
The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

author:Chaos Record

Death is the end of everyone's life, and the aftermath is the last journey sent to him by his family.

In the traditional Chinese concept, when a loved one dies at home, his posthumous affairs not only include a proper burial, but also requires relatives and friends to give him the last journey, which can be regarded as a beginning and an end.

However, there is such an old man, he is famous, knows countless friends, and chasers, but in the face of death, he shows a different attitude from ordinary people, this person is the Peking Opera master Guan Zhengming.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Kwan Chung-ming

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > aftermath: having me in my heart is the best memorial</h1>

At 5:29 p.m. on July 12, 2009, Mr. Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking Opera performance artist, died at the age of 83 due to ineffective liver cancer rescue.

The old man who dedicated his life to Peking Opera did not leave any more arrangements when he was about to die, but only properly explained his future affairs.

When he was seriously ill, he wrote the article "Aftermath", in which he said:

"When I left, not everything was simple, but everything was exempted, no cemetery, no monument, no spiritual hall, no posthumous image, no obituary... Everything is business as usual at home, don't have a white atmosphere, everyone thinks of me, and having me in their hearts is the best memorial. ”

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Such an artistic master, who has influenced countless people, saw his own affairs so clearly when he was dying.

According to the information circulated on the Internet later, before Mr. Guan Zhengming died, his son Guan Dongtian was still performing, and when he finally rushed to the hospital, he only saw the last side of his father, and the last sentence left by Mr. Guan Zhengming to his son was "You come, I will be relieved."

Of course, there are also reports that when Guan Dongtian arrived at the hospital, Mr. Guan had passed away, and he had not been able to see his father for the last time.

However, in either case, everyone believes that this is what Mr. Guan Lao wants, after all, his life has been dedicated to the art of Peking Opera, and if his son chooses to strike in order to come to see him for the last time, it will disappoint him.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Close Dongtian

Perhaps this is also the reason why Mr. Guan did not have more last words at the time of his death, having a son who is excellent and inherits his own mantle, there is nothing to be satisfied.

Although Mr. Guan Lao's last words made it clear that his family would not be allowed to erect a monument and set up a spiritual hall for him, as a public figure, his relatives decided to prepare a simple farewell party for him to send him on his last journey.

Three days later, the Wuhan Peking Opera House held a simple but solemn memorial service for Mr. Guan Zhengming, and the old artists and their fans who knew him went to mourn, although they knew in their hearts that Mr. Guan did not want to make a big fuss about his posthumous affairs.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

However, whether it's for friends or fans, giving him one last ride is the last thing they can do.

The scene of the memorial service on that day was filled with various stills of Mr. Guan Zhengming from young to old, and people stopped here, looking at the past one by one, as if they had experienced mr. Guan's life.

In the middle of the memorial service, there is an article he left behind, "Aftermath", which is also an explanation of his family's fans who came to mourn, the ancestors have passed away, he does not want to leave vigorously, just want everyone to miss in their hearts.

Although the news of Mr. Guan's death was not widely publicized by his family, for the fans who had always cared about him, this bad news was known to them shortly after the incident.

After learning about Mr. Guan Lao's last wishes, they did not venture to the hospital and the Guan family mansion, but chose to come here one after another after the Wuhan Peking Opera House announced the holding of a memorial service.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

They were holding daisies, dressed in black, their faces solemn, their eyes red, including Peking opera actors who regarded Mr. Guan Lao as a model for the younger generation, and fans who had listened to Guan Laozi's plays for decades, without exception, they came with the same sad mood to send guan Zhengming on the last journey in their hearts.

Because of Mr. Guan Zhengming's special status, there were also media reporters at the memorial service, and the reporter interviewed a number of guests who came to attend the memorial service, including a young man who had been guided by Mr. Guan, who told reporters:

"Mr. Guan is very approachable and amiable, but he must recommend any good Peking Opera newcomer."

It is precisely for this reason that among the people who came to send Mr. Guan Lao, there were many people who only had a few faces with Mr. Guan Lao, and they were grateful for Mr. Guan Lao's artistic virtues and came to see him off one after another.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > "son" Zhou Libo fell to his knees and cried bitterly</h1>

Of course, among the guests who came to mourn, there were many famous people, many of whom were artists of the same period as Guan Lao, who also dragged their elderly bodies to send their friends on their last journey.

In addition, Zhou Libo, a comedian of the Shanghai Sect, also came from Shanghai to attend the memorial service.

Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian are the founders of Haipai Qingkou, and the closeness of their relationship is well known.

At the low point of Zhou Libo's life, it was Guan Dongtian who was responsible for taking care of his life and helping him find career goals together, and the friendship between the two was very deep.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Zhou Libo

It was also during this period that Zhou Libo often went in and out of Guan Dongtian's home, and regarded Mr. Guan Zhengming as his "father" with the same respect.

And Mr. Guan Lao has a kind personality, especially for talented young people is unabashedly devoted to teaching, for his son's friend, he also regarded him as a very beloved junior, so before Mr. Guan Lao's death, Zhou Libo once laughed and called him his "father".

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

When the news of Mr. Guan's serious illness reached Zhou Libo's ears, he was preparing for his own performance, and Zhou Libo, who wanted to rush to the hospital immediately to see his "father", completed the performance in Shanghai under the persuasion of Guan Dongtian before leaving for Wuhan.

However, unfortunately, by the time he arrived in Wuhan, it was too late to see the last side of "Daddy".

At the scene of the memorial service, Zhou Libo looked at the stills of mr. Guan guan in the house, remembered his sincere teaching and love for himself, and was sad and unbearable, and couldn't help but fall to his knees and cry bitterly.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Guan Dongtian pulled several times, but he could not pull it up from the ground, and the people around him saw this scene, and the grief in their hearts was also difficult to suppress, and they turned their heads to wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes.

Zhou Libo, who fell to his knees, recalled Mr. Guan Lao, who regarded himself as a parent, and said that he had known his "father" for more than twenty years, and in his heart, Mr. Guan Lao had always been a great artist, who was not only highly respected, but also of high moral character and loved his juniors.

When he was in Shanghai, Zhou Libo visited the Guan family almost every day, and Mr. Guan not only loved him very much, but also gave him a lot of encouragement when his career was not going well.

In Zhou Libo's heart, the meaning of Mr. Guan to him is not a father, but like a father.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Therefore, not being able to see Mr. Guan Lao's side became his lifelong regret.

After the mood calmed down, Zhou Libo has been with Guan Dongtian, he and Guan Dongtian have a deep friendship, at this time, although Guan Dongtian's mood is still relatively stable, but Zhou Libo, who is familiar with his personality, understands that the grief in Guan Dongtian's heart has not been expressed.

Therefore, when a reporter expressed his condolences to Guan Dongtian and wanted to take this opportunity to conduct an interview, Zhou Libo stepped forward and wanted his eldest brother to send his father on his last journey, rather than being forced to give a speech in front of the public on this day.

Zhou Libo told reporters that Mr. Guan Lao did not seek fame and fortune all his life, and he had a broad mind, and he did not want people to hold a solemn funeral for him, and even did not want to set up a spiritual hall, which showed his dashing and calm posture.

He said that this was the last lesson that "Dad" taught himself, the heart of a child when he came, and he still did when he went.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian</h1>

In fact, before this memorial service, everyone did not know that the friendship between Zhou Libo and Mr. Guan Lao was extraordinary, and after this memorial meeting, people with hearts found that what Zhou Libo said was not false, and that he and the Guan family really had an extraordinary friendship.

As we all know, Zhou Libo had a conflict with his father-in-law, suffered one after another in his career, and once his life and emotions fell to the bottom, and when everyone avoided him, Guan Dongtian always accompanied him.

Guan Dongtian came from a Peking opera family, and was influenced by his father's ears, he also embarked on the same path as his father, and importantly, he was in the same vein as Mr. Guan Lao, and Guan Dongtian also paid great attention to talented people.

At that time, Zhou Libo may have been a genius in his eyes, who encouraged him, comforted him, and reached out to Zhou Libo when his life was once in trouble.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

After the two became close, he also brought Zhou Libo back home, and it was at this time that Zhou Libo became acquainted with Mr. Guan Lao and was deeply taught by him.

In addition, when Zhou Libo had no surplus money, it was also Guan Dongtian who paid for his own business, according to relevant media reports, Guan Dongtian lent Zhou Libo more than two million entrepreneurial funds free of charge, which is not difficult to see that Guan Dongtian at that time did help Zhou Libo a lot.

Therefore, it can be said that Guan Dongtian and his father Guan Zhengming are both nobles of Zhou Libo, which is not difficult to explain why Zhou Libo cried bitterly at the memorial service of Mr. Guan.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

In 2006, with the encouragement of Guan Dongtian, Zhou Libo joined him in pioneering Haipai Qingkou, and then began the peak of his career.

Although Guan Dongtian was also its founder, whether it was fame or money, he received much less than Zhou Libo.

However, as Zhou Libo's reputation grew, the two brothers began to have discord, until later the two parted ways, no longer like before.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

As for why the two are like strangers, the outside world has been talking about it, and some people believe that in the final analysis, it is because of the uneven distribution of benefits, which has led to Guan Dongtian's dissatisfaction, and then chose to part ways with Zhou Libo.

Some people also believe that Guan Dongtian, as a well-known artist, although he is not as virtuous and artistic as his father, his status in the Peking Opera circle is not low, and naturally he will not make friends with friends who have been friends for many years because of the uneven distribution of money.

Later, as Zhou Libo's many violations of law and discipline were exposed, some people speculated that perhaps Guan Dongtian had already understood that the fame and fame brought him to this good brother, in addition to a good life, there was also an impetuous heart, the Tao was different, and there was no conspiracy, so he chose to give up decisively.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the current situation of the duo</h1>

After Guan Dongtian left Zhou Libo, Zhou Libo began to appear frequently in front of the public, and with his own talent and identity as the founder of Haipai Qingkou, he once became the "darling" of various TV variety shows.

At the end of 2008, Zhou Libo created The Haipai Qingkou works "Thirty Years of Laughter and Kan" and "Laughing kan great Shanghai" under the condition of shanghai dialect, which were widely praised once they were launched.

In 2009, he co-founded the TV talk show "One Week Libo Show" with Phoenix TV, and successfully gained thousands of fans with this show.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

In the same year, Zhou Libo was named CNN's Most Influential Person in Asia of the Year, and in May 2010, he won the "Most Loving Donor" award at the 6th China Charity Awards.

In addition, in July 2010, Zhou Libo's Haipai Qingkou Jiangsu-Zhejiang tour, which he had been preparing for several years, was officially launched, and had a huge impact, with a box office appeal of over 100 million; in the same month, he was invited by Oriental Satellite TV to participate in the creation of "China's Got Talent".

In 2012, Zhou Libo joined Zhejiang Satellite TV as a creative director and served as a "Dream Ambassador" for the "China Dream Show", and then served as the host of CCTV's "Dance Out of My Life" with Li Yong.

It can be said that these six years of career career is the peak of his life, everyone has seen his talent and success, he is like a jewel that has been excavated, on various stages for the audience to enjoy.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

However, success brought about in addition to joy and loss, perhaps at first, Zhou Libo also imagined guan Dongtian who abandoned him to prove that every choice he made was correct.

But once he enjoyed the joy of success, he was lost in it and could not extricate himself.

On January 19, 2017, Zhou Libo was arrested on Long Island and was found by local police for guns and cocaine.

As soon as the news came out, his reputation took a sharp turn for the worse, after all, the public figures who violated the law were no longer qualified to appear in front of the public, and the cause that made him proud ushered in a cold winter.

Qian Wenzhong, a famous critic, said that Zhou Libo became popular all over Shanghai overnight, because he did the most appropriate thing at the most suitable time, and Zhou Libo's appearance met the needs of Shanghainese for local culture after the economic station reached a certain height.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

However, what Qian Wenzhong did not know was that the reason why Zhou Libo was able to return to Shanghai to establish Haipai Qingkou was because there was a person behind him who had been advising him and had been moving forward for him, and this person was Guan Dongtian.

However, he had lost his helmsman, and how could he, alone, have been able to sail the ship?

In June 2017, Zhou Libo was charged with a lawyer suspected of defaming a lawyer in a drug and gun case, and then at the strong request of the lawyer concerned, Zhou Libo deleted Weibo to calm the matter.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Then, because of insufficient evidence, Zhou Libo was acquitted of the suspected drug and gun case, but despite this, Zhou Libo, as a public figure, was once caught in the storm of public opinion because of this matter, and his career situation also sank to the bottom of the lake, after which Zhou Libo almost faded out of the public eye.

Until 2019, he was once again concerned by the public because of the online infringement liability dispute case between him and Tang Shuang, and finally after several trials, the court rejected the appeal and upheld the original judgment, that is, Tang Shuang compensated Zhou Libo's wife with 8,000 yuan, and Zhou Libo should apologize to him.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Tang Shuang

It can be said that 2017 is another turning point for Zhou Libo, but today, although he has faded from the public eye, there are still many people who are still paying attention to his news for the founder of Haipai Qingkou, who was once very popular.

The most recent news he posted on social media was a photo of a birthday party at home, zhou Libo, who has been fifty-four years old, is still in a very good mental state, and the public opinion turmoil in recent years has not brought much impact to his life.

At this time, Guan Dongtian has long been far from the center of right and wrong, as early as Zhou Libo broke the "can not go on TV" regulations he originally set, the concept between the two began to run counter to each other, in 2010, the two again because of the concept of disagreement, and finally parted ways.

The funeral of Guan Zhengming, a famous Peking opera artist: no spiritual hall, no cemetery, Zhou Libo kneels down and cries aftermath: I am the best to commemorate the "son" Zhou Libo kneeling and crying Zhou Libo and Guan Dongtian

Guan Dongtian, who left Zhou Libo, devoted all his energy to his Peking Opera performance, and although the two were taught by their father Guan Zhengming together, they still chose different paths.

Guan Dongtian was a romantic, and like his father, he regarded art more than fame and wealth, while Zhou Libo was more like an art businessman, who was better at exchanging his talents for money and fame.

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