
The 15th Xiangtai Economic, Trade, Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Conference was opened


Changsha, 22 Oct (Xinhua) -- The 15th Xiangtai Economic, Trade, and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Conference and the First Yuelu Mountain Forum on Cross-Strait Industrial Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "One Meeting, One Forum") opened in Changsha, Hunan Province, on 21 October. After preliminary negotiations and consultations, a total of 35 projects were included in the signing results of the conference, with a total investment of 9.15 billion yuan.

With the theme of "Deepening Cooperation and Integrating Development", this year's "One Session, One Forum" was jointly sponsored by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the People's Government of Hunan Province. According to reports, during the event, industrial matchmaking meetings will be held in Xiangtan City, Yueyang City, and Chenzhou City, and in addition, special activities will be arranged for The Xiangxing of Taiwan Youth Culture and Science and Technology Lake.

The 15th Xiangtai Economic, Trade, Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Conference was opened

The picture shows the signing site of the 15th Xiangtai Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange cooperation conference. (Photo courtesy of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee)

Long Mingbiao, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said in his speech at the opening ceremony that Xiangtai has a deep historical origin, extensive exchanges and exchanges, and a solid foundation for cooperation, and believes that the holding of various activities will effectively promote exchanges, cooperation, and integrated development between Hunan and Taiwan. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council will, as always, vigorously support Hunan's work toward Taiwan, and hope that Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan enterprises will pay more attention to Hunan, visit Hunan, invest in Hunan, and explore business opportunities and take root in the land of Sanxiang.

Long Mingbiao said that we adhere to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems," adhere to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus," and firmly promote the peaceful development and integrated development of cross-strait relations. It is hoped that the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots will stand on the correct side of history, join hands with mainland compatriots in one heart and one mind, safeguard peaceful development, oppose "Taiwan independence" and separatism, conform to the general trend of history, and jointly shoulder the great national righteousness.

It has been learned that in recent years, Hunan has actively promoted the entry of Taiwan enterprises into Hunan province, and has newly completed and introduced a number of major Taiwan-oriented projects. As of August this year, Hunan has approved a total of 2,925 Taiwan-funded projects, with a total of 11.144 billion US dollars of Taiwanese investment in place, and Taiwan ranks second largest source of investment outside Hunan Province.

At the first Yuelu Mountain Forum on Cross-Strait Industrial Cooperation held by Innovation, the Proposal for the Yuelu Mountain Forum on Cross-Strait Industrial Cooperation was officially released. At the forum, experts, scholars, industry personalities, and representatives of Taiwan businessmen on both sides of the Taiwan Strait exchanged experiences on promoting cross-strait industrial cooperation, deepening cross-strait integration and development, implementing policies and measures to benefit taiwan and the people, and giving full play to the advantages of cross-strait industrial cooperation zones.

Since its inception in 2005, the "Xiangtai Association" has become an important platform for economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between Xiangtai and Taiwan.