
Sweet potato planting field management! Take it straight to your homework and let you grow big, sweet sweet potatoes

author:The world's agricultural books

There are three main parts to the field management of sweet potatoes: water and fertilizer management, weeding control and pest control. Today Xiaobian will give you a good nagging.

Sweet potato planting field management! Take it straight to your homework and let you grow big, sweet sweet potatoes

1. Water and fertilizer management

In the early stages of planting spring sweet potatoes, it generally does not require special watering, and it is also necessary to do a good job of drainage, unless it is particularly dry, it needs to be watered every 15 days. Fertilization is also not required at this time, because the nutrients applied to the bottom fertilizer when preparing the land before planting are sufficient to support the growth of sweet potatoes. To the middle and late stages of sweet potato growth, begin to produce potatoes, potato blocks are also gradually expanding, this time can be applied once fertilizer, you can use 500 kg of manure per mu, 10 kg of compound fertilizer, and 1 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed stirring, and then watered from the roots. After July, if you see that the soil surface is a little dry, you can also water it in moderation, about once every ten days.

Sweet potato planting field management! Take it straight to your homework and let you grow big, sweet sweet potatoes

2. Weeding and controlling prosperity

To the middle of the growth of sweet potatoes, in July and August, due to the weather, frequent precipitation, heavy precipitation, sweet potato vines may appear to be thriving, this time it is necessary to take measures to control prosperity. You can first physically control the prosperity, pick the tip or turn the vine, the tip is to remove the tip of the potato vine front is relatively tender, the length is about 5 cm, the tip can play a role in controlling the prosperity, the vine can pull off the ground growth of the miscellaneous roots, to avoid the potato vine outside the formation of some small potatoes to rob the nutrients of the underground potato block. It is also possible to spray a controlled vapour to control wang, you can choose enoxazole or paclobutrazol, per acre with 15% paclobutrazol 50-100 g or 55 enumazole 20-40 g. When spraying the control agent, it is recommended to add some foliar fertilizers, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which can not only control the prosperity, but also supplement nutrients, promote the expansion of potato blocks, and improve the yield of potato blocks.

Sweet potato planting field management! Take it straight to your homework and let you grow big, sweet sweet potatoes

3. Prevention of pests and diseases

Sweet potatoes have a relatively strong ability to resist pests and diseases, but it does not mean that there will be no diseases and insect pests, and once the diseases and insect pests are found, they will cause huge losses to the yield, so we mainly focus on prevention. Disease prevention can be applied 50% carbendazim or octyl thiophos per acre, and pest control can use 80% dichlorvos dehydration spray, sprayed every 7 days, even 2 sprays can be done.

The above 3 points, is the whole planting and growth stage of sweet potatoes need to pay attention to, this set of processes is suitable for most varieties in most regions, do these points, sweet potato yield and quality will have a guarantee, go and try it!

Editor: Liu Aochu

Proofreader: Li Yunfei

Second instance: Zhang Fuxu