
Ukraine is being deceived again? German media revealed that one-third of the missiles given to them by the government were scrapped

author:Military Observation
Ukraine is being deceived again? German media revealed that one-third of the missiles given to them by the government were scrapped

According to Ukrainian media reports, as early as the beginning of this year, the Ukrainian government called on the Western world to "provide Ukraine with help within its capabilities", which is very critical in the context of tension in Eastern Europe. The European Union, along with Britain and the United States, sent weapons, ammunition, missiles, and military trainers to Ukraine, but Germany sent only a few thousand steel helmets and a field hospital, a move that made Zelensky very unhappy. Zelenskiy's expectations of Europe's "number one power" were very high, and the Ukrainian government called out to Germany and asked them to "send weapons", but then the matter was not followed.

Ukraine is being deceived again? German media revealed that one-third of the missiles given to them by the government were scrapped

It wasn't until the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine last month that the West began a second wave of "big gifts" to Ukraine, this time Germany was going to send lethal weapons anyway. Finally, Prime Minister Scholz announced the supply of 1,000 anti-tank missiles and 500 Stinger man-portable air defense missiles to Ukraine, which could help Ukraine carry out "maximum defense" on the mainland. But the gift is still too little for Ukrainians, who complain on social media that Germany is unwilling to live up to its democratic responsibilities and fail to provide Ukraine with "really helpful" gear. Some have pointed the finger at German-Russian diplomatic relations, arguing that Scholz did not want to offend Russia and influence their trade, so he was intent on favoring worthless aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine is being deceived again? German media revealed that one-third of the missiles given to them by the government were scrapped

Yesterday, a message from the German "Der Spiegel" made the anger of the Ukrainian people reach the extreme, and they learned through relevant channels that the missiles donated to Ukraine by the German government were some "antique weapons", most of which were things that had not been used for more than 30 years and were planned to be destroyed, and some of the thrusters had cracks on them, and gunpowder was also dampened into "stink bombs". The use of these unsafe weapons will not only affect combat efficiency, but also accidentally injure themselves, bringing great military risks. The German media also claimed that the boxes in which these weapons were stored were decayed and moldy, and even soldiers had to wear protective clothing when they went in to carry equipment, and at least one-third of the ammunition could not be used, which was summed up in one sentence as "very embarrassing for the German government."

Ukraine is being deceived again? German media revealed that one-third of the missiles given to them by the government were scrapped

There is no definitive evidence that the German government deliberately gave this batch of "backstabbing" Ukraine, but at least they did not seriously give Ukrainian aid. Last week, at the urging of Britain and the United States, Germany sent a second batch of equipment to Ukraine, this time 2700 Soviet-made "needle" man-portable air defense missiles, which were also manufactured in the East German period, and the combat efficiency was equally inefficient. In addition, the German government issued a policy that allowed the Netherlands and Estonia to manufacture German equipment and then export it to Ukraine, which was also "zero cost".

Ukraine is being deceived again? German media revealed that one-third of the missiles given to them by the government were scrapped

Similar behavior naturally caused the dissatisfaction of many Ukrainians, who believed that Germany had repeatedly "humiliated" Ukraine, sent expired equipment and weapons to wait for Ukraine's "chronic death", they should be tried by Western countries, and Zelenskiy also denounced NATO's statement refusing to establish a no-fly zone as "extremely weak", to be precise, the Ukrainian government has no hope of getting effective aid, now as long as they "support". The news of joining the European Union was also in the sea, with EU leaders saying that the matter "takes time", exactly the same attitude as a few years ago.

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