
Here's your chance! This operation may save hundreds of thousands to millions of mortgages

author:Rice basket investment
Here's your chance! This operation may save hundreds of thousands to millions of mortgages
Here's your chance! This operation may save hundreds of thousands to millions of mortgages

Under the policy of stabilizing the property market and stabilizing the economy, the property market credit is being relaxed and the amplitude is getting larger and larger, and one of the manifestations is the decline in mortgage interest rates... This is absolutely good for the new house slaves, so how can the old house slaves who are repaying the loan enjoy this dividend?


The property market is constantly positive, the policy bottom has arrived, and the market bottom may be emerging.

Of course, today we are not analyzing the property market and teaching everyone how to buy a house at the bottom, after all, this is a point of view and prejudgment... Whether the property market is really the bottom and whether buying a house can make money in the end can only be known after the fact, and what is said in advance is a guess.

We want to talk about the fact, the definite income, the real money that can be really obtained in the hand, that is, how to make money by saving money.

People who have a little understanding of the property market can feel that the property market credit is easing... Approvals have been loosened, lending has been faster, and even the city down payment has dropped to 20%, and the mortgage interest rate, which is directly related to the pressure of everyone's monthly payment, has also been solidly reduced.

Here's your chance! This operation may save hundreds of thousands to millions of mortgages

In recent years, the trend of national mortgage interest rates

Shenzhen has seen a low interest rate of 4.9% for the first home, while the interest rate of second-hand mortgages in other first- and second-tier cities has also dropped to about 5%. Remember that mortgage rates rose 30% to 6.37% at their highest point in 2018/2019.

What concept?

Relative to the highest point, now some cities mortgage interest rates have dropped by 1.5%, if the loan of 1 million, the annual interest can save about 15,000, thirty years down is 450,000. What if the loan is 3 million? That would save 45,000 a year, or more than 1 million in thirty years.

What if the loan is 5 million? That saves more interest. You know, there is a possibility of further decline in interest... If you can return to the previous 10% or even 20% discount interest rate level, won't you save more?

But a problem also came with it.

The benefits of the mortgage interest rate cut here are mainly aimed at the new house slaves who have just bought a house, and the old house slaves who have been on the car before and are paying back the monthly payment, how can they enjoy the dividends of this mortgage interest rate reduction?

Presumably many people have guessed it too... To transfer a mortgage, replace the old mortgage loan with a new mortgage loan, but in reality, it is far from as simple as imagined and requires some skills.

Don't worry, please read on. As long as you understand its operating principles and precautions, you can help the operation succeed and get the definite benefits.


Over the past decade, there have been two rounds of high-interest mortgages replaced with low-interest loans. One is 2016 and the other is 2020.

The former replaces the mortgage that rose by the highest 30% around 2013, replacing the old mortgage before the new mortgage; the latter replacing the mortgage that rose by the highest 30% around 2018, using the low-interest operating loan to replace the old mortgage before the replacement.

These two rounds of high-interest mortgage replacement opportunities, as long as the window period is grasped, the interest savings are as little as hundreds of thousands, and more can reach millions, which is a certain income.

A new round of mortgage replacement window is brewing and is coming.

The premise of loan replacement is that there must be low-interest loan products.

The real estate destocking action that began at the end of 2015 showed a minimum mortgage interest rate of 20% in 2016, and if the previous mortgage interest rate rose by 30%, there was a floating difference of 50%. Under the impact of the epidemic in 2020, there were about 4% of low-interest operating loans for real enterprises, compared with the previous highest mortgage mortgage loans of 6.37%, and the interest difference was nearly 2 percentage points.

Is it enough as long as the interest rate is low? Of course not.

In addition to low interest rates, consider the length of the loan. If the annual interest rate of a loan is only 3.6% (common in 2020, it still exists today), but the loan duration is only 1 year, should we choose it? Do not select.

Because you are replacing the mortgage, and you can't pay off the mortgage in the short term, otherwise you will buy a house in full.

If the duration of the new loan is too short, you have to often reverse the loan - use the new loan to replace the loan that is due, and a new loan generally needs to be mortgaged again. You'll need to borrow the advance, which will increase the cost of refinancing. At the same time, when the loan is newly approved, the loan interest rate may rise, or your credit information may change and the approval cannot be approved... It's all risk.

Fortunately, in 2020, low-interest operating loans have emerged with 20-year loans with equal principal and interest, and 5-year loans with monthly interest repayment due to repayment... This has the conditions for displacement.

Although there have been two rounds of loan replacements, they operate on different principles.

The mortgage replacement in 2016 is the replacement of the old mortgage with the old mortgage, and the key to it is that the property must have a sale and purchase transaction... It is equivalent to a new buyer (the new buyer is usually a family) making a new mortgage, and the interest on the new mortgage is 20% off, so the interest is saved. The replacement of mortgages in 2020 is to replace old mortgages with operating loans, and the key to it is to have operating entities... Apply for a long-term, low-interest business loan for the purpose of operating the company, and the new loan is an operating loan, and its interest rate is about 4%.

So how exactly does it work?


In the era of lax regulation in 2016, the couple divorced and separated the house into one party's name, after which the ex-wife and ex-husband bought and sold the house to each other, and the buyer made a new, low-interest mortgage, thus realizing the mortgage replacement.

To whom is the property dissoluted? Of course, it is the party with poor qualifications, and the other party is more likely to approve new loans because of its good qualifications. Of course, this kind of operation is difficult to do at present due to stricter supervision.

But there are other ways. For example, a daughter-in-law buys a mother-in-law's house and makes a new mortgage in the name of her daughter-in-law, or a son-in-law buys her father-in-law's house and makes a new mortgage in the name of her son-in-law, which is a normal house sale and purchase transaction, and there is almost no problem.

Is it okay for the mother-in-law to buy the daughter-in-law's house and the father-in-law to buy the son-in-law's house? The transaction is possible, but the purpose of loan replacement cannot be achieved, because the loan has an age limit, and if the borrower is older, the length of the loan is short (generally not more than 65 years old, if the loan is 55 years old, it may be up to 10 years old).

For those small and medium-sized business owners who have operating entities and are repaying mortgages, low-interest operating loans are targeted dividends for this group, and replacing high-interest mortgages will also receive this red envelope by the way.

For those who do not actually operate and have achieved loan replacement through packaging, this is a problem of bank process compliance and supervision, and the difficulty of such packaging is increasing as regulation becomes stricter.

In fact, through loan replacement, not only directly reduce the interest rate of the loan, but also reduce the pressure of monthly repayment, while also preparing a low-interest reserve fund... And there will be a lot of arbitrage opportunities during this period, because it is not the focus of this article, it will not be described in detail here.

Now or soon after... Roughly between March and September, there will be lower mortgage interest rates, and there will be another round of high-interest mortgage replacement periods. If you add that there are low-interest operating loans now, there is an excellent loan replacement window.

If you are a small and medium-sized micro and medium-sized business owner, you can consider replacing a high-interest mortgage with a low-interest operating loan, and if you do not have an operating entity, you can consider replacing the old mortgage with a new mortgage.

The sure money is there, you pick it up or not, it's all there, it's just a window period.

What should someone who wants to replace it do? Plan ahead.

First of all, according to your own situation, decide which replacement method to use, and then consciously prepare in advance (credit improvement / flow planning, etc.), and then understand the loan information... Although the general direction of interest rate decline is the same, the loan products and qualification requirements of each city are still different, so it is necessary to understand the credit products where the property is located, the credit products with low interest rates and long time.

The words have come to this, and it is your business not to act.