
Build a city, I have something to say! The Eighth Youth Congress of Chengdu City Was Held, and the Young Pioneers Brought "Small Proposals"

author:Red Star News
Build a city, I have something to say! The Eighth Youth Congress of Chengdu City Was Held, and the Young Pioneers Brought "Small Proposals"

"Ready to get started?" Always ready! On October 13, the opening ceremony of the 8th Congress of the Young Pioneers of China in Chengdu was held at the Jinniu Hotel in Chengdu. At the opening ceremony, the energetic Young Pioneers gathered here, and they will represent the 1.17 million Young Pioneers of Rongcheng to submit a happy answer sheet for the city and the future.

"A hundred years ago, China's wind and rain were turbulent, the mountains and rivers were turbulent, and a small red boat set sail from the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, where the great Communist Party of China was born..." At the opening ceremony, 6 Young Pioneers dressed in neat school uniforms and wearing bright and bright red scarves delivered speeches for the opening ceremony of the conference.

Build a city, I have something to say! The Eighth Youth Congress of Chengdu City Was Held, and the Young Pioneers Brought "Small Proposals"

"The once-in-five Municipal Youth Congress is a grand event for our Young Pioneers, and I am very honored to be a member of the dedication team." As one of the 6 Representatives of the Young Pioneers who delivered the speech, Han Chengchen, a sports committee member of the Young Pioneers Brigade of Chengdu Paulownia Primary School, could not hide his pride. Wei Yaoxi, deputy captain of the Young Pioneer Brigade from the High-tech Experimental Primary School, also cherished this opportunity, and she told herself to use the highest standards to demand herself, devote herself with the fullest enthusiasm, live up to the honor represented by the dedication, and strive to do better.

It is understood that the dedication is an important link in the opening ceremony of the Eighth Young People's Congress in Chengdu. The volunteers of the conference have been selected layer by layer, and finally 9 Young Pioneers have entered the final stage of training, including 6 volunteers and 3 reserve team members.

Build a city, I have something to say! The Eighth Youth Congress of Chengdu City Was Held, and the Young Pioneers Brought "Small Proposals"

"I propose to build a 'Red Scarf Academy' outside the school to inherit the red gene; I propose to add a 'gas station' at the Universiade venue to convey the spirit of the Universiade with the sound of the red scarf; I propose to promote the 'AI environmental protection teenager Toot' to help the city's garbage classification..." At the opening ceremony site, the excellent "small proposals" brought by the City's Young Pioneers on the big red screen placed at the entrance of the auditorium attracted special attention. The eyes of these urban "little masters" are no longer limited to the campus, they use their own growth stories, what they see and feel, and actively provide suggestions for the development of the city.

"The construction of the city is not only the work of adults, but also our mission." Zhang Hengrui from Chengdu Experimental Primary School told reporters that she had participated in the activity of "telling the history of the party in fairy tales and striving to be a red scarf explainer" and served as a red scarf explainer. It was this unforgettable experience that made her deeply aware of the great gains brought about by the study and education of party history.

"Today, our homework can be completed in school, and students have more time to participate in social practice." Zhang Hengrui suggested that the city's Young Pioneers start from a kilometer around to visit the red site, through walking, publicity, service, the red trajectory will be woven into a net. At the same time, she hopes that Chengfei High-tech Industrial Park, Jianchuan Museum, and Invalides Museum can become sites of the Red Scarf Academy.

Build a city, I have something to say! The Eighth Youth Congress of Chengdu City Was Held, and the Young Pioneers Brought "Small Proposals"

The Young Pioneers' "Small Proposals"

The Chengdu Universiade, which will be held next year, is also the focus of the Young Pioneers' attention. Niu Quanqi from Paulownia Tree Primary School in Chengdu suggested adding a "red scarf to welcome the universiade gas station" in areas such as universiade venues and tourist attractions. The Young Pioneers participated in volunteer services at the "gas station" to publicize the theme of the "Universiade" to athletes, citizens and tourists, and convey the spirit of the Universiade.

Among the many suggestions, the AI environmental protection teenager brought by Mu Xinyu of Longjiang Road Primary School in Chengdu - "Toot Toot" is full of science and technology. According to Mu Xinyu, after scanning the domestic garbage by using "Beep" on the mobile phone, the garbage category can be accurately identified, thus helping the implementation of garbage classification. "I hope that AI 'Toot Toot' can go into parks, hospitals, and communities, use it to scan and identify, and accurately classify garbage."

Red Star News reporter Deng Wenbo

Edited by Guan Li

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Build a city, I have something to say! The Eighth Youth Congress of Chengdu City Was Held, and the Young Pioneers Brought "Small Proposals"