
Worried about becoming the next Ukraine? Poland bought 250 tanks, and the United States became the winner of the Russo-Ukrainian War

author:First military intelligence

#波兰购买M1A2是为了讨好美帝 #

As Russian forces resume military operations in Ukraine, European countries bordering Russia and Ukraine are generally uneasy. Increasing military spending and purchasing large quantities of weapons have become the "top priority" of European countries. According to the latest report of the Global Network, the US Congress has just approved Poland's application to the United States for the purchase of 250 M1A2SEPV3 latest main battle tanks, which will be Poland's largest military purchase in the past 5 years. Military experts pointed out that the reason why Poland "invested in blood" to purchase expensive US-made tanks was mainly because it was worried about becoming the "next Ukraine", so it would step up its armaments to prepare for war against Russia, and from another point of view, the United States once again took advantage of the situation of tense conflicts to make war gains, and in fact has become the biggest winner of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Worried about becoming the next Ukraine? Poland bought 250 tanks, and the United States became the winner of the Russo-Ukrainian War

It is understood that the arms deal will include 250 M1A2SEPV3 main battle tanks and other related weapons and equipment, and the total purchase price of its orders is as high as $6 billion. Prior to this, Poland also purchased a large number of F-16 fighter jets from the United States, renewing its air defenses left over from the Soviet era.

In the 30 years after the Cold War, the main battle equipment of the Polish defense force gradually broke away from the influence of the former Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact system, and the equipment system was gradually changed from "Soviet- to "European-style", and now it is gradually changing from "European-style" to "American-style", which highlights the actual situation of Polish defense policy in an all-round way to the United States.

Worried about becoming the next Ukraine? Poland bought 250 tanks, and the United States became the winner of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Before purchasing the M1 series main battle tanks produced by the United States, the Polish army has been using the independently developed PT-91/16 tank and the Leopard 2A4 and Leopard 2A5 main battle tanks produced by Germany (including its upgraded Leopard 2PL), and it is reasonable to say that the equipment level of its armored forces is not low, far superior to all Central and Eastern European countries and new NATO countries.

Worried about becoming the next Ukraine? Poland bought 250 tanks, and the United States became the winner of the Russo-Ukrainian War

In July 2021, the Polish Defense Minister could not contain the excitement and excitement after suddenly confirming at a delivery ceremony of the Polish Army's 1st Armored Brigade that the country was preparing to purchase the U.S. M1A2SEPV3 main battle tank. In this public speech, he said that a batch of new modern main battle tanks imported from Poland, enough to be used against the Russian T-14 tank, as the latest model in the M1 series, is the most advanced ground assault force on the planet.

Analysts pointed out that as a country with the former Soviet Union and Russia for a long time full of enmity and resentment, Poland has always been extremely wary of Russia, because the Russian Kaliningrad enclave directly borders the northern region of Poland, the change in ground power between the two sides has always provoked Poland's sensitive nerves, as the forefront of NATO, Russia, Belarus, the whole territory of Poland is vulnerable to tank blitzkrieg attacks.

Worried about becoming the next Ukraine? Poland bought 250 tanks, and the United States became the winner of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Because the terrain of the Bode Plain created good geographical conditions for tank rapid assault operations, most of Poland was almost undefendable, and the Russians could quickly blitz Warsaw in a few days if they set out from Belarus and Kaliningrad. Due to the real defense pressure, Poland has always been very careful about developing its own armored forces. With the purchase of American tanks, Poland will become the only country in the world equipped with two of the west's top main battle tanks.

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