
Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

author:Zheng Li said shadow

Cai Zifen, born in 1983 in Haifeng County, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, Chinese mainland actress and host. For many viewers, they may not know her, but the audience who has watched Southern Satellite TV's "Dragon Rider" knows her, and although she is not the soul protagonist in this drama, she is definitely the face value of the whole drama.

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

After watching more of the nonsensical and funny role in "Riding the Dragon Monster", the Jia Sable Cicada she played is undoubtedly a calm and beautiful scenery inside. Her acting skills in the play feel average, but she still feels that she is a fairy in a bunch of cow, ghost and snake god roles. Unfortunately, after the 4th part of "Dragon Rider", the sequel was not updated. This also makes it difficult for the audience to see the various styles of Jia Sable Cicada.

Her more famous masterpieces also include "24 Flavors of Guangzhou People's Happiness", "Sister Boy Is Bigger Than Master Wife", "Gaodi Street" and so on.

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

Before she became famous, at the age of 17, Cai Zifen, who graduated from Zhanjiang Nongken Secondary School and majored in kindergarten teachers, like most of her classmates, became a kindergarten teacher. She also really likes children and dreams of playing with innocent children from now on.

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

I never thought that everyone's life will not necessarily go according to their own plans, loving beauty is the nature of women, and Cai Zifen also wants to be recognized by everyone. In 2000, the first Miss Nanzhu Contest was held in Zhanjiang, and although Cai Zifen was still a little shy, she resolutely signed up for the competition and stood out among many contestants, winning the second place with good performance and beautiful image.

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

But this is not the beginning, the first taste of sweetness, to Guangzhou to participate in the ninth "beauty in the flower city" advertising rising star competition or got the runner-up. At that time, as one of the judges, Mr. Cai Lan had a high evaluation of Cai Zifen, he said that to see a beautiful woman, you must first look at the eyes, the eyes of the beautiful woman are full of aura, and he especially admired Cai Zifen's pure and transparent eyes at that time.

With the aura of double runner-up, Cai Zifen has since begun her journey to the entertainment industry. At the beginning, he started with the program host and actors, and now he is the host of well-known variety shows such as "I Love to Find the Taste" and "Who is the King of Songs".

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

She once said in an exclusive interview with reporters that this step she inadvertently took made her life trajectory change dramatically, and she felt magical when she thought about it herself. Cai Zifen admitted that the ninth "Beauty in flower city" advertising rising star competition is an unplanned competition. All this is inseparable from the support of friends. At the beginning, due to the encouragement of her friends, Cai Zifen participated with the mentality of trying. From the preliminary round, the semi-finals to the final, she soared all the way and unexpectedly won the runner-up. "That's how I got into the business." Cai Zifen attributed all this to the encouragement and good luck of her friends.

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

Luck actually depends on people who are prepared. Cai Zifen, the well-behaved girl in the family, has loved art since she was a child. Since he was a child, he has loved accordion, dance, etc., and often participates in orchestras and dance teams in school, and has a certain dance foundation and performance experience. This undoubtedly has a subtle impact on her future participation in the competition and her ability to be handy.

 The trip to the beauty contest in Guangzhou not only made Cai Zifen win the honor, but also a trip to Changbai Mountain organized by the organizers before the final. I also benefited greatly from my outlook on life.

In the winter of 2001, when the Changbai Mountains were closed by heavy snow, more than 20 contestants gathered at the mouth of Tianchikou in the ice and snow to shoot the tidbits broadcast at the final. The thinly dressed girls shivered in the cold wind. In order to capture better lenses, it is often necessary to take multiple shots. "When the director shouted 'ka', the accompanying teachers immediately rushed up to us with cotton coats and hugged us, poured a sip of liquor into each population, and a spicy warm current made people feel alive." Cai Zifen recalled that she still felt vividly. It is hard to imagine how unforgettable the bitterness and suffering they experienced.

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

It was this indelible experience of Changbai Mountain that trained Cai Zifen's iron will. In her life or work, when she encounters discouragement and frustration and wants to give up, she will always think of this experience, she has survived such a hard experience, and now there is nothing worth her depression.

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

When she entered Guangzhou Television, the biggest problem Cai Zifen faced was not work experience, but Cantonese, because she was born in the Chaoshan area, she spoke Hokkien dialect since she was a child, and cantonese was not standard when she hosted the program, which became a hard wound in her work. Zero experience can be learned bit by bit, but Cantonese should be spoken fluently unless you have an environment of listening and speaking often since you were a child. Retired seniors in TV stations often point out shortcomings and deficiencies in each show to urge employees, and she is a regular visitor to the "blacklist".

Jia Sable Cicada in "Riding the Dragon Monster", Cai Zifen in reality, the beauty of the soul is more beautiful

The strong Cai Zifen will not easily concede defeat, and the word "no" will not appear in her dictionary, so she began the process of learning Cantonese unscrupulously. Sign up for the training in Cantonese, take the newspaper to read aloud in your free time, and ask colleagues to help point out the wrong pronunciation and correct it in time. During that time, she was fascinated by learning Cantonese, and even when she was eating in the restaurant, she saw the menu sign and recited the words, which often caused the surrounding diners to be dazed. As long as Cai Zifen is not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed. With her perseverance, her Cantonese pronunciation has reached the point where she cannot hear the accent.

Cai Zifen, who has free time, will also often travel to enrich her experience, and will record what she sees and hears in writing everywhere she goes. Because she also loved literature since she was a child, she also worked as a radio station manager at the school when she was a teacher, liked to write some essays, and had a certain literary background, but she never thought of becoming a writer.

On a trip to Italy, she used to record her life, and she wrote down her scenery and experience along the way and posted it on her circle of friends. I didn't think about it, and after being seen by several "good" friends, they all suggested that she publish a book. In keeping with the principle of sharing, she sorted out her diary. So the book "Walking Light and Shadow - Italian Caprice" was successfully published in Guangzhou, and Cai Zifen had the title of writer again.

"I don't dare to say that it is a book, let alone call it a writer, it is just what I think on the road." When it comes to publishing books, Cai Zifen is very humble. She decided to donate part of the proceeds from book sales to the "Spring Rain Action" public welfare organization of the China Children's Mercy Association, and admitted that she would continue to do the mountain children's education assistance project and book donation activities in the future. Under her beautiful appearance, she also has a helpful humble heart.

"In walking, who can predict that everything that will be encountered, the road traveled, the bridge traveled, the water that has been played, and the people who have met will become a beautiful scar, and the journey of life will be covered." This poetic and picturesque word comes from her book, with her unique life experience and philosophical life insight. I hope she can live every day happily, continue to be the mink cicada in the eyes of the audience, the lucky one of her beautiful life.

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