
Japanese people send thousands of paper cranes to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, Japanese netizens: self-satisfaction

According to the gifu news network of The local website of Gifu Prefecture in Japan, on the 6th, in order to show support for Ukraine, some residents of Gifu Prefecture in Japan wrote words such as "Stand With Ukraine "Stand With Ukraine" and "STOP WAR (Stop War)" on the blue and yellow Color Paper of the Ukrainian Flag, and folded the colored paper into a thousand paper cranes. The thousand paper cranes are expected to be delivered to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan.

According to the Japanese news website Nify reported on the 8th, in Nagasaki City, Japan, there are also people who fold a thousand paper cranes from blue and yellow paper to worship in the local peace park, such activities are all over Japan. But Nify also relayed the opinions of Japanese netizens:

"It's totally self-satisfaction... If you want to send cash, send a thousand paper cranes will only increase garbage for each other. ”

"When the Great Japan Earthquake of 2011 and the Kumamoto Earthquake of 2016 were also called for the sending of a thousand paper cranes, some local people said that 'it is difficult to throw away the place'..."

Japanese people send thousands of paper cranes to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, Japanese netizens: self-satisfaction

Screenshot source: Gifu News Network

For Japanese people, the Thousand Paper Crane is a "symbol of peace" and also means "condolences" sent to the disaster area in the event of a major disaster. But these "condolences" are sometimes also a kind of "trouble".

According to the gifu news network of The local website of Gifu Prefecture, Japan, reported on the 6th that in order to express support for Ukraine, some residents of Gifu Prefecture in Japan wrote words such as "Stand With Ukraine (together with Ukraine)" and "STOP WAR", and folded the colored paper into a thousand paper cranes. The thousand paper cranes are expected to be delivered to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan.

Japanese people send thousands of paper cranes to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, Japanese netizens: self-satisfaction

Image source: Gifu News Network

The initiator of the incident, 59-year-old Hoi Moto, said on social media Facebook that while their voices could not stop fighting immediately, they would show protest against the war. Subsequently, his idea was endorsed by others, and people organized to start protests.

He also told the participants to take this matter as his own business and give a voice to the world.

Another promoter, Kumiko Sakai, 54, said Japan is so connected to the world that they need to raise their voices in order to make changes.

According to the Japanese news website Nify reported on the 8th, in Nagasaki City, there are also people who fold yellow and green paper into a thousand paper cranes to enshrine in the city's Peace Park, such activities are all over Japan.

But these actions did not receive the expected praise.

Nitfy relayed the opinions of some netizens that some people were indeed inspired by this action, saying that "I will fold a thousand paper cranes to pray for the end of the war." But there are also those who feel that this is just self-satisfaction.

"Unilateral goodwill imposed on the other party will also bring trouble to the other party..."

"It's completely self-satisfied, if you want to send it, send cash." It will only add trouble to the other party, and it will only increase the garbage. ”

“...... It's just annoying. ”

"During the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 (the Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake) and the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, there were calls for sending thousand paper cranes, but some local people said, 'It's hard to throw away the place.' This is the reaction at home, so if you send a thousand paper cranes to people in other countries, it may confuse them. ”

In the Twitter comments of related news, there are also many netizens who say that this is "self-satisfaction".

"The gift should make the other person happy, and if you can't do that, stop." By the way, the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan has made the account public. ”

Japanese people send thousands of paper cranes to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, Japanese netizens: self-satisfaction

"A thousand paper cranes are useless!" I choose to donate. ”

Japanese people send thousands of paper cranes to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, Japanese netizens: self-satisfaction

"Stupid, don't cause trouble for people who are fighting hard for self-satisfaction."

Japanese people send thousands of paper cranes to the Ukrainian Embassy in Japan, Japanese netizens: self-satisfaction

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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