
New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

author:Xinzhou Daily

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The new journey urges people to forge ahead

——One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress of the City

Delegation I -

Do it in practice and walk in the forefront

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

The first delegation discussed the scene

On the afternoon of September 27, the first delegation carefully deliberated on the report of the Party Congress. The deputies unanimously held that the report of the party congress is a report that emancipates the mind, broadens the field of vision, seeks truth from facts, and is comprehensive and objective, and is a report that unites people's hearts, inspires people's hearts, and warms people's hearts.

Deputy Guo Xiaoying said: The report of the party congress embodies the absolute political loyalty, long-term strategic vision, advanced development concept, style of doing solid work, and mission of undertaking deeds by the leading body of the municipal party committee. At the new starting point of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Xinfu District, as the central urban area and the district of the first good, should work in a down-to-earth manner, walk in the forefront, play a greater role, strive for greater advantages, and show greater deeds.

Deputy Li Zhiyong said: The report of the party congress has a clear line of thought, effective guidance, and put forward the overall requirements and goals of struggle for the next five years, which has aroused the resonance of everyone. After the meeting, it is necessary to convey the spirit of the party congress to the factories and workshops of thousands of households, formulate development plans in light of the actual conditions of work, give prominence to the adjustment of the industrial pattern, and guide the broad masses of grass-roots cadres and the masses to devote themselves to building new economic zones with special characteristics.

Deputy Jiao Zhimin said: The report of the party congress has made accurate arrangements for the development of the whole city in the next five years, which is in line with the new situation and new needs of the economic and social development of Xinfu District, and also conforms to the new expectations of the people of the whole city for a better life. In the future, we will quickly unify the thinking of all cadres and workers in the education system with the spirit of this party congress and further enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness. (Reporter Zhang Linquan)

Delegation II -

Standing at a new starting point and making contributions to a new journey

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

The second delegation discussed the scene

On the afternoon of September 27, the representatives of the second delegation discussed the report of the Party Congress. The deputies unanimously held that the report is rich in content and clear in order, sums up work achievements and seeks truth from facts, analyzes problems accurately and in place, and deploys clear work goals and effective measures for the next five years, reflecting the wishes of the broad masses of party members and the masses.

Deputy Guo Xin said: It is necessary to thoroughly understand the report of the party congress, understand the essence of the spirit, center on the work objectives and development ideas put forward in the report of the party congress, vigorously grasp the implementation of all work, base ourselves on the general requirements of "thriving industries, ecological livability, civilized rural customs, effective governance, and affluent life," comprehensively stimulate the vitality of rural revitalization, do a good job in expanding the scale, enhancing quality, integrating development, deepening reform, improving the living environment in rural areas, and building a contingent, and strive to forge a new road for rural revitalization with original characteristics.

Deputy Sun Liang said: Standing at a new historical starting point, the key to realizing rural revitalization lies in industry. The report puts forward the strategic layout of "focusing on consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and creating a new situation in rural revitalization", as a township party secretary, it is necessary to fully implement the work system of the four levels of city, county, township and village secretaries to grasp rural revitalization, make good plans for rural revitalization around the report, and take multiple measures to promote the effective connection between consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. As a pioneering demonstration county, Yuanping should take the lead in demonstration, lead development, and make every effort to promote the realization of the development goal of "strong industry, prosperous talents, ecological beauty, and rich people".

Deputy Zhang Yanping said: The report sums up the development achievements of the previous five years and seeks truth from facts, analyzes the deficiencies to the point, inspires people's plans for development in the next five years, and effectively implements the requirements and measures for doing a good job in the next five years. In the future, we will always adhere to the core value concept of good strategy and healthy walking, be diligent in learning, dare to make suggestions, be good at planning, be good at operation, seek progress in difficulties, and act actively to serve the overall situation of local economic and social development. (Reporter Zhang Linquan)

Third delegation -

Innovation first to promote transformation and upgrading

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

The third delegation discussed the scene

On the afternoon of September 27, the third delegation had a heated discussion on the report of the Municipal Party Congress. The deputies unanimously held that the report has a clear theme, grand goals, powerful measures, and inspiring people's hearts, highlights the brightness of Xinzhou, shows the strategic height, embodies the precision of work, and is a programmatic document guiding the development of Xinzhou in the next five years under the new situation.

Deputy Wu Jiangong said: Standing at a new historical starting point, Dingxiang will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Municipal Party Congress, firmly grasp the period of tackling tough problems in high-quality economic development in the next five years, persist in putting innovation first, hold fast to transformation and upgrading, tackle tough problems and transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, promote innovation in systems and mechanisms, fundamentally solve the deep-seated problems of high-quality development, vigorously optimize the business environment, and make every effort to build a new Dingxiang of civilization and prosperity.

Deputy Yu Yanjun said: As a rural grassroots party representative, we will conscientiously comprehend the spirit of the report of the municipal party congress, actively publicize the party's line, principles, and policies for benefiting peasants in the rural areas in the work of rural revitalization, work harder to take the helm, sail well, lead the way, and take the lead for the masses, give play to the role of deputies, lead the masses to do a good job in all aspects of rural work in a down-to-earth manner, and embark on the road of common prosperity and rural revitalization.

Deputy Hu Dawei said: The report of the current party congress summed up the achievements of the past five years and sought truth from facts, comprehensively demonstrated the course of struggle for high-quality catch-up and leapfrog development, put forward new goals of struggle, had clear ideas, highlighted the key points, conformed to the reality of Xinzhou, was very inspiring, and pointed out the direction and clear tasks for the next step of development. In order to study, implement and implement the spirit of this conference well, we will base ourselves on accelerating scientific development, strive to build a harmonious enterprise, comprehensively promote the development of enterprises, and gradually build enterprises into wind power flanges, towers, motor spindles, blades and other wind power manufacturing bases. (Reporter Zhang Linquan)

The fourth delegation -

Always maintain the mentality of catching up with the exam In the new journey, show responsibility

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

The fourth delegation made a statement on behalf of Zhang Xiuzhen

On the afternoon of September 27, the Fourth Delegation carefully deliberated on the report of the Party Congress. The deputies spoke freely and discussed major matters together, and the atmosphere was warm. Everyone said that the report of the party congress has strong political awareness, accurate analysis and judgment, clear goals and tasks, clear thinking and direction, solid promotion, and overall planning, which fully reflects the political height, development thickness, responsibility strength and people's livelihood temperature, and is a programmatic document to guide the all-round high-quality catch-up and leapfrog development of Xinzhou in the next five years.

Deputy Gao Ruijun said: The report of the party congress is politically firm and has a clear orientation, seeks truth and is pragmatic and urges people to forge ahead, and has taken effective measures with clear goals. Wutai County will always maintain the mentality of catching up with the examination, sprinting state, and enterprising posture, push forward various undertakings step by step, and highlight the responsibility of the five stations, show the five taiwan's deeds, and contribute to the five stations in the new journey of building a livable, workable, and innovative pastoral city in Xinzhou.

Deputy Zheng Xiangping said: The report of the party congress summarizes the achievements with confidence, the thinking and planning are very atmospheric, and the deployment work is grounded.

Deputy Zhao Juan said: In connection with the actual conditions of work, we will do a good job in studying and transmitting the report, do a good job in implementing the report, do a good job in party building in enterprises, and give play to the role of party organizations as fighting bastions and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

Deputy Xi Xingwei said: The report of the party congress has a political height, a historical dimension, a people's livelihood temperature, and the intensity of implementation. He also made suggestions on speeding up the promotion of rural revitalization and the introduction of outstanding talents. (Reporter Zhang Zhiyuan)

Fifth delegation -

Plan a new leap forward and show new deeds

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

The fifth delegation discussed the scene

On the afternoon of September 27, the fifth delegation held a heated discussion on the report of the Municipal Party Congress, and the delegates unanimously agreed that the report was lofty, the theme was clear, the context was clear, the measures were precise, highlighted the characteristics of Xinzhou, highlighted the advantages of Xinzhou, reflected the aspirations of the people of Xinzhou, and had a strong forward-looking, strategic and operable nature.

Deputy Wen Anna said: Based on a new starting point and planning a new leap forward, DaiXian will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of this party congress, closely follow the theme of striving to create a new situation of all-round high-quality catch-up and leapfrog development, accelerate the construction of a livable, livable, workable, and innovative pastoral city, and take the "336" strategic layout as the traction to promote rural revitalization, carry forward advanced culture, and accelerate green development, especially relying on resource advantages, focusing on playing the "cultural tourism card," and accelerating the high-quality economic and social development of the county. Strive to make county contributions to the goal of building an all-round high-quality catch-up and leapfrog development of Xinzhou.

Deputy An Jianguo said: It is necessary to transform the spirit of the current party congress into a strong undertaking of performing one's duties and fulfilling one's responsibilities and into concrete actions to really grasp the work in a down-to-earth manner; in light of the actual conditions of dai county, we should closely follow the theme of all-round high-quality catch-up and leapfrog development, always adhere to the concept of green development, give prominence to the article of "cultural tourism," and strive to consolidate the foundation of the people's livelihood, so that the development strength of the county will be stronger and more colorful.

Deputy Liu Yongmei said: As an educator from the grassroots level, after returning home, we should spread the spirit of the meeting to every student, and based on our posts, we should make further efforts to run schools well, teach well, and cultivate good people, so that children can let go of their dreams in life from an early age in high-quality education. (Reporter Zhang Zhiyuan)

Delegation VI -

Cohesion Forge ahead and forge ahead to open up a new situation

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

The sixth delegation discussed the scene

On the afternoon of September 27, the representatives of the Sixth Delegation carefully deliberated on the report of the Party Congress. Everyone unanimously agreed that the report is an inspiring and inspiring report with prominent themes, rich contents, clear goals, and clear ideas.

Deputy Zhang Jin said that the blueprint has been drawn, the key lies in implementation, we must vigorously implement the "336" strategic layout, comprehensively grasp the goal of all-round high-quality catch-up leapfrog development, build a livable, livable, workable, and tourist-friendly innovative pastoral city, focus on building a new economic zone with special characteristics, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and walk out of the new road of transformation and development in Xinzhou.

Deputy Guo Junming said: There are still many gaps and shortcomings in Fanzhi County in cultivating and expanding emerging industries, and it is necessary to work hard and work hard in light of the goals set forth in the report of the party congress, make up for shortcomings, and enhance the speed of economic and social development.

Deputy Hao Changxi said: In the report, it is proposed to promote high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture, livability and workability in rural areas, and prosperity and prosperity of peasants; it is necessary to improve the system for introducing and cultivating qualified personnel in rural areas, promote industrial revitalization with the revitalization of qualified personnel, vigorously cultivate advantageous industries in agriculture, and achieve various work goals for rural revitalization. (Reporter Zhang Zhiyuan)

Delegation VII -

Truth-seeking and pragmatic, out of the new road of transformation and development

New Blueprint Gathers Consensus The New Journey Urges People to Forge Ahead - One of the side notes of the discussion of the delegation of the Fifth Party Congress in Xinzhou City

The seventh delegation discussed the scene

From September 27 to 28, the Seventh Delegation carefully considered the report of the Party Congress. In the light of reality and speaking freely, everyone unanimously held that the report of the party congress is rich in content, profound in thinking, clear in path, and inspiring.

Deputy Cheng Xingli said: The report seeks truth from facts, conforms to market conditions, has a prominent focus, has specific tasks, pays attention to the people's livelihood, puts people first, and has a good pulse on the development of Xinzhou in the next five years, and it is necessary to resolutely implement the spirit of the meeting. The Fifth Party Congress of the City is an important meeting to carry forward the past and open up the future, and undertakes the historical mission of promoting all-round high-quality development in the city and building a livable, livable, workable, and innovative pastoral city. It is necessary to unify thinking and action with the spirit of the meeting, and hold the meeting well with a highly responsible attitude toward the party and the people, with high standards and high quality.

Deputy Wang Heping said: The report closely draws a beautiful picture of the future development of Xinzhou, puts forward pragmatic measures, and is full of passion between the lines. As the person in charge of local state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to conscientiously study the spirit of the meeting, increase investment in the transformation and development of Ningwu, industrial extension, solid waste treatment, etc., fully fulfill the responsibilities of state-owned enterprises, transform the benefits of the group into local development benefits, and become a booster for local development.

Deputy Zhang Cunhai said: Getting rid of poverty and removing the hat is the starting point for a new life and a new struggle. To consolidate and expand the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and create a new situation in rural revitalization, we must adhere to the integration of urban and rural areas and system construction, take advantage of the momentum, continue to struggle, and vigorously promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable in rural areas, and self-reliance of farmers. Ningwu should take the change of the "two committees" of the village (community) as a new starting point, adhere to the leadership of party building, encourage officials to start a business, inject new momentum into rural revitalization, and promote the spirit of the party congress to take root and bear fruit in Ningwu. (Reporter Qiao Longfei)