
Nicotine does not cause cancer at all? Old smokers have one more reason to smoke? The pharmacist tells you the truth

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

"People in their 60s, if you can quit this cigarette, quit it!" Save yourself from getting sick and regretting it! ”

"You see, doctors have let smoking quit, saying that smoking will cause cancer, but people have said that nicotine does not cause cancer at all, and there is special research!" You don't have to say anything now! A cigarette after a meal, racing through the living gods, this sentence is not wrong at all! ”

Uncle Wang, 62, holds a cigarette in his mouth, pulls the article on his mobile phone, chats with his friends, and advises him to quit smoking. Sure enough, Wang Shuzhen turned to an article saying that "BBC documentaries reveal the truth: nicotine actually does not cause cancer!" He immediately showed it to his friend triumphantly, feeling that smoking had become a thing worth showing off.

Nicotine does not cause cancer at all? Old smokers have one more reason to smoke? The pharmacist tells you the truth

Is smoking really not carcinogenic?

Wang Yaoshi has come to refute the rumors again!

It may be true that nicotine does not cause cancer, but smoking does not cause cancer is definitely a rumor!

1. Evidence that nicotine is not carcinogenic

Nicotine, commonly known as nicotine, we all know that it is one of the main harmful components in tobacco, but we do not know that Baidu Encyclopedia gives the definition that this is an alkaloid present in solanaceous plants (Solanum solanum), which is also an important component of tobacco, or a representative of N-choline receptor agonists.

In other words, nicotine is both a medicinal ingredient and a food ingredient. Studies have found that many common solanaceous plants in life actually contain nicotine, such as eggplant, potatoes, green peppers, peppers, tomatoes, goji berries, etc., of which the content of nicotine in potato skins is the highest, up to 14.80mg/kg. However, this dose is not enough to cause harm to the human body. From this point of view, the possibility of nicotine causing cancer is also very small. Long before, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studies also clearly showed that nicotine contained in tobacco was not directly associated with cancer.

Nicotine does not cause cancer at all? Old smokers have one more reason to smoke? The pharmacist tells you the truth

2. Evidence that smoking causes cancer

Nicotine itself does not cause cancer, does that mean that smoking does not cause cancer? Of course not!

It is an undeniable fact that smoking causes cancer. The "China Smoking Hazards Health Report 2020" clearly pointed out that tobacco smoke contains at least 69 carcinogens, which is enough to determine that smoking is definitely the culprit of cancer, including the well-known tar, nitrosamines, benzopyrene, carbon monoxide and so on.

In addition, relevant research data show that smoking will greatly increase the risk of lung cancer, if smoking for many years, will make the probability of lung cancer before the age of 75 increase from 0.3% to 16%, smoke more than 5 cigarettes a day, the probability increases to 25%. Another study showed that 10 cigarettes a day were 12 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. On the mainland, nine of the 10 people who died of lung cancer were old smokers. These data can't be deceived! Moreover, smoking induces not only lung cancer, but also oral cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer and other cancers.

Nicotine does not cause cancer at all? Old smokers have one more reason to smoke? The pharmacist tells you the truth

Not really! It is true that there is no clear evidence of the carcinogenicity of nicotine, but its addictiveness is an accepted fact. From this point alone, it can be concluded that nicotine is also the "culprit" of smoking carcinogenesis.

Studies have confirmed that the more smoking, the longer the smoking time, the higher the risk of lung cancer, smoking index (number of cigarettes smoked per day x smoking age) is greater than 400, can be defined as a high-risk group of lung cancer. The culprit that leads to the long-term large-scale smoking of old smokers is nicotine.

Imagine that if tobacco is not nicotine, it will not be addictive, quit smoking will become very easy, or no one will like smoking at all, after all, the pleasure of smoking is mainly derived from nicotine. Since there is no smoking addiction, there is no long-term large-scale smoking, and it will not give lung cancer an opportunity to occur.

Therefore, even if nicotine itself does not cause cancer, it really cannot get rid of the crime of carcinogenicity.

In any case, it is true that smoking causes cancer, and it is wise to quit smoking early. In the words of one reader: smoking addiction is one thing, carcinogenic is another thing, one hurts money, one hurts the body. Since quitting smoking can save money and make your body healthier, why not quit smoking quickly?

Nicotine does not cause cancer at all? Old smokers have one more reason to smoke? The pharmacist tells you the truth

After quitting smoking, you get sick?

Speaking of this, there may be some people who refute it: I have spent a lot of effort trying to quit smoking, but before quitting smoking, it is good, after quitting smoking, I am sick, I have heard that many people have lung cancer, myocardial infarction and other serious diseases not long after quitting smoking, it seems that this quit smoking is really no good! Anyway, at this age, it is better to smoke, don't think about a show is a play.

Wang Yaoshi said: Old smokers do have a lot of discomfort in the early stage of smoking cessation, which is the withdrawal reaction caused by nicotine dependence, that is, the process of your addiction, such as irritability, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, irritability, etc., these are normal reactions, generally lasting 2-4 weeks can be relieved. If you can survive this stage, then you are not far from successfully quitting smoking. In addition, some people have a significant increase in weight after quitting smoking, which is caused by the inhibition of appetite by nicotine, and the appetite becomes better after quitting smoking, and the weight will also increase.

As for patients who have lung cancer and myocardial infarction after quitting smoking, it is certain that this is not the fault of quitting smoking. The occurrence of these diseases is the result of the long-term action of various factors, and smoking is also one of the main triggers. It's just that it's just so coincidental that the disease happens after quitting smoking, but it has nothing to do with quitting smoking. On the contrary, smoking cessation is good for the prevention of these diseases, the earlier you quit smoking, the sooner you benefit, any time to quit smoking is not late, and it does not say that you can't quit smoking at an old age, and the elderly should quit smoking.