
The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building

author:Rotten Ke Review

"After several days of heavy rain, the corridors are very slippery and dangerous to walk." "Many elderly people in the community will not use smart phones, and it is best to set up a few coin-operated battery car charging piles." On the afternoon of March 3, the owner of the 1 unit corridor of 5 buildings of Doutan Homestead in Xin'an Street was very lively.

The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building

Doutan Homestead Community is a relocation and resettlement community, after the expropriation of dangerous old houses in the Doutan area in 2017, the familiar "old Doutan" were "scattered". In 2021, Doutan Homestead was completed and delivered, and everyone moved back to "New Doutan". In order to further promote residents' exchanges and enhance neighborhood feelings, the party committees of Xin'an Street and Doutan Community held a "Tan" heart meeting for the owners of 5 buildings and 1 units in the east district of Doutan Homestead, and opened the household owners' assembly into the building.

The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building
The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building

"You also live in this unit?" It's been almost a month since I moved in, and I haven't touched it once! "I haven't met in 5 years, and I remember eating food stalls in the East End together." The 66-year-old "Old Doutan" Master Xu and the old comrade-in-arms Master Cai chatted as soon as they met, and the old neighbors gathered together to reminisce about the past and talk about the family, but everyone was more concerned about the "Tan" heart meeting. From the management of people and vehicles in the community to the development of the future community, it has become the "topic" of the "Tan" heart meeting, and more than 20 owners have spoken freely, said their demands, talked about suggestions, and worked together to seek the development of the community. Li Wen, secretary of the Party Committee of Doutan Community, and Liu Heng, head of Minxin Property Company, recorded one by one and patiently answered.

The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building
The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building

"As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and this time the 'tan' heart will deepen the understanding of the 'new' neighbors, and the strange neighbors will become good neighbors." Resident Li Meiying laughed and said she had also found like-minded neighbors who could participate in volunteer activities together in the future.

The corridor is the basic unit of community governance, and the Doutan community also uses the corridor chief as a bridge to promote the "red corridor" service and solve the problem of grass-roots governance with the "red code". "Everyone moved into their new homes one after another, and we also took this opportunity to elect a corridor chief and build a corridor group." Everyone has questions to reflect with the corridor chief, and the neighbors help each other. At Li Wen's suggestion, the residents elected the corridor chief and set up a WeChat group for the corridor.

The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building

"It's the first time so many neighbors have come together, it's so rare." Xinxin Street Sanqu Lantianyuan Community 1 and 2 also held the first household owners' meeting. Since many of the residents of Sanqu Blue Sky Garden are veterans, the same experience makes everyone feel more cordial and the communication is smoother. At the household owners' meeting, everyone is most concerned about the construction and development of the community, "Party members should take the lead in emitting positive energy in the community group, we twist into a rope, gather a force, unite a heart, the future of the community will be better and better." Chen Jialin, a party member of the community, sighed.

The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building
The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building
The city version of the household owners conference opened into the community building

It is reported that since March, Kecheng has summed up the effective experience of the villagers' household owners' meeting, actively held the urban version of the household owners' conference in all streets in the district, opened into the buildings and into the hearts of the residents, and through building an acquaintance society, focused on building a new pattern of urban grassroots governance that residents co-built, co-governed and shared, so that "small things do not leave the building, and major matters do not leave the community", further promote party building to dominate urban governance, and answer the "seven questions" of party building and grass-roots governance proposed in the township street governance competition with practical actions.