ukraine.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Ministry of Defense: Two American Ali Burke-class destroyers entered the Baltic Sea

The first WHO supplies included 36 tons of medical supplies, mainly for the treatment of the wounded and the carrying out of surgery. In addition, there are some basic drugs for the treatment of other diseases. WHO is currently in discussions with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to determine its specific needs and will send supplies to Ukraine as much as possible in the future.

At 03:35 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian Deputy Prime Minister: If Western countries refuse to import Russian oil, it will have disastrous consequences for the international energy market

On March 7, local time, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak said that Russia is concerned about the statement that Western countries will refuse to import Russian oil, which may have disastrous consequences for the international energy market and harm the interests of consumers.

Novak said Russian oil exports can be diverted from the European market to other markets, for which Russia is ready for everything. Moreover, the failure of European energy policy will lead to a skyrocketing oil and gas price, all of which has nothing to do with Russia. Russia has fully fulfilled its obligation to supply natural gas, oil and petroleum products to Europe. Because of the sanctions imposed on the Nord Stream-2 project, Russia also has the right to stop transporting natural gas through Nord Stream-1, but the Russian side has not done so.

At 03:28 Beijing time on March 8:

The Russian government canceled the payment of patent fees to unfriendly countries

On March 7, local time, the Russian government revised the provisions of the law on patent compensation. Under the new regulations, if the patent holder is from an unfriendly country or region whose invention, utility model or industrial design is used without authorization, the amount of compensation to be paid is 0% of the actual proceeds from the production and sale of goods, the completion of work and the provision of services, i.e. no compensation for the unauthorized use of the patent is required.

Earlier on the 7th, the Russian government had approved the list of unfriendly countries and regions, including the United States, EU member states, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Japan and some other countries and regions.

At 03:11 Beijing time on March 8:

The leaders of the United States, France, Germany, and Britain called on the situation in Russia and Ukraine

On March 7, local time, US President Biden held a video call with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Prime Minister Scholz and British Prime Minister Johnson.

According to a statement issued on the official website of the German Federal Government on the same day, the focus of the meeting was on preventing further escalation of the conflict and the issue of humanitarian assistance in war zones. All participants agreed that the protection of civilian safety must be a top priority and called on Russia to immediately cease hostilities and withdraw its forces completely. The leaders also discussed the possibility of providing further humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. They agreed that any diplomatic effort that could resolve the crisis deserved support.

The leaders affirmed that they would continue to expand sanctions against Russia and pledged to provide security, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. In addition, several leaders exchanged views on their contacts with the presidents of Ukraine and Russia.

At 03:10 Beijing time on March 8:

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy will address the British parliament via video link on March 8

On March 7, local time, Lindsay Hoyle, speaker of the British House of Commons, has approved Ukrainian President Zelenskiy to read a statement to the House of Commons at 5 p.m. local time on the 8th.

It is reported that Zelenskiy will speak through a video link. He is expected to demand more weapons and will renew his call for a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

At 02:55 Beijing time on March 8:

Turkish President: Turkish-Russian trade can be carried out with rubles, renminbi and gold

On the 7th local time, a number of Turkish media reported the relevant details of the call between Turkish President Erdogan and Russian President Putin on the 6th.

Erdogan reportedly told Putin that in addition to the euro and dollar, trade between Turkey and Russia could be carried out in rubles, yuan and gold.

In addition, Erdogan mentioned that about 30 ships containing sunflower seeds and wheat were stranded in the Sea of Azov, and that the destination of these ships was Turkey. Putin said he would issue orders on the departure of the vessels involved.

According to Turkish media reports, after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, some cargo ships transporting grain to Turkey were stranded in the Sea of Azov. As some people are worried about the price of sunflower oil rising due to insufficient supply, there has been a rush to buy sunflower oil in Turkey. However, Turkish Agriculture and Forestry Minister Kirishchi said on the 6th that Turkey has sufficient sunflower oil reserves.

On March 6, local time, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone to discuss the situation in Ukraine and Turkish-Russian relations.

At 02:38 Beijing time on March 8:

The U.S. Secretary of Defense ordered an additional 500 U.S. troops to Europe to further support NATO

On March 7, local time, senior U.S. Defense Department officials said that Defense Secretary Austin has ordered an additional 500 soldiers and armaments to Europe to further support NATO.

U.S. Defense Department officials said the U.S. would deploy air support operations centers to Poland and Romania, as well as send munitions and maintenance support to Germany. With the addition of these additional deployments, the U.S. now has about 100,000 military personnel stationed in Europe on a rotational or permanent basis, with additional deployments in the pipeline, the official said.

Later on the 7th, U.S. Department of Defense spokesman John Kirby confirmed the news at a briefing on the same day.

At 02:09 Beijing time on March 8:

The third round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations has no substantive results And ceasefire consultations will continue

On the evening of March 7, local time, after the end of the third round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, a member of the Ukrainian delegation said that consultations with Russia on a ceasefire and cessation of hostilities will continue, and the relevant issues have not yet reached substantive results. Podolyak, an adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, also said that the third round of talks between Russia and Ukraine has not achieved results that can substantially improve the situation.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Ministry of Defense: Two American Ali Burke-class destroyers entered the Baltic Sea

△ Screenshot of the relevant selfie video posted by Podoriak, an adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, after the talks

However, Podoriac also said that the two sides have achieved some results in improving the logistics and transportation of humanitarian relief routes, which will help ensure effective rescue and assistance to residents.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Ministry of Defense: Two American Ali Burke-class destroyers entered the Baltic Sea

△ Screenshot of the video of the head of the Russian delegation, Mezinsky, giving a speech on the results of the negotiations

The head of the Russian delegation, Mezinski, said that the Russian side hopes that the humanitarian corridor will start operating tomorrow, and the Ukrainian side has given assurances about this. Russia's expectations for talks with Ukraine in brest Oblast have not been fulfilled.

The situation in Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Ministry of Defense: Two American Ali Burke-class destroyers entered the Baltic Sea

△ Screenshot of the video of the chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Slutsky, delivering a speech on the results of the third round of negotiations

Slutsky, chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, also said after the negotiations that Russia hopes to successfully evacuate the population through humanitarian relief channels as soon as possible. Slutsky also said that talks with the Ukrainian side would be held as soon as possible, but Russia was not under any illusions about the outcome of the next talks. Slutsky also added that a fourth round of negotiations will be held in Belarus in the near future.

Following the conclusion of the negotiations, the Ukrainian delegation had left the Brest region of Belarus by helicopter.

At 01:49 Beijing time on March 8:

The third round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations has come to an end

On the evening of March 7, local time, the Russian Embassy in Belarus said that the third round of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations has ended.

At 01:16 Beijing time on March 8:

The Russian Football Federation filed an arbitration with the International Court of Arbitration for Sport regarding the ban of Russian teams from playing by FIFA and UEFA

On March 7, local time, in response to the decision of FIFA and UEFA to ban Russian football teams from participating in international competitions, the Russian Football Federation filed an arbitration with the International Court of Arbitration for Sport.

At 00:44 Beijing time on March 8:

The British ambassador to Ukraine left Ukraine due to a "security situation"

On March 7, local time, British ambassador to Ukraine Melinda Simmons left Ukraine due to a "serious security situation". On the same day, British Foreign Secretary Traus confirmed the news when questioned by the Foreign Affairs Committee.

It is understood that before Russia's military action against Ukraine, the British ambassador to Ukraine had moved from the capital Kiev to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv.

At 00:26 Beijing time on March 8:

U.S. Secretary of State: The U.S. is still not considering establishing a no-fly zone in Ukraine

On March 7, local time, US Secretary of State Blinken announced the recent distribution of U.S. aid to Ukraine during a visit to Latvia. Regarding the current situation in Russia and Ukraine, Blinken said that the purpose of the United States is to end the war as soon as possible, not to expand the conflict, so the establishment of a no-fly zone in Ukraine is still not within the consideration of the United States.

At 00:15 Beijing time on March 8:

Russian Ministry of Defense: Newly controlled villages and towns by the Forces of Donetsk and Luhansk

According to the announcement issued by the Russian Defense Ministry on the evening of March 7, the Luhansk and Donetsk forces continued to advance, taking control of 7 and 5 villages and towns, respectively.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that since 10 a.m. Moscow time on the 7th, according to the declared "state of silence", all military operations have completely stopped.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Defense, Russian troops have taken control of 5 new villages and towns and provided humanitarian assistance to all civilians.

Russian forces continued to attack Ukraine's military infrastructure, and the Russian Air and Space Force destroyed 26 military installations, including 2 command posts, 1 radar station, 5 ammunition depots and 11 weapons and military equipment assembly areas.

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