
13 years of bribery of 400 million yuan! Xue Jining, former director of the Inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau, voluntarily pleaded guilty and accepted punishment

author:National Business Daily

Per reporter: Zhang Zhuoqing Per editor: Yi Qijiang

Recently, the case of Xue Jining, former director of the Inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau, who was suspected of accepting bribes, made new progress, and the Hohhot Municipal People's Procuratorate prosecuted him, accusing him of taking advantage of his position between 2002 and 2015 to seek benefits for others in administrative licensing, on-site inspection, off-site supervision, handling loans, business contracting, establishing and investing in village and town banks, and receiving a total of 37 units and individuals equivalent to 400 million yuan.

Xue Jining had no objection to the facts of the crime alleged by the public prosecution organs and voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment. The case is currently under further consideration.

<h2>It has indulged baoshang bank's brutal expansion and illegal operation, resulting in serious credit risks</h2>

According to public information, Xue Jining was born in 1955, studied and worked in the Finance Department of the Central Institute of Finance and Finance, and from August 1985, Xue Jining entered the financial system and successively served as the deputy director of the third division of the audit department of the Chinese Min Bank, the vice president of the Jiangsu Zhenjiang Branch (suspended post), the director of the non-bank financial institution division of the Audit Bureau, and the director of the second office of the case inspection office of the Central Financial Discipline Work Committee.

From 2007 to 2014, Xue Jining served as the former Party Secretary and Director of the Inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau, and then he also served as an inspector of the Inspection Office of the Party Committee of the former China Banking Regulatory Commission until his retirement in 2015.

Judging from the trial records, Xue Jining's suspected bribery and other criminal acts mainly concentrated during his 13 years as director of the Second Case Inspection Office of the Central Financial Discipline Work Commission, deputy director of the Supervision Bureau of the former China Banking Regulatory Commission, secretary and director of the party committee of the inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau, and inspector of the inspection office of the former party committee of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.

On January 25 this year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission released the details of Xue Jining's party membership, revealing the details of his serious violations of discipline and violations, and he connived at baoshang bank's barbaric expansion and illegal operation, boosting Baoshang bank's serious credit risks and causing bad impact.

Contrary to the original intention of the central government to set up village and township banks, the approval of the law is violated, resulting in the development of local village and town banks deviating from the policy positioning and serious risks.

Ignoring the political responsibility of managing the party and governing the party, taking the lead in violating the law and discipline, it caused serious damage to the political ecology of the former Inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau system.

Violating the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government and honest discipline, entering and leaving high-end clubs in violation of regulations, accepting valuable gifts in violation of regulations, taking part-time remuneration in violation of regulations, engaging in profit-making activities in violation of regulations, and using the convenience of his position to help his son seek profits.

Violating organizational discipline, interfering in the personnel arrangements of the supervised authority; failing to report personal matters in accordance with regulations. Violation of work discipline, violation of interference in the credit business of the regulated agency, etc.

<h2>Three "supervised ghosts" were expelled from the party on the same day</h2>

In fact, since Baoshang Bank was taken over, it has torn open the "mouth" of the local regulatory department's long-term dereliction of duty, and many officials of the Inner Mongolia Banking and Insurance Regulatory System have "fallen from power", in addition to Xue Jining, officials in the system such as Jia Qizhen have also been investigated.

On the same day that Xue Jining was announced to be expelled from the party, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission published a notice: Song Jianji, former deputy secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the Inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau, was expelled from the party; Chen Zhitao, former member of the party committee and deputy director of the Inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau, was expelled from the party.

The reporter noted that the bribery cases of Song Jianji, Chen Zhitao, and Jia Qizhen, former member of the Party Committee of the Inner Mongolia Banking Regulatory Bureau, have all been tried, and they all have voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment.

Song Jianji and Chen Zhitao were tried in open court at the Hohhot Intermediate People's Court, where the former was charged with accepting bribes of 229 million yuan and the latter of accepting bribes of 21.38 million yuan, of which 16.9 million yuan was an attempt. Jia Qizhen's alleged bribery case was tried at the end of December last year, and he was accused of soliciting or illegally accepting property from others equivalent to more than 50 million yuan.

Daily economic news

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