
The warmth of the family

author:Passionate desert 2887

Author: Wang Hongliang

Our family...

To be fair, the population of our family is really quite a lot, if you count the three people in my sister's family, there are sixteen people. Sixteen people, what a concept! Our family should be considered a big family.

My parents are alive and well. His father retired in a state-owned enterprise unit, and his mother worked as a farmer for more than seventy years, with state subsidies.

His son is married, and both daughter and son are there.

My brother worked in a state-owned enterprise and did not retire. My sister-in-law is in the small business.

The nephew works in a logistics company, pays a pension every month, and in the future, he will be able to retire, which is what we all want to see.

The niece and nephew have learned, taught, and now, opened an online shopping store, just started, in the learning stage, as for the income, can not be the same day, should be another matter.

The niece studied at the key junior high school in the local county, and her academic performance was quite OK.

My brother's granddaughter, who is in kindergarten, painting and hand-making, is decent and creative, and is always praised and praised by a large family, which is her forte.

My brother's grandson, less than three years old, this guy, well-spoken, although some words are slurred, always expresses the meaning it deserves. All of us said, "This guy, who doesn't believe in balls, can do things, he's very shrewd."

My sister has a family of three, my brother-in-law works at a private driving school, my sister works in a state-owned enterprise, and my niece goes all out to get a master's degree.

The situation in our family also has characteristics: I eat in state-owned enterprises, and my salary is not high, so I can talk about it. The wife is retired and receives a fixed retirement salary every month. The daughter teaches in a private school and earns a decent income, while the son is in primary school and has a superior grade.

In our family, whenever my parents had a birthday, my father would go to the hotel to book a room for twenty people, and we would eat together to celebrate. As for the money for the meal, we didn't think too much about it, my brother paid a lot of money, I also paid money several times, my sister also paid money, in recent years, almost all the father has paid money. My parents said, "We're old, what's the use of asking for money?" Why not invite the family to a meal! ”

Later, I, my brother, and my sister always bought some clothes for my parents, or gave money or something, as compensation that should be made, and showed a little filial piety.

We feel that only by giving our parents something genuine can we be at ease.

In this respect, I know that I am lacking. My abilities are limited and my salary is low enough to compare with them. My parents, brothers, and sisters all understood my difficulties and tried not to let me pay for my parents' birthday meals. To tell the truth, they are thinking and thinking about me, and they know this and I know it better.

I have to thank all my family.

The warmth of the family

Mutual understanding and mutual accommodation

My father worked as a middle-level cadre in a state-owned enterprise, was disciplined and restrained for many years, had a high level of leadership and art, and was of high quality.

Under his leadership, all the people in our family have hardly done anything too much.

Respecting the elderly and loving the young is the tradition of our family, and it can be said that this has been the case for generations.

This is home style, this is our home style! Thematic content that must be inherited and carried forward needs to be carried forward.

My parents, really did a great job.

Nowadays, our family has also planted nearly two acres of crops, usually, planting some wheat, corn, sesame, soybeans, rapeseed, sweet potatoes and so on. In these areas, parents pay more and we pay less. This mainly stems from the fact that we all have jobs and have no time to take care of the crops, but when we are busy harvesting and planting, we will all go back to our hometowns and do farm work, and our parents said: "While we can still do it now, these crops are still planted, and the grain we fight ourselves is better than buying, and when we can't move in the future, we will not do it, and the crops will not be planted, and you will each buy grain or something, and take care of your food and drink."

In our family, among all the members, there has never been a quarrel, a red face, and a lot of trouble.

The occurrence of such a result has a lot to do with the wise leadership of our parents, and in addition, it has a lot to do with the high quality of our family.

I am glad that we have come together as a large family, which is a family affection and a fate.

The warmth of the family

The responsibility of parents

My father and mother, both in their seventies, usually went to the hospital for hospitalization.

At this time, we all insisted that we took turns to accompany and take care of our parents in the hospital, but every time we made such a request, we would be opposed and rejected by our parents, who said: "Now the disease is not a big problem, there is no need for you people, stay here to take care of us, there are parents, you can do it." When you need to take turns in the future, I will naturally tell you. Now, you all go back and do your part. When you need to come to the hospital, we will naturally inform you. ”

I know that in these aspects, we who are children are not in place, there are deficiencies, and in the future, we must compensate for the deficiencies.

Despite this, we still have a sharp mind, at different time periods, in batches, to go to the hospital to accompany our parents who are sick.

Over the years, my father would take out some money and buy us some household appliances such as microwave ovens, air conditioners, and televisions. The father said: "While we are all still alive, try to buy as many things as possible for our children and leave some thoughts, we are old, there is no use in asking for this money, and when we are gone in the future, you will at least see things and think of people, and recite our good deeds."

The father also said, "A person is going to die after all, no matter who it is, it is like this." Everyone can not escape this fate, rather than the death of their parents, the children share the money, it is better to take advantage of the old man's life, to buy some practical things for the children, at least, can fall personal affection. ”

We are deeply aware that my parents are doing many practical things for us with practical actions and practical actions.

In fact, my father's words moved us, and occasionally, we shed emotional tears.

The warmth of the family

Quality is everything

In recent years, parents have always heard something about someone else's family, something that is not harmonious.

One morning last year, a middle-aged woman from the village came to our house and poured bitter water on my parents: "We can't say that our family's housework is disrespectful to the elderly, selfish, children and grandchildren do not understand things, do not respect the old and love the young, and the relationship between our family is not harmonious and does not become a system." You say: One daughter-in-law is a granddaughter-in-law, two daughters-in-law are granddaughter-in-law, three daughters-in-law are still granddaughter-in-law, how come all the granddaughters-in-law in the world have run to their homes? Should in-laws consider their own problems? Many of our things, among them, there are problems with our sons and daughters-in-law, grandchildren, and if you are an elder, your in-laws and in-laws have no problems at all! My mother, listening to the middle-aged woman's words, sighed, and then bitterly advised her to do more things that are beneficial to family unity, not to say things that affect family harmony, to start with herself, and to do a good job in family unity. In fact, there is nothing wrong with my mother's words, I think it is completely correct, there is a deep truth, but we really don't know whether the middle-aged woman understands it thoroughly.

My father listened to the words, did not speak, and then, putting on his reading glasses, picked up the pen on the table and wrote the word "quality" on a blank piece of paper. The middle-aged woman glanced at my father's writings and seemed to have realized something, so she hurriedly got up and left in a fit of rage.

In recent years, our circle of friends has always broken out that children take turns raising the elderly, noisy and noisy, and even make a big fuss.

Many times, fathers will throw bricks and stones to say that these elders are disrespectful for the elderly, their children are not filial piety, and the family is not harmonious, and comment on them with a little sadness: "Will such things happen in our family!?" My mother said, "No, the people in our family are very high-quality, and in real life, quality often determines everything."

The warmth of the family

About filial piety

In fact, regarding the essence of quality, it is impossible to learn simply by learning, and it is completely dependent on enlightenment. People with high understanding will naturally have high quality.

Nowadays, some people, who have studied in high-level universities in China, wear high-end, atmospheric, high-grade, and those who speak are also literate and crepe, and completely consider themselves as cultural people. Some people have a lot of money on hand, and they don't pay attention to ordinary people and the toiling masses at all, however, the quality of these people is not necessarily high, and many of them, treating their elders, may not be really filial piety, just make some superficial articles.

There are also some people, when they are at a family or friend gathering, when they are drunk, and say, "People who are not filial to their parents are not people, they are beasts, and we don't play with them at all." In fact, most of these people are unfilial people. In real life, filial piety or filial piety is not said by oneself, but should be said by others. It should be accurately said that it is the parents who evaluate, every parent has a scale in their hearts, like a mirror, you have done some practical things, your parents will naturally say that you are filial piety, so that you are really filial piety, you yourself say that you are filial piety, all do not count, in my opinion, you are just talking, just staying in words, will not be put into practical action, say such a thing, what is the meaning!

In fact, the harmony of the family is very important for the leader, and here it is said that the oldest elder in the family. These elders often determine the composition of the family style, the quality of the family style, and the inheritance of the family style.

This is an indisputable fact.

Whether children are filial piety or not is directly related to the elders, and the words and deeds of the elders often have a profound impact and reference on the children.

If the elders are filial, the children are filial, and if the elders are of high quality, the quality of the children is high.

If the children of any family are not filial, the elders are directly and mainly responsible, at the very least, responsible for the lack of education of their children.

I think that in people-to-people interactions, in the relationship between family members, quality is really important, but also very important. People with high quality will inevitably be harmonious in their families. People with low quality want to make their families harmonious, it is simply a fantasy, a fool's dream, it is simply impossible.

There are many examples of this!


The work was completed on March 6, 2022

The warmth of the family